i have to raise a question from your rep: you have said that you do your part of Job !
being a member of the society that is our job to raise problems and solutions of the same problems, but official that is the job of the authorities !! there are many departments and there are many Peoples those are doing Job in this regards and taking Salaries !! So what they are doing ? what are the Qualification of them ? are they eligible for their work ?
Did you have hope that you can make change with the help of the effected words, sentences and Ideas ?
here in our society we have need of Power to complete our part of Job.
that is the world wide understood thing that our ages are very short, authorities are not communicating or approaching to the people those are most important for to make better society. as you know our ages are very short. Peoples have many effected ideas, but that is the failure of the authorities, if authorities are not approaching to those peoples in their life those have many effected ideas, and appreciate them after there death, can you expect that loss ???
i have an example:
If newton dint provides his law of gravity in past and die with his idea, we will be still unknown about the Gravity.
So we will have to give meaning and respect to approach that type of peoples those have effected ideas for the better future of our coming generations and our society.