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Fake Diplomas a Mouse Click Away in China

The funny thing about India is not only the citizens are lying about their qualifications, but the politicians as well.

And half of parliament have criminal records. What a country. As Fatty said, they have no shame. Zero. None. Nada. Zilch.
A staggering 30% of lawmakers across federal and state legislatures face criminal charges, many for serious crimes such as rape, murder and kidnapping

30% Indian lawmakers have criminal cases against them

About 30 percent lawmakers have declared criminal cases
http://www.sakaaltimes.com/NewsDetails.aspx?NewsId=5660372511413702628&SectionId=4819043979069799734&SectionName=Politics&NewsDate=20130711&NewsTitle=About 30 percent lawmakers have declared criminal cases

Yup but no one sells it online in India ,do you know why..because they will be behind bars....by the way what is the 2 million paid army doing.and about the law makers i would say more than 50% are criminals ,can you say atleast 10% of law makers in china are criminals or corrupt ,lets see how well the 2 million army is working.
LOL. Indian continues to be a joke again.

Come on guy writing something bad about India is not going to help you to conceal the fact that China is fast becoming the golbal hub for fake degrees. Ask your government to control it.
Come on guy writing something bad about India is not going to help you to conceal the fact that China is fast becoming the golbal hub for fake degrees. Ask your government to control it.
Your biggest mistake is posting EpochTime article, which discredit your Indian compatriots accusation. And two, your Indian compatriots are exaggerating and fabricating too much. No amount of lies will change the fact that our people are some of the brightest people in the world as evidence by any international competition, whether it's math, physics, science, we score well above world average. I cannot say the same for your Indian people. So there is better possibility that Indian using fake diploma than in China because your Indian education system is non-existence.
Your biggest mistake is posting EpochTime article, which discredit your Indian compatriots accusation. And two, your Indian compatriots are exaggerating and fabricating too much. No amount of lies will change the fact that our people are some of the brightest people in the world as evidence by any international competition, whether it's math, physics, science, we score well above world average. I cannot say the same for your Indian people. So there is better possibility that Indian using fake diploma than in China because your Indian education system is non-existence.

See this is exactly i am pointing ,if op is fake news, counter that instead of bringing some other country into discussion if you cant stfu.
See this is exactly i am pointing ,if op is fake news, counter that instead of bringing some other country into discussion if you cant stfu.
It is very easy for me to fabricate and lie about India because of your country weaknesses in all aspect of human development but you see, I don't like it. We only post news from respectable and credible sources. Indian is too desperate to use any bad news about China regardless of intention and source.
It is very easy for me to fabricate and lie about India because of your country weaknesses in all aspect of human development but you see, I don't like it. We only post news from respectable and credible sources. Indian is too desperate to use any bad news about China regardless of intention and source.

again your post talking about India and what you can do,if the source is not credible it should be easy for you to counter that with facts i also want the op to be proved wrong...i hope you will be able to prove it wrong so that we can end the discussion on the thread.again pls dont reply if cant counter the OP.
again your post talking about India and what you can do,if the source is not credible it should be easy for you to counter that with facts i also want the op to be proved wrong...i hope you will be able to prove it wrong so that we can end the discussion on the thread.again pls dont reply if cant counter the OP.
The issue here is most will cite a few "minority" cases and like to attribute that into the whole China education system. That's called an exaggeration for the purpose of badmouthing China for political purpose. This kind of game the West had been playing with us for over 50 years. What is worse is that you Indian are so desperate to cite unreliable sources.

May I repeat to you. I do not attempt to hide my country educational weakness. It is a disease of common developing country whose a group of people, relatively small compare to the mass, will use any necessarily means to gain an upper edge and make profit of it.
The issue here is most will cite a few "minority" cases and like to attribute that into the whole China education system. That's called an exaggeration for the purpose of badmouthing China for political purpose. This kind of game the West had been playing with us for over 50 years. What is worse is that you Indian are so desperate to cite unreliable sources.

May I repeat to you. I do not attempt to hide my country educational weakness. It is a disease of common developing country whose a group of people, relatively small compare to the mass, will use any necessarily means to gain an upper edge and make profit of it.

