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(Fake data) Foreign Experts - India’s GDP growth should be 1.5% only

Everyone knows the Indian regime lies about its numbers.
This just confirms it without a shadow of a doubt. Even their own economists don't believe their numbers, that's how fraudulent those numbers are. It's an utter farce.

The regime knows its corruption will bring its tyranny to an end if it can't give high GDP numbers.
They falsify their numbers to grab foreign investors.
Even their official figures show their industrial production declined yet for some crazy reason they magically had 5.3% GDP numbers. Yea right. Like they expect the world to believe that.
Btw India's debt is much higher than what they officially publish, they have massive debt off the balance sheets to hide their true economic situation. That is why their currency is collapsing when their official debt to GDP is 70%. That kind of level don't cause your currency to collapse like it has. India's real debt is multiple times their official debt, it's MASSIVE.

Remember how they tried to cover up the disastrous commonwealth games? the world exposed them superbly. India got utterly humiliated and their image got tarnished.
If they are willing to cover up such a fraud, just imagine how much they lie about their economic numbers to keep the masses and foreign investors happy.

Indians are the most untrustworthy people in the world.
chiense as# are jealus.:cheesy:
India = scam machine
for all the fraudlent calls i have recieved in London are all with Indian accents````and all the fake shoes and accessories I saw in Hackney were all made in India and sold by Indians.

and also the reason why I believe India's economy is fake is when I was in India and had been told by those rich indian businessmen of how to aquire big lands and bank loans````

first use any contacts and bribe anyone who is necessary to aquire land with smallest money possible```

and then show the bank of highly exaggerated reports about your 'corperation's' annual production capacity (faking the balance sheet if needed)```normally way out the true capacity```if successful you will get huge loans from banks or other insitutions````

then spend very littile for the factory (for the image sake) the lastly transfer the money to abroad (because any rich people want to leave this miserable land)

and the result we can see in London is all of these rich Indians buying nice properties in west end, or loads of affordable flats to rent```

so if one day someone says India's economy is actually less than $1 trillion, I'd believe that

chiense as# are jealus.:cheesy:
jealous of a primitive factor driven country? lol``you people really pull words out of your holly cow ar$e
Personally, I wouldn't mind if India had 50% growth rate, as long as the money was spent on the people not weapons.
so sorry to tell u that india gov spent a lot m oney on weapons when more poor people than 26 the poorest africa countries combined
so sorry to tell u that india gov spent a lot on weapons when more poor people than 26 the poorest africa countries combined

India also has a population more than whole africa and europe combined..why dont u take that that in to factor? dumb@$$!
India also has a population more than whole africa and europe combined..why dont u take that that in to factor? dumb@$$!
africa and europe population = 1400,000,000. india gov tell lies, you tell lies too shame on liar

china population is more than whole africa and europe combined

not india, wake up
Everyone knows the Indian regime lies about its numbers.

Indians are the most untrustworthy people in the world.

Some shinning examples of india's lie:

Foreign investors doubt India?s export numbers - Economic Times

PwC India dressed up books to show profits - Economic Times

africa and europe population = 1400,000,000. india gov tell lie, you tell lies too shame on liar

china population is more than whole africa and europe combined

not india, wake up

Not only they lie and cheat, they also fond of back-stabbing... including their own kind. LOLOL.
wtf u even made a webpage for it, did u earn 2$ extra for that..
That's what the Chinese are fit for! Clutching at straws to show others in a bad light! If this OP has managed to get an orgasm writing this tripe, so be it! :P

This shows total and complete immaturity and childishness of this Chinese OP!

11 June 2012

Last week India published its Jan-Mar 2012 quarter GDP, with real growth headlined at 5.3%. However, a detailed study of the data indicates a gaping hole in imports data. The GDP data, published by the Ministry of Statistics shows imports growing at a nominal rate of 8.7% and a real rate of 2.0% for the quarter compared to the same period of last year. However, if one looks at data on merchandize imports from the Ministry of Commerce, imports have grown at 35% to 40% for goods, partly due to sharp depreciation of the Indian Rupee. There is no indication that Services imports have fallen so sharply as to reduce the growth rate of total imports to 8%.

This sounds like a grave data error leading to a published current account surplus of 2% of GDP in the quarter against a 2% deficit in the same quarter of the last year. This error of 4%, unless compensated somewhere, should lead to reduction in headline GDP growth to about 1.5%.

