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F22 Raptor Killed !

Nobody said B2 coudn't operate in the rain! Its just deteriorates, so

its normal it will takes time to show the effect.

The investigative arm of Congress reported this week that the B-2, the world's most expensive aircraft, deteriorates in rain, heat and humidity. It ''must be sheltered or exposed only to the most benign environments -- low humidity, no precipitation, moderate temperatures,'' said the report by the General Accounting Office.

You have been debunked, kid. Give it up.
Fart-22 Died before any other plane knew it was there.:yahoo:

Obama killed the 5th generation mumbo jumbo. Yes you can lol
Heeeerre we go again...Clueless news talking heads giving fodder to equally clueless and desperate anti-US forum chatterboxes.


I am just curious, does the piece of news has any credibility ? I for one thought f-22 are the best and kinda untouchable as far as fighter planes are concerned.

I mean can you please tell us what are the things she talked about are true and which ones are false. please explain technically like you do in other topics.

Just like the 'Apollo (fake) moon landing' and 'Hollywood hype machine', the job of the F-22 that never flown in duty is to "hype-up" and "sell-more". :pop:

Sino the Apollo landings were the greatest achievement of Mankind, Not of America.

For the First time being from another world stood upon ground where no being had ever been. Humans left the Confides of their Planet to walk the Moon.

to do something as far as we know.
no other form of Life has ever done.

Do you really want to to take on of Humanity's greatest achievements and Tarnish it just because you have something against the USA.

Come on dude This is one of the few things that will be remembered in the History books as an achievement of Humanity as a whole, not that of America, Russia, China or Even India. Just Pinnacle of Human civilization.

Well i say pinnacle because since then

We Polluted our planet and are now on the brink of Civilization Collapse.

we Let the Birthplace of Humanity descend into a Hell

helped spread diseases around the World.

Bring countless species to the Brink of Extinction

Pakistan and India still want to fight each other.

Rise of religious fundamentalism

the list goes one.
we have royally Fucked up since then

The only thing we did that was positive in the last 50 years was to Invent the Internet and Atheism to the Mainstream , and now the rate of Globalization is Exponentially increasing.
And also to toss a bucket of Cold water over Peoples heads.

The F-22 may be **** as expensive and incredibly hard to maintain.

It still is the only stealth Interceptor our there at the moment. Including 5th gen jet

Making it the Best jet out there regardless of sloppy its construction and Design is.

Then Again the US Also has the F-35. which by the look of this will not be sold to anyone. If the F-22 is this Bad in actual combat situations.

The F-35 might end up being the new top dog of air combat.
Unless the T-50 MKI or J-xx have any say in the Matter.
No, the RCS on Su's are larger than F35. F35 also has 60K ft service ceiling.

PAKFA has Mach 2 speed with 65K ft service ceiling. It is expected to be smaller sized plane ie. Weight/Thrust ratio will be way better than F35. The only lead F35 has it is available for airforce and navy ie. cheaper maintenance and parts.
Bro no hard feelings but when it comes out and operational and actually flown some missions then we say how good or bad it is, Lets be real and not praise things which has never been used yet! I wish russians good luck but we have to wait and see. Before that take a deep breath :smitten:
Bro no hard feelings but when it comes out and operational and actually flown some missions then we say how good or bad it is, Lets be real and not praise things which has never been used yet! I wish russians good luck but we have to wait and see. Before that take a deep breath :smitten:

I can say the same thing about the JF-17 or the JX-17
But it didnt take any Missions to brand it an absolute success now did it.
I can say the same thing about the JF-17 or the JX-17
But it didnt take any Missions to brand it an absolute success now did it.

I was fearing that you might take it that way.... Oh Man. Are we little kids? Who will say my candy is good and your not? lmao. Jf17 is not good as well happy..... I have noticed this weirdsensitive feeling in all Indian members and i don't know why? :hitwall::hitwall:
So what? Every country, every city or every household have something called a 'budget' where finite amount of money are allocated and the intent is to adhere to budget. You are talking as if money is taken away from current government health care program to pay for defense. Most Americans are in private health insurance anyway. You are bringing in a 'red herring' argument. Educate yourself by looking up what that mean.

Is the F-22 the point or is it the fact that Pakistan constantly look for better arms? Why does Pakistan want better weapons? Are there something wrong or inadequate with the current ones? Is Pakistan looking for an actual war or deterrence? So before you start criticizing US for constantly improving our defense, ask yourself the same question about Pakistan's defense.

I am only talking about the use of F22. and there isn't any in near future. As far as Pakistan is concerned, don't compare USA with Pakistan. USA has wonderful relations with Canada and Mexico is too little to be any problem. Pakistan is up against many times bigger size India.

I am just trying to point out the fact that $350 m jet isn't going to be too useful as smaller less costly UCAV are. Rapid deployment of manned machine is difficult where as UAV is easy. I hope to understand.

And of course F-22 can be used as test bed for future Jets ( already F-35 is similar).
I was fearing that you might take it that way.... Oh Man. Are we little kids? Who will say my candy is good and your not? lmao. Jf17 is not good as well happy..... I have noticed this weirdsensitive feeling in all Indian members and i don't know why? :hitwall::hitwall:

Listen i have no issue with the Jf-17, its a decent plane
But i wanted to counter your point with a valid question

How can you ask for full service history of one Jet before saying how good it is.

Whilst the same level of scrutiny is not required to convince you on the another plane. which was accepted so readily.

