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Failure of India to Resist the Turkic Conquests

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Nov 14, 2015
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Some Indian Hindu folks are trying their best to understand why their Hindu forefathers terribly failed to check the Muslim Turkic armies. Their point of reference is how great Hinduism is, and how terrible and terrorizing the Islam+Turks combo is!!!! Couldn’t have blamed them though if I were a Hindu (Nauzubillah, Hasha Summe Hasha)....

Let me help them out!! It's a matter of mindset which is described below:

Death is like the Sheb-i Arus (the wedding night) - Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi, a part of the Horasan Erens who established the Muslim civilization in Anatolia

We go to the battles as if we are going to a wedding ceremony - a Turkish proverb

We are born at our homes, but we die at the battlefields - a Turkish saying

The Turkish mothers put kina (hena) on three occasions. They put kina on the lambs, so they become Kurban to ALLAH. They put kina on the brides, so they become Kurban to Husbands. They put kina on their sons while sending them to the Hearth of the Prophet (otherwise known as the Turkish Army), so they become Kurban to the Vatan/Millet/Din etc....

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Some Indian Hindu folks are trying their best to understand why their Hindu forefathers terribly failed to check the Muslim Turkic armies. Their point of reference is how great Hinduism is, and how terrible and terrorizing the Islam+Turks combo is!!!! Couldn’t have blamed them though if I were a Hindu (Nauzubillah, Hasha Summe Hasha)....

Let me help them out!! It's a matter of mindset which is described below:

Death is like the Sheb-i Arus (the wedding night) - Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi, a part of the Horasan Erens who established the Muslim civilization in Anatolia

We go to the battles as if we are going to a wedding ceremony - a Turkish proverb

We are born at our homes, but we die at the battlefields - a Turkish saying

The Turkish mothers put kina (hena) on three occasions. They put kina on the lambs, so they become Kurban to ALLAH. They put kina on the brides, so they become Kurban to Husbands. They put kina on their sons while sending them to the Hearth of the Prophet (otherwise known as the Turkish Army), so they become Kurban to the Vatan/Millet/Din etc....

I don't want to waste my time on this idiots videos janab..tamuri turks rulled subcontinent for 700 years.. baber mirza was funder of mugal empire and he was grandson of tamurlang. There were three Turkish supper powers in history ottoman we all know saljuk n tamuri.ottman rullered Asia minor n Europe. Saljuk ruled iran some part of Pakistan Afghanistan Tajikistan Azerbaijan Syria Palestinian. They were the first turks n they were defeated by Mongols. Fall of Baghdad is famous in their era. Then last one tamuri. Baber mirza was funder of this power and they rulled subcontinent for centuries.
Some Indian Hindu folks are trying their best to understand why their Hindu forefathers terribly failed to check the Muslim Turkic armies. Their point of reference is how great Hinduism is, and how terrible and terrorizing the Islam+Turks combo is!!!! Couldn’t have blamed them though if I were a Hindu (Nauzubillah, Hasha Summe Hasha)....

Let me help them out!! It's a matter of mindset which is described below:

Death is like the Sheb-i Arus (the wedding night) - Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi, a part of the Horasan Erens who established the Muslim civilization in Anatolia

We go to the battles as if we are going to a wedding ceremony - a Turkish proverb

We are born at our homes, but we die at the battlefields - a Turkish saying

The Turkish mothers put kina (hena) on three occasions. They put kina on the lambs, so they become Kurban to ALLAH. They put kina on the brides, so they become Kurban to Husbands. They put kina on their sons while sending them to the Hearth of the Prophet (otherwise known as the Turkish Army), so they become Kurban to the Vatan/Millet/Din etc....

" The Turkish mothers put kina (hena) on three occasions. They put kina on the lambs, so they become Kurban to ALLAH. They put kina on the brides, so they become Kurban to Husbands. They put kina on their sons while sending them to the Hearth of the Prophet (otherwise known as the Turkish Army), so they become Kurban to the Vatan/Millet/Din etc.... "
That is something very impressive. A nation where mothers are willing to sacrifice their most beloved ones (i.e. their sons) in the path of Allah (SWT) cannot be defeated. That is despite the fact that nations need other things (like knowledge, weapons, strong economy, etc.) but in the true sense of nationhood all these areas fall within the same domain of fighting in the path of Allah (SWT).
they were stopped around where the current India/Pakistan borders. its not a straightforward b/w answer. some Indians fell and some held their own.

They were not stopped all of them fell one by one all the way to Tamil Nadu..

On four occasion they went all the way to the south meaning all of them fell 4 times...

1. Malki kafur-Khalji era (Delhi sultanate)

2. Mohammed Bin Tughlaq era (Delhi Sultanate)

3. Deccan Sultanates union (The 5 deccan sultanate era)

4. Aurangzeb (Mughal Empire)
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The important thing to note here is there is nothing "Muslim" about Turkic military prowess. They equal warriors whether they are kaffir Tengrist, secular or ghazi's of Islam. Meaning a Turkic Tengrist will always prevail over a Gangadeshi, shaved, unshaved, circumcised.

