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Faisal Raza Abidi arrested in connection with Patel Para firing: police

He is the head of Iranian sposored terrorist group Mukhtiar Froce and working under direct orders of Qasim Sulemani Irani General of Quds Force setup to kill opposition world wide.
Faisal Raza Abidi has been arrested but what about lal Masjid clerics, what about model town massacre, what about those who killed thousand of Pakistani people through suicide bombing, we all know who they are and who their supporters and which foreign countries fund them but no action taken by police, rangers or government for the past 14 years. Yes military operation have been started against TTP recently but please finish the real terrorists before arresting those who only retaliate back. This will only lead to more problems.
Faisal Raza Abidi has been arrested but what about lal Masjid clerics, what about model town massacre, what about those who killed thousand of Pakistani people through suicide bombing, we all know who they are and who their supporters and which foreign countries fund them but no action taken by police, rangers or government for the past 14 years. Yes military operation have been started against TTP recently but please finish the real terrorists before arresting those who only retaliate back. This will only lead to more problems.

What about Jamia taleem ul Quran Rawalpindi massacre few years ago where more than 100 innocent people and children were praying jumma were killed by shia jaloos in muharam? Did any cultprit brought to justice?
Those are all very common weapons found in Pakistan, im sure all of em licenced. Plus jo shia marey gaye unke kaatiloon ko kon pakdayga?
police like in every democratic country

Never said dhoodh ki dhuli hai, aurengzeb farooqi per 6 maheeney pehley Syed Khurram Zaki k murder ki FIR howe thi, abhi tak nai pakda gaya? double standards much? :omghaha:
nope as u mentioned fir hui thi
this is pakistan where insaaf comes slowly

keda proof :o: ziada khush na ho aa jaega bahir :rofl: bahir nikalwana bhi jantey hain hum hosla rakh putar :omghaha:
jab ae to btana putttttarrrrrrrrrr
You guys are falling for the trap..Iran/Saudia used to be behind sectarian incidents..Now there are other players trying to turn back time.
Yes you are right - LEJ, Taliban, TTP, Afghani Taliban, Al Qaeda, Nusra, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Shabaab, Boko Haram all are shia radical and terrorist groups :omghaha: inaaa suar nu nawaana wi changa nai honda... :rofl: chaloo lagey rahoo :cheers:

Lagey raho ??? Main to kuch nh kar rha? Tum log hi sarkon pe bethey hue ho apne terrorists ko churaney k liye? hahah...

jumped in to save the ASWJ?

sectarian trash like you should be kept under a permanent surveillance so that you dont lay eggs.SeM and ASWJ are two heads of the same snake..
deadline khatam ho gai hai..

Whoever act against shias are pronounced Takfiri, Kharji, Wahabi and yet shias complain when they are pronounced as Kafir for their hatred and grudge for Sahaba RA. Few a days back Shias all over Pakistan chanting Operation Zarb e Azb Zindaabad, Nation Action Plan Zindabad, Raheel Shareef Zindabad, and now when they are caught red handed, every buddy turns Takfiri, Kharji, Wahabi... No one is going to buy this Persian funded bullshit anymore.

Yes and also expect a bomb blast in coming days near some imam bara where few shias will be killed media will multiply it with 10 or maybe 100 and all political parties of this sacred community will pressure regime to release Faisal raza abidi .... Same pattern every time

it's quite simple if you understand. first 5 shias muslims were killed in karachi. few days later 5 sunni scholars were killed in karachi. someone is playing really bad. india and iran.

I really pray that if raza abidi and allama yousuf hussian are involved in killings.....These fuckers shouldn't be freed...even if whole Pakistan gets blocked, rona dhona or propaganda starts.....hell with everything...If one is guilty, he must be punished regardless of sect.....MUST !!!
Faisal Raza Abidi has been arrested but what about lal Masjid clerics, what about model town massacre, what about those who killed thousand of Pakistani people through suicide bombing, we all know who they are and who their supporters and which foreign countries fund them but no action taken by , rangers or government for the past 14 years. Yes military operation have been started against TTP recently but please finish the real terrorists before arresting those who only retaliate back. This will only lead to more problems.
Nice reply but information on paper is different than the reality, these people and their supporters walk freely in Pakistan and build mosques, Madarasas, This was the point i was making. The state will arrest those who fight back against the terrorist but wont act to stop the terrorist and their fundings from gulf region. Pakistan army needs to expand NAP all over Pakistan including Punjab where the biggest terrorist live.

