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F16s from US will only help Pak lose war against India ‘a little slower’: US official


I am happy as long as both counteries buy my wepons and ask for my cooperatin , I dont give a dam if both counteries nuke each other to stone age ...!:chilli:
One way or other it will not just help to destroy the only muslim country armed with nuke but it will also liberate the mother earth from the load of huge population thus improving the life of ordinary people around the globe . :chilli:
Oh these americans are so innovative . Every now and then they come up with something truely wild to save the earth ;):usflag:
India should not block Pakistan's acquisition of Latest weapons as this might serve as its own argument to acquire latest weapons , which would help it become a regional power .
I think if both countries can help each other becoming Asian giants ....:D
I think we all (china, Pakistan, India), should destroy US:devil:, and then continue wid our discussion, as we say in Urdu: "Na rahega baans, na bajegi bansuri:hang2:" :chilli:
Lose the war, ? there is more a chance of Ball Thakrey converting to Islam.
Hope and prey, Kapoor & Co don't get any fancy ideas from the American ploy or the F-16 will be the last of their worries.
USA...a country that cannot even stop a 'red-flagged' Nigerian carrying explosives in his underwear into the US will try to direct the way things are done with the military weapons being used in India and Pakistan????????

An immensely STUPID article from an immensely STUPID bunch of uninformed US officials!!!
Then the US is alarmed at Pakistan's relationship with China..........I wonder why
This report is to calm Indian anxiety of US selling weapons to Pakistan thats all :coffee:

you are right buddy but what he said was true. Its just he said it because he can no longer say F-16 is to fight terrorists. America knew F-16 can't stand a chance against india but america would never had told that in open. He told it because if he wouldn't then that would have gave india wrong signal.
America knew F-16 can't stand a chance against india

Most funniest post i have ever seen :rofl::rofl: seriously these indians make me laugh.. oh ya your LCA even stand againd raptor but F16 cant stand against mig29 Su30...

Seriously non-sense post i have ever seen. I think PDF admin should change this website from PDF to IJDF (Indian Joke Defence Forum).
Most funniest post i have ever seen :rofl::rofl:
I agree saying that F16 has no chance is an overstatement...

seriously these indians make me laugh.. oh ya your LCA even stand againd raptor but F16 cant stand against mig29 Su30...
Any need for you to troll??? Why not educate/ignore people who have made an overstatement....Just look at the specs MKI indeed looks a better plane on paper...Didn't it???

Seriously non-sense post i have ever seen. I think PDF admin should change this website from PDF to IJDF (Indian Joke Defence Forum).

I am amazed how a so-called non-sense post is equally matched by another and that too from the staff members whom i am sure would want to keep the forum clean and respectable.... Do you really need to label everything as India becuase one member used an overstatement?? I hope you get the message i am trying to give....
I agree saying that F16 has no chance is an overstatement...

Any need for you to troll??? Why not educate/ignore people who have made an overstatement....Just look at the specs MKI indeed looks a better plane on paper...Didn't it???

I am amazed how a so-called non-sense post is equally matched by another and that too from the staff members whom i am sure would want to keep the forum clean and respectable.... Do you really need to label everything as India becuase one member used an overstatement?? I hope you get the message i am trying to give....

Dear mostly everyday such kind of threads from Indian member side:

Paragliding training blaa blaa LAshkar-e-Taiba
F16 cant stand against blaa blaa
India counter Pakistan and China at a time

and many more thats why i said i think admin consider my request (i am staff member and fedup with such kinds of threads. Before we havnt seen such threads everyday. I remember once a week but now mostly everyday.

Hope you understand thanks,
Dear mostly everyday such kind of threads from Indian member side:

Paragliding training blaa blaa LAshkar-e-Taiba
F16 cant stand against blaa blaa
India counter Pakistan and China at a time

and many more thats why i said i think admin consider my request (i am staff member and fedup with such kinds of threads. Before we havnt seen such threads everyday. I remember once a week but now mostly everyday.

Hope you understand thanks,

I am sorry i don't....You being a staff member if you cannot get rid of trolls than what else i can say??? My request was regarding you not matching them.... This will do no good...Do you think by matching any such trolls you will be able to discourage them from doing it??? NO sir the only way is to ban them and most importantly don't let idiots like (not going to name my chinese friend here) who are known for only trolling come back again and again...

Its been a while i have been on this forum and i must say i have learnt a lot...I get to know Pakistani perspective which i could not have learnt by simply relying on Indian media. I used to visit BR and this forum and choose to join :pdf:.... This forum stand for its professionalism but of lately things are on downside..So when i see a staff member doing something which he/she should not i feel bad...I hope you understand my pain...
They might have told us something similar too , they are smart ..:agree:

What if they say that we will give Pakistan source codes for MMRCA :lol:

Seiko i will be honest with you Americans are not a friend of any of us , that is for sure because all they want is just to keep their Military factories running no matter at what cost and at what level of diplomacy.:blink:

This is what keeps their economy running , but once their game plan of destroying Pakistan , India and China by bringing them to war is exposed then they are gone!:D

Or maybe when they would be successful creating tensions between 3 Regional superpowers then they will come and offer peace and show us how " Friendly" they are.;)

I dont worry about the source code..because i dont think they will give it even to us even if we buy their aircrafts :lol: and also I dont like all the present contracts are going to US now..Your experience is the main reason and also the grounding of Sea Kings of our Navy is another.I prefer our old friends Russian or France with some Israeli parts in it :azn:
I dont worry about the source code..because i dont think they will give it even to us even if we buy their aircrafts :lol: and also I dont like all the present contracts are going to US now..Your experience is the main reason and also the grounding of Sea Kings of our Navy is another.I prefer our old friends Russian or France with some Israeli parts in it :azn:

I don't blame you dude, the US only knows who to use and abuse, plus you want a friend who can come in handy at difficult times, unlike the US who will talk about sanctions and not help you if they suspect the tide is turning.

Just look at Pakistan.....heaven forbid, I would not wish the US to be anyones friend. That is the ultimate curse one can give
this is how westerners rule us, they keep us fighting each other and we keep on falling for it, maybe this is why they rule the world.
im sick of these american weapon we need russian weapons now sick of these *** holes always play political game when they sell anything and biggest liers in the world
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