No one is questioning the chinese educational system its the authorities being questioned allowing some one to go online offering diplomas.
No one is questioning the chinese educational system its the authorities being questioned allowing some one to go online offering diplomas.
It is part of strictly regulating our system, which we will. No need for an Indian to bring that up. Your government regulation is even worse.
It is part of strictly regulating our system, which we will. No need for an Indian to bring that up. Your government regulation is even worse.

See again you are bringing India in....ok now that you agree that there is a problem lets hope strict action is taken against who ever is involved.
Your biggest mistake is posting EpochTime article, which discredit your Indian compatriots accusation. And two, your Indian compatriots are exaggerating and fabricating too much. No amount of lies will change the fact that our people are some of the brightest people in the world as evidence by any international competition, whether it's math, physics, science, we score well above world average. I cannot say the same for your Indian people. So there is better possibility that Indian using fake diploma than in China because your Indian education system is non-existence.

No man Indian talent is well recognized all over World. NASA has 1/3rd Indian scientist and 1/3 doctors in America are Indian. We are known as Engineers, Doctors, Accountants and scientist. We are not known as Pizza boys. Here lies the difference.
No man Indian talent is well recognized all over World. NASA has 1/3rd Indian scientist and 1/3 doctors in America are Indian. We are known as Engineers, Doctors, Accountants and scientist. We are not known as Pizza boys. Here lies the difference.

IS it in your culture to lie and cheat? Have some shame! These figures are all fake. And it came from your minister !!!! Yes that's how morally rotten your system is!!!!

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees. But there is no survey that establishes these numbers..........

NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans
IS it in your culture to lie and cheat? Have some shame! These figures are all fake. And it came from your minister !!!! Yes that's how morally rotten your system is!!!!

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax

The figures provided by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development Purandeshwari included claims that 38 per cent of doctors in US are Indians, as are 36 per cent of NASA scientists and 34 per cent of Microsoft employees. But there is no survey that establishes these numbers..........

NASA workers say the number of Indians in the organization is in the region of 4-5 per cent, but the 36 per cent figure is pure fiction.

The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has 42,000 members, in addition to around 15,000 medical students and residents. There were an estimated 850,000 doctors in the US in 2004. So, conflating the figures, no more than ten per cent of the physicians in US maybe of Indian-origin – and that includes Indian-Americans

Does survey has any meaning for you? What is published is wrong and what NASA workers say (as per you without quoting any source) is right isn't it? Any way provide the source of 4 to 5 percent work force of Indian in NASA.

You denied all surveys carried out and published by your media. Survey is fake if they state something bad about China and same time they are very credible if they state bad about India.

Believe what ever you want. The fact is that we have emerged as a most vibrant community all over the world contributing very high in all field such as economy, health care, science and technology, business, education and research. No body in US, Middle East or Europe can think of their life without contribution of Indians. We have created a place in the world where every body have to respect us as a community.
Does survey has any meaning for you? What is published is wrong and what NASA workers say (as per you without quoting any source) is right isn't it? Any way provide the source of 4 to 5 percent work force of Indian in NASA.

You denied all surveys carried out and published by your media. Survey is fake if they state something bad about China and same time they are very credible if they state bad about India.

Believe what ever you want. The fact is that we have emerged as a most vibrant community all over the world contributing very high in all field such as economy, health care, science and technology, business, education and research. No body in US, Middle East or Europe can think of their life without contribution of Indians. We have created a place in the world where every body have to respect us as a community.

It's no wonder that your minister would fake such figures. Just look at you. Evidence before your eyes, you still want to deny? It is something to do with the culture?

We chinese have much higher ethical standard, we argue based on facts. If there's something bad about China is true, we acknowledge it. We don't lie and cheat. Even the negative news about India some Chinese posted, they are all straight from the source. You indian however made up lies to smear chinese. You're one of them.

The fact is your country is rifled with corruption and low literacy and many many social problems. 30% of your lawmaker have criminal lawsuit. Facts are facts.
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