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Failed coup general Hafter is looking for an exit after heavily defeated in southern Tripoli.

KSA has hundreds of cruise missiles on F-15s and Typhoons that they can use on Iran if need be. Only reason KSA didn't win yet in Yemen is because they don't kill other Arabs

Lol.... Is it April fools today? :omghaha:

Ever heard Saudi war crimes in Yemen ??

GENEVA — The military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in Yemen has killed thousands of civilians in airstrikes, tortured detainees, raped civilians and used child soldiers as young as 8 — actions that may amount to war crimes, United Nations investigators said in a report issued Tuesday.

The report singled out Saudi and Emirati airstrikes for causing the most civilian casualties, saying they had hit residential areas, markets, funerals, weddings, jails, boats and medical facilities.

“There is little evidence of any attempt by parties to the conflict to minimize civilian casualties,” said Kamel Jendoubi, the chairman of the panel of experts that produced the report.
Who cares about the number of people living in x or y area of Libya? 99.9% of all locals have no say anyway and just want security and basic services. Something that Haftar controlled areas of Libya enjoy far more.

Given the advancements of Haftar in recent months/years, the population split is more 50/50 if anything.

20% ? More like 3% or so in the form of that tiny area near Iskenderun/Hatay.



The reality is that GNA is never going to control even half of Libya and I highly doubt that the GNA or Haftar have any future in Libya in 10 years time.
Seems Arab world Pan Arabianism is waking up ..

Syria's Assad receives call of support from Abu Dhabi's MBZ
Where is Iran in that?
no idea... too many players. But Turkey shouldn't be part of Arab spring to topple Asad. Because it was expected that if attempt to topple Asad failed it will turn into nationalist issue and next bordering countries will face the spill over. Now Kurds has there own stronghold inside Syria , much better armed and organized. Strong Kurdish armed presence means new regional issues for Iraq,Iran, Syria and Turkey.
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We need these :)



Gabya class are good, only thing why we are replacing it is old vessel. More then 50 years old. Other then that it is a good ship with Sensor and weapons.

"I have orders to sink any Turkish ship which enters Libya's borders, and I will do so myself," said Major General Faraj Mahdawi :rofl:

Funny, let them try it. They have shot our cargo ship in the begin with artillery. They will taste missile if they try that.
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