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F-35s to become Eyes and Ears of the Fleet


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
Advocates for the F-35 program have long been touting the unique value of the aircraft as a sensor node. Some even argue that this will be the central role of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) as opposed to air-to-air combat or ground attack. The combination of the multi-function AESA radar, advanced sensors, secure communications, stealthiness, speed and maneuverability, makes the F-35 ideal for operations inside adversaries’ airspace and air defense envelopes. From this special vantage point, the new fighter can pass attack warning and even targeting information back to follow-on aircraft, arsenal planes, and air and missile defense units, allowing them to engage targets at maximum range and effectiveness.

The Navy has been working for a number of years to expand the power of its air and missile defense systems by linking together available sensors, regardless of the platform on which they are carried, fuse all this information and provide high-fidelity targeting information to interceptor systems. One aspect of this is the Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA). This system seeks to employ the Aegis fire control system to manage the data from a variety of airborne and ship-based radars in order to provide information on which to launch air and missile variants of the Standard Missile (SM-6 and SM-3) from any platform within range. One of the key sensor systems supporting NIFC-CA is the aircraft carrier launched E-2D Hawkeye radar surveillance plane. Recently the NIFC-CA program conducted a successful intercept test involving the use of the Aegis radar and battle management system to support launch of a land-based Patriot missile.

Now the F-35 has entered the list and nothing in air and air defense warfare will ever be the same. As reported by Dave Majumdar in National Interest, an F-35B, the short takeoff/vertical landing variant that has reached initial operating capability with the Marine Corps, was able to provide targeting formation to a ground-based Aegis test system which used it to launch an SM-6 at a simulated threat aircraft. This means that every large deck amphibious warfare ship and aircraft carrier will be able to deploy a number of JSFs, either the F-35B or the Navy’s F-35C model, to act as high flying, invisible eyes and ears in the skies. It is somewhat ironic that the Marine Corps will have this capability years before its sister sea service.

Clearly, the higher above the surface of the Earth you can locate a sensor the greater its range, up to its maximum power output. One of the problems the U.S. military has had getting the greatest effectiveness out of its existing air and missile defense systems, e.g., Patriot, Aegis and THAAD, has been the limited range at which surface-based radars can see incoming threats. One answer is to put a radar way forward of the defensive missile battery to acquire an early look. We have done that in the past, as far back as the Navy’s defense of the fleet at Okinawa in 1945. The problem with this approach is that the forward deployed radar and any platform carrying it is extremely vulnerable to attack.

With the F-35, this problem is ameliorated or even eliminated. Even more important, forward based, invisible sensors provide the basis for enabling air and missile defenses to launch on warning or even launch on remote. This will allow the Aegis, Patriot and other defensive systems to attempt intercepts at the missile’s maximum range as well as conduct sophisticated fire strategies such as shoot-look-shoot that ensures an incoming threat is destroyed. The overall effectiveness of defenses where F-35s are present should rise substantially.

The F-35 can be employed just as easily to target offensive missiles against enemy ships and shore installations fired by U.S. platforms operating over the horizon. This will improve both the lethality and survivability of U.S. forces.

Of course, the F-35 will have a central place in counter-air, interdiction and close air support missions by the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. But even when its internal magazines are empty, the JSF will still provide a key node in the joint force’s network.

F-35 though first seems to be a failure now wondering the earth with its power and strength...
If America didn't teased Pakistan for F-16 on different points then obviously we were to consider this aircraft as our next gen platform but America did'nt done well.

Any how J-31 is of comparable role with a twin engine power. It will boost up Pakistan airforce

Well F-35 looks not so good in front of it:
f-35 ii.jpg
F-35 though first seems to be a failure now wondering the earth with its power and strength...
If America didn't teased Pakistan for F-16 on different points then obviously we were to consider this aircraft as our next gen platform but America did'nt done well.

Any how J-31 is of comparable role with a twin engine power. It will boost up Pakistan airforce
View attachment 342170 View attachment 342171

Well F-35 looks not so good in front of it:
View attachment 342172 View attachment 342173

J-31 has nowhere the level avionics and software the F-35 has. It's not even a fair comparison.

one exists and is being existed another is more like a prototype that the Chinese aren't even considering acquiring.

the F-35 is just part of this jig-saw of new age air to air warfare.
J-31 has nowhere the level avionics and software the F-35 has. It's not even a fair comparison.

one exists and is being existed another is more like a prototype that the Chinese aren't even considering acquiring.

the F-35 is just part of this jig-saw of new age air to air warfare.
F-22 is my dream fighter jet...
It is best of the bests...

But when it comes to F-35....The tables are turned towards America...
Admit it or not...
We Don't know much about J-20 as it is highly classified (Don't know that it will compare F-22) but J-31 takes lead to F-35.
F-22 is my dream fighter jet...
It is best of the bests...

But when it comes to F-35....The tables are turned towards America...
Admit it or not...
We Don't know much about J-20 as it is highly classified (Don't know that it will compare F-22) but J-31 takes lead to F-35.

how does the J-31 take the lead on the F-35?? who is buying it? not China for one :coffee:
how does the J-31 take the lead on the F-35?? who is buying it? not China for one :coffee:
By the way many Nations also rejected F-35...
Pakistan will be the first customer of the j-31 and Iran might be the second...
By the way many Nations also rejected F-35...
Pakistan will be the first customer of the j-31 and Iran might be the second...

which nations rejected the F-35?? :what: I think only Canada has.