I was simply pointing the spot light at your rather Bias Opinnion
Listen i have no issue with the Jf-17, its a decent plane
But i wanted to counter your point with a valid question

How can you ask for full service history of one Jet before saying how good it is.

Whilst the same level of scrutiny is not required to convince you on the another plane. which was accepted so readily.

I was simply pointing the spot light at your rather Bias Opinnion
I'm not biased at all, JF-17 is a good plan BUT i personally will see how good it is in action! I was talking about Pak-af whatever that plans name is! It's russian right? So we were talking about USf22, But someone talked about PAKAF which is not even in service, "i hope you understand what im trying to say here. It's not about india or Pakistan for heaven's sake" We were talking about US f22 and to compare russian jet. let's stick to the topic please cheers and no hard feeling.
A lot of Bull-**** is being propagated in this thread.
My few cents ...

1. Regarding Moon Landing. Moon landing was probably the biggest achievement of mankind as a whole. To be-little it is a crime against humanity as a whole because it is the ONLY achievement in thousands of years of human civilization which gives us hope against all odd. USA could have deceived every single human on the face of this planet, but US could have never deceived USSR which was its competition and was way way ahead in the race when the race started. USSR never objected that moon landing was fake, they are themselves the biggest witness of their defeat in moon race.

2. F22 is technological marvel. F22 has brought together possibly as must futuristic technology as the space shuttle. Its not just a plane, its a dream come true for USA, for making a tech leap so far ahead of other nations, that even after 20 years, no nation in the world is near enough to combine as much tech advances as US did in the 80s & 90s.

3. F22 R&D. USA is not only benefiting from the tangible existence of F22s in its arsenal but more importantly the knowledge it gained from the project itself. Thanks to F22, USA doesn't need any considerable R&D for its F35 project, and the AESA radar concepts developed are now being trickeled down to F35, F18, F15 and even to F16s. Its a moon-race moment, where the actual task of putting a man on the moon was worth less than the technology that got invented just because of the sheer effort put into realizing a dream that once seemed impossible.

4. Weather affects on F22. Does any one know why Challenger blew-up/failed? It was because of the weather on the day of its launch. Dear weather is possibly the biggest threat to military machines in peace time. Pakistan rejected Abrams because it couldn't handle heat and dust better than counterpart Chinese and Russian technology, India criticized Arjun because it failed in 50C temperatures, Chinese KJ2000 crashed because of icing on wings because of cold temperatures so on and so forth. Do you know that Heli Engines are not stopped when they go for missions in Siachen, because they cant restart engines in such a cold environment. Weather is a *****, probably not as much for the rug-tag Sukois, Migs, Mirages and F15/16s of 70s era origin, but for delicately built "Sophisticated Arsenal" of modern era, it packs a punishment as swear as going through gun-fire. And believe me, going though rain at (close to) super-sonic speeds in rain as destructive to F22 as it for any other craft with RAM coating.

5. Rest of the World. Rest of the world is still trying to figure out heads-and-tails of 5th generation technology for better part of a generation, and ,might I add, without any luck. Their is NOT a single stealth fighter in operation, FOC, IOC or even prototype state in entire world except F22, F35, and B2 (F117 is retired). USA is so far ahead that most nations have already given up the race and joined in with US to be party to success when F35 project succeeds in attaining its objectives, and almost a decade has passed since JSF project was launched and still its incomplete. Russia matched USA eye for eye till it lost the moon race, still it was ahead in launching Mir, and develop the safest satellite launch platforms, but why is Russia so far behind in stealth tech? It is because Russia and Rest of world is not behind, rather USA is soooo far ahead that its been 20 years and still no match for stealth tech from anyone else. And to achieve this, USA had to pay through its teeth to master a tech which sucked up almost a 100 billion $, and now people think its a waste.

Gambit, I know you can never prove your point to the people who don't have insight into what a technological marvel F22 proved out to be.

Look people, the F-22's original role wasn't intended to incorporate low level strike missions. It was made an air superiority fighter, and a damn good one at that. So while the clips did bang up the jet's reputation on counter insurgency, where the F-22 is WITHIN SIGHT OF THE NAKED EYE, then who gives a damn about stealth to radar, the jet's designated role in this situation. This forum is so fucked up, no offence, please have the some consideration for other nations other than your own for once. The F-22 is the only stealth fighter out there currently, so before anyone else opens his/her mouth, think before opening one's mouth. Furthermore, we don't have detailed insight of the PAK-FA's performance so before calling it a Puke fighter(I like to very often), I reckon we should give the bird 10 years+ to prove itself first, in combat situations.

In the meantime, Stateside FTW
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I know there are a couple of peaceful Indians out here who want serenity, but I'm sorry, your nation just has WAYYYYYY too many psychos who want an all out war with China, claiming that we're the ones defying some border rule bullshit although they're disregarding the fact that they're not even mentioned in the Chinese Media because we simply don't give a damn about India's arrogant attitude. Perhaps the claim of China wanting war with India was just the latter's best attempt of grabbing the limelight in Chinese Media for a day. But all in all, who knows and more importantly, WHO GIVES A ****. As a side note, the only reason I know of all this Indian crap is because I'm currently residing in the West, and so Gogbot should know how we obtain our info, right? Oh yes, I'm a noob here so I'm going to filter out the dirty words of my first couple of posts, won't be seeing any more of this from now on...
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