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(Fake data) Foreign Experts - India’s GDP growth should be 1.5% only

Who the fcuk are these foreign "experts"?And "experts" in what?
Tell us more about the writers of this bs article, my dear chinese troll...
for all the fraudlent calls i have recieved in London are all with Indian accents````and all the fake shoes and accessories I saw in Hackney were all made in India and sold by Indians.

and also the reason why I believe India's economy is fake is when I was in India and had been told by those rich indian businessmen of how to aquire big lands and bank loans````

first use any contacts and bribe anyone who is necessary to aquire land with smallest money possible```

and then show the bank of highly exaggerated reports about your 'corperation's' annual production capacity (faking the balance sheet if needed)```normally way out the true capacity```if successful you will get huge loans from banks or other insitutions````

then spend very littile for the factory (for the image sake) the lastly transfer the money to abroad (because any rich people want to leave this miserable land)

and the result we can see in London is all of these rich Indians buying nice properties in west end, or loads of affordable flats to rent```

so if one day someone says India's economy is actually less than $1 trillion, I'd believe that

jealous of a primitive factor driven country? lol``you people really pull words out of your holly cow ar$e

Dude, do you live in Hackney lol. Same here.
I always assume their data is correct and it naturally will result in a 3 pct growth in the 2013FY.

I still stick to that number 3 pct GDP growth for India 13FY is a fine number if someones don't agree I will apologized a year later.
Dude, do you live in Hackney lol. Same here.
I used to work there when I was in Uni like 7-8 years ago``:D

I had a shoes wholesale shop there``before that I was working in Commercial Road``so I knew lots of Indians and Pakistanis
What a source :rofl:


Bribing government officials is the common trend in the Asian countries including China
11 June 2012

Last week India published its Jan-Mar 2012 quarter GDP, with real growth headlined at 5.3%. However, a detailed study of the data indicates a gaping hole in imports data. The GDP data, published by the Ministry of Statistics shows imports growing at a nominal rate of 8.7% and a real rate of 2.0% for the quarter compared to the same period of last year. However, if one looks at data on merchandize imports from the Ministry of Commerce, imports have grown at 35% to 40% for goods, partly due to sharp depreciation of the Indian Rupee. There is no indication that Services imports have fallen so sharply as to reduce the growth rate of total imports to 8%.

This sounds like a grave data error leading to a published current account surplus of 2% of GDP in the quarter against a 2% deficit in the same quarter of the last year. This error of 4%, unless compensated somewhere, should lead to reduction in headline GDP growth to about 1.5%.

We believe that this error is compensated partly in low reported growth in investments at 9.3% nominal and 3.6% real yoy. Bank credit in India has grown by 17% for the year ended 31st March 2012. This does not tally with the 9% nominal growth in investment, and the gap is too big between these two data points and also other physical indicators.

Hence, we believe that when the Ministry of Statistics corrects the errors in the import data, it will revise upwards other components, mainly investments, and to some extent consumption, and the GDP growth will be finally headlined between 3.5% to 4.5%, which will tally with many other physical and nominal indicators followed by Decimal Point Analytics..

However, the question remains on the quality of data coming from the Government of India. We have seen a sharp deterioration in the dependability of data since the middle of 2009 and the only reason that we can ascribe to this is sheer incompetence.

http://www.decimalpointanalytics.com/Weekly Digest/Weekly Digest_11June2012.pdf

cheater india gov confirmed by experts! :tdown:

No surprise they are collapsing and their rupee is weakening drastically. Just wait for them to collapse from within. That'll get rid of a major nuisance in the world.
So a random financial firm (not even middle tier, forget top tier like Goldman Sachs or Bank of America) is skeptical about the data on Imports by GoI, and we are supposed to believe this BS. If this is credible news, how about you post an article from a credible source like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to back this absurd claim?
but the final result is - fake data of india government caught by foreign experts :rofl:

(09-12-2011) India fake data = Overstated Exports by $9 Billion - Bloomberg
India Overstated Exports by $9 Billion Because of Data

(13-04-2012) India fake data = India's industrial production growth has been Overstated found, slashed to 1.1% from 6.8 % Industrial growth rate for January slashed due to data collection error

do u people ever read the article or just read the title and enjoy trolling??...

a chinese talking about "FAKENESS" of something is highly unethical....highly means really highly


This document has been prepared exclusively for the benefit and internal use of the Recipient by Decimal Point Analytics Private Limited
(DPA), and its contents may not be used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of DPA. DPA is not making any
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for any purpose, investment or otherwise.
The information in this document reflects our opinion as of the date of the document, and may change with changes in market conditions.
All data included in the report have been obtained from sources considered reliable, without independent verification of the accuracy or
completeness of the information. DPA as such cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data and information.
The returns indicated, including future projections, in the investment report are not guaranteed in any manner and may not be achieved. It
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investment. Decimal Point Analytics Pvt. Ltd. shall not be responsible for any loss suffered by the user
your chinees high growth rate and high technology can not escape your laborer and miners death in accidents in chinees mines and factories which is highest in the world in china.
do u people ever read the article or just read the title and enjoy trolling??...

a chinese talking about "FAKENESS" of something is highly unethical....highly means really highly


This document has been prepared exclusively for the benefit and internal use of the Recipient by Decimal Point Analytics Private Limited
(DPA), and its contents may not be used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of DPA. DPA is not making any
recommendation, solicitation, or offer for any securities mentioned in the report, and is also not responsible for suitability of such securities

for any purpose, investment or otherwise.
The information in this document reflects our opinion as of the date of the document, and may change with changes in market conditions.
All data included in the report have been obtained from sources considered reliable, without independent verification of the accuracy or
completeness of the information. DPA as such cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data and information.
The returns indicated, including future projections, in the investment report are not guaranteed in any manner and may not be achieved. It
is the sole responsibility of the recipient, as a professional organization, to exercise professional due diligence in ensuring suitability of
investment. Decimal Point Analytics Pvt. Ltd. shall not be responsible for any loss suffered by the user

Disclaimer Clause!!! LOLOL at the pathetic indian.

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