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Fake Covid-19 certificates: JKG Health Care Chairman Dr Sabrina arrested

Interest? Habibi interest is oozing from every nook and cranny. Share your wisdom oh baba

Please post a question about your predicament in the Bangladesh section Chill thread (sticky).

I will try to answer but you know, only if I have time.
You're in luck, she left her husband reportedly yesterday.
Talk about a gold digger sheesh

No one in their right mind should touch her with a ten foot pole right now.

In Bangladesh there is a new breed of newly get-rich-quick folks (formerly lower middle class) who have marked lack of shame. To them there is no concept of Izzat, or Lehaj, it's a dog-eat-dog world to claw their way up the social ladder of "richie-rich" networks and they are not ashamed of making a royal a$$ of themselves for a few bucks gained even if it means jail time. In this case I guess the stakes (money) was high enough to risk that shameful eventuality.

I'm afraid she belongs to that set of folks...and there are similar folks all around the world in all societies including China and India where social upheavals are common nowadays with increasing GDP. Too many fake people with fake hair, fake set of mammaries and most of all fake faces...

I don't get a stiffie just because of some gal's fancy hair or makeup - I know (from handling enough of them - being a Rafique) where their limitations are. Gotta be cold man, have restraint, otherwise you'll get played too easy. Been at it a while. I'll open a thread one of these days to share a few secrets with you (but only if there is enough interest)....

Every gal has a set of body parts and the naughty ones know very well how to use those features to manipulate men (the means are all around us), and like the song says, you have to 'find the heart of Gold' and separate the real deal from the chaff. Genuine people are getting harder and harder to find for both genders. Good luck in finding yours....
You need to share your wisdom with us juniors, have a lot to learn from alpha rafiques
Real life Grey's anatomy.
Its sad as the national institution of cardiovascular diseases is a decent org I heard
Hey some brothers have that chhota auntie twice removed cougar thing going on - to each his own man. :-)

Make up or no, paper bag is all you need. :-)

Lol. Reminds me of the scene from Scary Movie.

I gotta saw I made a joke — but it’s evolved into a different conv. Lol

I thought she is a model.

There was this local now defunct Gentleman's club known as Double D's !

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