After 50,000 deaths of innocent Pakistanis, 5,000+ deaths of armed forces, 1000s injured, 100 billion+ damage to the economy. Pakistan need Anti Terrorism laws which should expose:

1) Where the funding for these militant groups are coming from? ie Lakshar e Taiba, Lakshar e Janghavi, Jaisa e Muhammad, TTP, SSP, and the rest.
2) Which countries, organisations give funding to these groups?
3) Whose books these groups read, and whos fatwas they follow, we cannot believe they are doing their so called fake Jihad without ACTUALLY believing its Jihad, so this means they follow fatwas, read books, listen to lectures of certain scholars, this is where they are brainwashed
4) Which madarasas they studied in, also in those madarasas, schools, you will find whos books they have been reading, whos lectures they have been listening too.
5) Also expose Internal non violent groups who give funding to these groups, these same groups, supporters are in army, police, government, political parties.
6) Need Anti terrorism force, Anti terrorism courts, and should unite under NAB and prosecute these people ASAP
7) Seize properties, assets of all those involved, this way you can give this money to the anti terrorism force, courts in order to make them functual more, and make them strong
8) True peaceful Islam needs to be promoted in Pakistan which has been here for 1000 years. We need to tell the people of Pakistan on the history of Islam in Pakistan, how did people of Indian subcontinent became Muslims, who converted them?, preached Islam in here 1000 years back?. Education on great Islamic civilisation needs to be promoted in Pakistan so Muslims can learn from the past, we need to wonder is the Islam which is been promoted and funded by foreign countries today the same Islam which has been here for 1000 years?
Faisal Raza Abidi has been arrested but what about lal Masjid clerics, what about model town massacre, what about those who killed thousand of Pakistani people through suicide bombing, we all know who they are and who their supporters and which foreign countries fund them but no action taken by police, rangers or government for the past 14 years. Yes military operation have been started against TTP recently but please finish the real terrorists before arresting those who only retaliate back. This will only lead to more problems.
Wasn't Malik Ishaq and his progeny whacked a few months ago?

But still you people talk about the so called double standards. Some people still play the victim card.

Those who love Iran get themselves a permanent visa of Iran and those who love KSA should immigrate to that country. Leave us alone.
what about lal Masjid clerics
That scumbag is irrelevant now. No need to make a martyr out of him. His terror wing (Ghazi force) has been cracked.
1) Where the funding for these militant groups are coming from? ie Lakshar e Taiba, Lakshar e Janghavi, Jaisa e Muhammad, TTP, SSP, and the rest.
Which terror attack was carried out by the Lashkar Taiba inside Pakistan? Enlighten me.

BTW you haven't mentioned any sectarian outfit belonging to the "other" sect. And yet you talk about double standards.

) True peaceful Islam needs to be promoted in Pakistan which has been here for 1000 years. We need to tell the people of Pakistan on the history of Islam in Pakistan, how did people of Indian subcontinent became Muslims, who converted them?, preached Islam in here 1000 years back?. Education on great Islamic civilisation needs to be promoted in Pakistan so Muslims can learn from the past, we need to wonder is the Islam which is been promoted and funded by foreign countries today the same Islam which has been here for 1000 years?
Good point, but how will you teach true peaceful Islam when one sect continues to abhor the religious personalities deemed pious by the other sect? When one sect continues to politicize the incidents of Jamal and Siffin after 1400 years? This is the cause of contention which unfortunately no one tries to point out.

Govt kills one dimwit and another is ready to take his place.
Wasn't Malik Ishaq and his progeny whacked a few

Those who love Iran get themselves a permanent visa of Iran and those who love KSA should immigrate to that country. Leave us alone.

That scumbag is irrelevant now. No need to make a martyr out of him. His terror wing (Ghazi force) has been cracked.

Which terror attack was carried out by the Lashkar Taiba inside Pakistan? Enlighten me.

BTW you haven't mentioned any sectarian outfit belonging to the "other" sect. And yet you talk about double standards.

Good point, but how will you teach true peaceful Islam when one sect continues to abhor the religious personalities deemed pious by the other sect? When one sect continues to politicize the incidents of Jamal and Siffin after 1400 years? This is the cause of contention which unfortunately no one tries to point out.

Govt kills one dimwit and another is ready to take his place.

Malik Ishaq is a small fish, SSP, ASWJ, DCP, PUC need to be eliminated. They openily have Madaras Masjids opened and hold gatherings freely. The point am making is that Saudi and Qatar keep these people for political use. And government protects them. Saudi didnt give Pakistan 1.5Billion out of love. And your correct alot of action has been taken by army but i fear these groups will come back stronger unless Government also starts to take action against them which they fail to do so. There are active political parties in Pakistan who on record stated they dont consider Pak army soldiers as martyrs, they read the dead terrorist funeral prayers and call the terrorist shaheed. But again no action taken against them.

Great point, anyone who is loyal to Saudi Arabia or Iran should go live in those countries. And any group who is sponsored by Iran Saudi Qatar Israel USA India needs to be eliminated but we need to understand that its the Saudi Qatari sponsored extremist groups who have martyred over 50,000 Pakistanis, 5000 soldiers, thousands injured, bombed markets, Schools, graves and caused 100Billion damage.
He is the head of Iranian sposored terrorist group Mukhtiar Froce and working under direct orders of Qasim Sulemani Irani General of Quds Force setup to kill opposition world wide.

What about Jamia taleem ul Quran Rawalpindi massacre few years ago where more than 100 innocent people and children were praying jumma were killed by shia jaloos in muharam? Did any cultprit brought to justice?

Stop making stupid non sense conspiracy theories and don't try and incite sectarian hatred , your kind is very well understood .. try another forum
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