We believe that this error is compensated partly in low reported growth in investments at 9.3% nominal and 3.6% real yoy. Bank credit in India has grown by 17% for the year ended 31st March 2012. This does not tally with the 9% nominal growth in investment, and the gap is too big between these two data points and also other physical indicators.

Hence, we believe that when the Ministry of Statistics corrects the errors in the import data, it will revise upwards other components, mainly investments, and to some extent consumption, and the GDP growth will be finally headlined between 3.5% to 4.5%, which will tally with many other physical and nominal indicators followed by Decimal Point Analytics..

However, the question remains on the quality of data coming from the Government of India. We have seen a sharp deterioration in the dependability of data since the middle of 2009 and the only reason that we can ascribe to this is sheer incompetence.

http://www.decimalpointanalytics.com/Weekly Digest/Weekly Digest_11June2012.pdf

cheater india gov confirmed by experts! :tdown:

Fake News by Fake Chinese:bunny:

wtf u even made a webpage for it, did u earn 2$ extra for that..

That is what they are taught....how create fake things to cheat the world....
funny chinese...this is how chinese are duped by ccp... fake websites, fake web pages, fake data to make the fake data supplied to chinese look better.. .so fake to fave the fake... and more fake info to save the already totally faked information.. :lol:
funny chinese...this is how chinese are duped by ccp... fake websites, fake web pages, fake data to make the fake data supplied to chinese look better.. .so fake to fave the fake... and more fake info to save the already totally faked information.. :lol:
but the final result is - fake data of india government caught by foreign experts :rofl:

(09-12-2011) India fake data = Overstated Exports by $9 Billion - Bloomberg
India Overstated Exports by $9 Billion Because of Data

(13-04-2012) India fake data = India's industrial production growth has been Overstated found, slashed to 1.1% from 6.8 % Industrial growth rate for January slashed due to data collection error
funny chinese...this is how chinese are duped by ccp... fake websites, fake web pages, fake data to make the fake data supplied to chinese look better.. .so fake to fave the fake... and more fake info to save the already totally faked information.. :lol:
you mean like those illiterated indians using fake degrees in order to work in call-centers ?
Indian economy is vastly overstated.
They went into debt to get that GDP 'growth'.
India's real economic size is well below $1 trillion.

GDP is faked all over the world. America is the worst offender of all. US GDP numbers are the biggest fraud of all because they vastly understate their inflation numbers, by understating inflation numbers, the GDP deflator is understated. This causing GDP to be vastly overstated.
Trusting American numbers is the stupidest thing you can do.
I mean if they are prepared to lie about the Iraq had WMD to go to war, lie about using no fly zone as an excuse to kill gaddafi in the Libyan war, lie and deny a housing bubble back in 2005/2006, lie and deny the subprime crisis, why should we believe a bunch of economic numbers they produce. If they are willing to lie to the world about such things as going to a war just imagine the amount of lies they produce regarding their economic numbers.

I don't trust anything coming out of the US.
It's nothing but murderous despotic regime that loves tyranny and wars all over the world.

I wish our media like CCTV English, CNC world, china daily and xinhua called out the Americans on their past lies.
We are far too nice, we take their crap instead of giving tit for tat.
Indian economy is vastly overstated.
They went into debt to get that GDP 'growth'.
India's real economic size is well below $1 trillion.

GDP is faked all over the world. America is the worst offender of all. US GDP numbers are the biggest fraud of all because they vastly understate their inflation numbers, by understating inflation numbers, the GDP deflator is understated. This causing GDP to be vastly overstated.
Trusting American numbers is the stupidest thing you can do.
I mean if they are prepared to lie about the Iraq had WMD to go to war, lie about using no fly zone as an excuse to kill gaddafi in the Libyan war, lie and deny a housing bubble back in 2005/2006, lie and deny the subprime crisis, why should we believe a bunch of economic numbers they produce. If they are willing to lie to the world about such things as going to a war just imagine the amount of lies they produce regarding their economic numbers.

I don't trust anything coming out of the US.
It's nothing but murderous despotic regime that loves tyranny and wars all over the world.

I wish our media like CCTV English, CNC world, china daily and xinhua called out the Americans on their past lies.
We are far too nice, we take their crap instead of giving tit for tat.

:enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:

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