Being warrior is innate to the Turkic people.
But when will Muslims realize that inspite of being 1.6bn + population, why they have failed to invent even a niddle and depends on other kafirs for everthing?

From Google about the medieval Muslim inventor / engineer Ismail al Jazari :
In 1206, al-Jazari invented an early crankshaft, which he incorporated with a crank-connecting rod mechanism in his twin-cylinder pump. ... He used the crankshaft with a connecting rod in two of his water-raising machines: the crank-driven saqiya chainpump and the double-action reciprocating piston suction pump.
Title: al-Jazari
Religion: Islam

Ismail al-Jazari - Wikipedia
He is really the father of robotics and can be also considered the father of computers.

It was Muslim contribution and also forwarding of pre-Islamic knowledge ( like from the Greeks ) that eventually led to the Industrial Revolution in Europe, as also to mention advances in other fields such as medicine.

But yes, I agree that many Muslims of now have become more "pious" and don't explore science, Nature and the tendency to design something.
The important thing to note here is there is nothing "Muslim" about Turkic military prowess. They equal warriors whether they are kaffir Tengrist, secular or ghazi's of Islam. Meaning a Turkic Tengrist will always prevail over a Gangadeshi, shaved, unshaved, circumcised.

Being warrior is innate to the Turkic people.

It was not Turkic only cavalry that came but a universal one because they were globalists. So technically it was armies consisting of Turks, Tajiks, Persians, Pathans, Punjabis, Arabs and Balochies.. Example remember Safar Khan the general of Khilji who defeated the Mongols was a Pathan.. They were globalists.. If you read the Delhi Sultanate-Mughal empire and 5 deccan sultanates stories you will come to know that the best general they ever produced was actully a ''Marathi convert'' In Malik Kafur the guy was an absolute genius. They were as globalists as they come and never just one ethnicity... The concept of Ummah made them stronger and globalists.... Even the last century of the Delhi sultante was ruled by a Pathan house called ''The house of Lodi''
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It was not Turkic only cavalry that came but a universal one because they were globalists. So technically it was armies consisting of Turks, Tajiks, Persians, Pathans, Punjabis, Arabs and Balochies.. Example remember Safar Khan the general of Khilji who defeated the Mongols was a Pathan.. They were globalists
The cementing block and kinetic energy came from the Turkic tribes who as they move forward aggregated allies as they conquered. My opinion is the warrior and military trait the Turks evolved in the harsh Eurasian steppe where the horse reigned supreme. Gengiz Khan and his Mongols also had similiar environment.

Turkic people have also demonstrated another trait besides being warriors. The ability to adapt and change with environment and times. Modern Turkey has managed to synthesize that ancient warrior tradition with being a modern, secular and Western nation. You don't see Sultan Erdogan dressing like Ertugrul. You don't see Turks crying about losing their tradition. In the month of Ramadan while in Istanbul I observed this remarkable ability of the Turks being able to be flexible. Bars, clubs, restaurents were open even while the pious prayed in the mosques.
There was no "india" then
Valid point but there were antecedents of modern -

  • Punjabis
  • UP baiyyas
  • Biharis
  • Bengals
  • Odishans
  • Marattas
  • Gujis
  • Madya Pradeshis
  • Tamils
  • Keralties
  • etc
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It was not Turkic only cavalry that came but a universal one because they were globalists. So technically it was armies consisting of Turks, Tajiks, Persians, Pathans, Punjabis, Arabs and Balochies.. Example remember Safar Khan the general of Khilji who defeated the Mongols was a Pathan.. They were globalists.. If you read the Delhi Sultanate-Mughal empire and 5 deccan sultanates stories you will come to know that the best general they ever produced was actully a ''Marathi convert'' In Malik Kafur the guy was an absolute genius. They were as globalists as they come and never just one ethnicity... The concept of Ummah made them stronger and globalists.... Even the last century of the Delhi sultante was ruled by a Pathan house called ''The house of Lodi''

Hizabruddin Zafar Khan was an indian Muslim according to most of the sources. Also, the Sultan Alauddin's brother-in law was Nusrat Khan Jalesari, and as indicated by the nisba he was an Indian muslim from Jalesar, UP.
they were stopped around where the current India/Pakistan borders. its not a straightforward b/w answer. some Indians fell and some held their own.

your understanding of history is incorrect

qutb ud din aibak successfully captured delhi in 1200s and established the ' sultanete of delhi '
I wouldn't waste time watching any discussions between the two of that kind ....

very convenient for bakhts these days to have a profile with US flag and derail thread

a reminder - delhi was sacked multiple times by bands of central and turkic armies


somnath alone was sacked 17 times by mahmud ghaznavi


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