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Trust me US economy is in no shape to open a third front and fight another Muslim nation.
Fourth front actually. Libya was third major front.

US has a much higher priority to contain Iran in its nuclear ambitions and Pakistan is not that high on the priority list. A war with Pakistan will easily add 5 trillion dollars to the US burgeoning debt of 15 trillion and that would spell disaster for the US economy. Already, US credit rating has slipped to AA+ and a sharp spike in this scenario might bring it down to BBB rating ( same as India). In real terms, that would mean that the US Govt. will not be able to borrow anymore because of poor credit rating.

So all you Political Pundits please relax - This ain't gonna happen. Trust me.
Pakistan is not big enough to add 5 trillion dollars bill. The entire cost of WOT worldwide is around 4 Trillion USD to date, and this involves the cost of decade long occupations and rebuilding of two nations; Afghanistan and Iraq. The cost of logistics have also been enormous because US is militarily engaged thousands of kms from its mainland.

Pakistan and Yemen are clandestine fronts where US objectives are limited. So you are correct in this regard. Also, Pakistan may have differences with US over Afghan issue, but our nation poses no significant threat to US interests in the region. Therefore, we are relaxed.

Pakistani (stupid) media has a habit of distorting facts and inciting people. Propaganda works here.
There will be no invasion, no attack. Please relax. And consider the sources who are spreading such rumors. I'd look to them and ponder at their motivation.

I am sure there won't be any invasion because then the term would only be massacre and you know of whom. But the US is attacking Pakistan every other day, drone attacks kill people without trial and that is murder. Plus there is collateral damage when innocents are murdered including infants, children, women, elderly and other non combatants, now this may be acceptable to the US and perhaps even the Pak Govt. but it is not acceptable to Pakistani people and this is why we are so ferociously against your policies when Pakistan is concerned.

And we hope to bring in a pro-Pakistan Govt. in Pakistan some day that starts shooting down these drones and taking out the airfields where they take off from to attack Pakistan.
I am sure there won't be any invasion because then the term would only be massacre and you know of whom. But the US is attacking Pakistan every other day, drone attacks kill people without trial and that is murder. Plus there is collateral damage when innocents are murdered including infants, children, women, elderly and other non combatants, now this may be acceptable to the US and perhaps even the Pak Govt. but it is not acceptable to Pakistani people and this is why we are so ferociously against your policies when Pakistan is concerned.

And we hope to bring in a pro-Pakistan Govt. in Pakistan some day that starts shooting down these drones and taking out the airfields where they take off from to attack Pakistan.

The problem with Pakistan is the enormous amount of confusion that has been created..perhaps on purpose.....you are accusing US of attacking Pakistan everyday with drones but then it is an open secret that it is happening with the permission from both army and civilian govt....
you are accusing US of attacking Pakistan everyday with drones but then it is an open secret that it is happening with the permission from both army and civilian govt....

Yep... the GOP and Pakistani military's plan does work well. Authorize the drone strikes in secret, maintain deniability, and all the anger flows Westward.
Yep... the GOP and Pakistani military's plan does work well. Authorize the drone strikes in secret, maintain deniability, and all the anger flows Westward.

What can i say they are genious for destorying there own economy because of bad impact on the world
The problem with Pakistan is the enormous amount of confusion that has been created..perhaps on purpose.....you are accusing US of attacking Pakistan everyday with drones but then it is an open secret that it is happening with the permission from both army and civilian govt....

Well, the Govt. requires US blessing to stay in power so it has to oblige requests, but at the same time they do not want to invite wrath of the common man so they publicly deny any wrongdoing. I am speaking of a Govt that is elected by public mandate and not by US blessings that has the courage to say 'No' to things that effect our national security and creates disharmony amongst Pakistanis.
Not very surprising, not too long go a TuAF F-16 crashed and the TuAF crews recovered many parts they had never seen before that had been hidden in the plane. I also hear that many of the critical components of the F-16 and additional hardware have electronic seals to prevent tampering which can only be opened by USAF/LM personnell when they make their mandatory end-user inspections.

"Crafty these Americans are"
lol even if they have no hidden parts those f-16s stand no friggin chance against the eagles and raptors...
lol even if they have no hidden parts those f-16s stand no friggin chance against the eagles and raptors...

ists good enough for IAF :coffee: why do you think we are building JF17 and buying FC20 and pakistan PAF is starting a new 5Gen stealth fighter jet program with china these will take care of USAF
no matter what our armed forces get we will never be able to fight usa because we are not a nation and secondly our great visionary politicians have brought us on the brink of extinction now.pak has 6th largest army n 7th largest air force but pak's fastly deteriorating economy will never let its forces to fight for more than 10 days.they wont be having fuel n funds to continue the fight
How good is CDL (PAF) between F-16s, airborne early warning assets, ground installation and command rooms/HQ?
There will be no invasion, no attack. Please relax. And consider the sources who are spreading such rumors. I'd look to them and ponder at their motivation.

a self respecting leadership that is not going to flee Pakistan alon with its money to West is what going to ensure that there is no confrontation
once the Americans know that they are dealing with normal and responsible leadership they will interact differently like they do with say Turkey for example. not out of fear but out of respect.
Right on the dot bud. The truth lies in our own conduct. We allow them to push us around -- they will. We would do the same thing if the tables were turned around.

Already we are seeing drone strikes stopped -- when we finally decided thay were counter productive to our cuase. As long as we also agreed with the targeting priority with them, we allowed them to continue with a wink and a nod.

it is all about self respect and national interests. If our leaders are clean than come hell or high water, they will not ride roughshod on us. Look at India, got the nuke deal and said goodbye to US fighters.

We have laways blamed others for our own weakneses.
I`m sure i`m stating the obvious but, why would any nation that sells jets to "allies", ever make it possible for the "allies" to use these jets against them?
They sell you these jets(USA/China) because they expect you to never use them against them, not to mention that they make sure you never use them against them. (Without spending billions to modify them)

Can you use the Chinese jets that Pakistan currently uses against PLAAF jets?

Chinese and Vietnamese jets, as well as Chinese and Russian jets, have faced off before I think.

Russia and China are pretty liberal about tech transfers. Russia gave us an entire Su-27 production line and we gave Pakistan an entire JF-17 production line.

If Pakistan really wanted to, it could probably target PLAAF planes with their JF-17s. In fact, IAF could probably target Russian Su-30s with their Su-30s. Our Su-30s can probably target Russian Su-30s too, that's why the condition of sale was no Su-30s near the Sino-Russian border.
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