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Failed coup general Hafter is looking for an exit after heavily defeated in southern Tripoli.

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- This is the latest situation in the western part of Libya, remember that more than half of the Libyan people live in this map area. So the future of Libya will take shape in this region. Therefore, both parties do not give up easily.

- The siege of Tripoli, which started with the promise of victory in 2 weeks, turned into a great fiasco after more than 1 year. In the current situation, there is not much left out of only periodic artillery shots and occasional neighborhood conflicts. On the other hand,LNA lost all coastal towns in the west of Libya, except Sirte. (Remember, more than 95 percent of Libya consists of desert without population)

- The Watya base, one of the three largest military bases in the west of Libya, was critical for the siege of Tripoli. If fall to GNA so the weight of the Cufra-Waddan base (under the UAE command) has to increase or Gardabya(near Sirte) base need to re-organized. If Gna swarm attacks give chance to breath. But even in this case, they have to withdraw Tripoli siege. Because minimum 220-mile bird flight distance will limit the capacity of daily sorties. In short, if the Watya base change hands, the GNA will become the dominant position militarily for the first time in the Libyan civil war.
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At least the TN border may be finally one sided before Ramadan...
Outside the TN border, it is understood that the Tarhuna region is also the primary target of the GNA because of its topographic advantages. Anyway, GNA started to apply offensive plan for first time after long siege defences, we'll see what happens.
Acc to source, GNA(Turkey) and LNA reached a deal. LNA will withdraw from the base and GNA won’t kill Egyptian, French and UAE generals, technicians, advisors staying in base.
They shouldn't let foreign officers go in case the rumors are true.
Learn to read, they are staying behind as prisoners, that's why they wanted guarentee on not getting killed.
So they become precious chess peaces to make countries recognize GNA as sole government of Libya, and probably will be used as a means to withdraw from the war.

Also proof that can be used to gain war reparations from the involved countries.
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