J-31 will be cheaper, but only because it cut corners. If it comes face to face with the F-35 it's the F-35 that will win.

not saying J-31 is bad, and it's best suited for countries that can't afford the F-35.
Advocates for the F-35 program have long been touting the unique value of the aircraft as a sensor node. Some even argue that this will be the central role of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) as opposed to air-to-air combat or ground attack. The combination of the multi-function AESA radar, advanced sensors, secure communications, stealthiness, speed and maneuverability, makes the F-35 ideal for operations inside adversaries’ airspace and air defense envelopes. From this special vantage point, the new fighter can pass attack warning and even targeting information back to follow-on aircraft, arsenal planes, and air and missile defense units, allowing them to engage targets at maximum range and effectiveness.

The Navy has been working for a number of years to expand the power of its air and missile defense systems by linking together available sensors, regardless of the platform on which they are carried, fuse all this information and provide high-fidelity targeting information to interceptor systems. One aspect of this is the Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA). This system seeks to employ the Aegis fire control system to manage the data from a variety of airborne and ship-based radars in order to provide information on which to launch air and missile variants of the Standard Missile (SM-6 and SM-3) from any platform within range. One of the key sensor systems supporting NIFC-CA is the aircraft carrier launched E-2D Hawkeye radar surveillance plane. Recently the NIFC-CA program conducted a successful intercept test involving the use of the Aegis radar and battle management system to support launch of a land-based Patriot missile.

Now the F-35 has entered the list and nothing in air and air defense warfare will ever be the same. As reported by Dave Majumdar in National Interest, an F-35B, the short takeoff/vertical landing variant that has reached initial operating capability with the Marine Corps, was able to provide targeting formation to a ground-based Aegis test system which used it to launch an SM-6 at a simulated threat aircraft. This means that every large deck amphibious warfare ship and aircraft carrier will be able to deploy a number of JSFs, either the F-35B or the Navy’s F-35C model, to act as high flying, invisible eyes and ears in the skies. It is somewhat ironic that the Marine Corps will have this capability years before its sister sea service.

Clearly, the higher above the surface of the Earth you can locate a sensor the greater its range, up to its maximum power output. One of the problems the U.S. military has had getting the greatest effectiveness out of its existing air and missile defense systems, e.g., Patriot, Aegis and THAAD, has been the limited range at which surface-based radars can see incoming threats. One answer is to put a radar way forward of the defensive missile battery to acquire an early look. We have done that in the past, as far back as the Navy’s defense of the fleet at Okinawa in 1945. The problem with this approach is that the forward deployed radar and any platform carrying it is extremely vulnerable to attack.

With the F-35, this problem is ameliorated or even eliminated. Even more important, forward based, invisible sensors provide the basis for enabling air and missile defenses to launch on warning or even launch on remote. This will allow the Aegis, Patriot and other defensive systems to attempt intercepts at the missile’s maximum range as well as conduct sophisticated fire strategies such as shoot-look-shoot that ensures an incoming threat is destroyed. The overall effectiveness of defenses where F-35s are present should rise substantially.

The F-35 can be employed just as easily to target offensive missiles against enemy ships and shore installations fired by U.S. platforms operating over the horizon. This will improve both the lethality and survivability of U.S. forces.

Of course, the F-35 will have a central place in counter-air, interdiction and close air support missions by the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. But even when its internal magazines are empty, the JSF will still provide a key node in the joint force’s network.


A stealth drone might be more cost effective.
F-22 is my dream fighter jet...
It is best of the bests...

But when it comes to F-35....The tables are turned towards America...
Admit it or not...
We Don't know much about J-20 as it is highly classified (Don't know that it will compare F-22) but J-31 takes lead to F-35.
Do you even know what you are talking about? How can you compare a prototype fighter jet(that MIGHT never see the day), with a fighter jet that is already being mass produced/operational and will be(is being) used by basically the worlds leading aviation powers?
The avionics and software alone on F-35 is unmatched in the world. Its an insult comparing F-35 with J-31.
J-31 that even the Chinese have rejected and you are there comparing it with F-35? like seriously dude?o_O
J-31 should be for poor countries that cant afford the F-35 or who have been denied the F-35 like Pakistan, and some other middle eastern/muslim countries etc. Any country who has a choice and can afford it will go for the F-35 anyday. It's not even a competition. It's a non event to be honest. As for Iran buying the J-31 , i thought they said they have their own qaher or something like that?:undecided:
Do you even know what you are talking about? How can you compare a prototype fighter jet(that MIGHT never see the day), with a fighter jet that is already being mass produced/operational and will be(is being) used by basically the worlds leading aviation powers?
The avionics and software alone on F-35 is unmatched in the world. Its an insult comparing F-35 with J-31.
J-31 that even the Chinese have rejected and you are there comparing it with F-35? like seriously dude?o_O
J-31 should be for poor countries that cant afford the F-35 or who have been denied the F-35 like Pakistan, and some other middle eastern/muslim countries etc. Any country who has a choice and can afford it will go for the F-35 anyday. It's not even a competition. It's a non event to be honest. As for Iran buying the J-31 , i thought they said they have their own qaher or something like that?:undecided:

Who the hell said you that China rejected J-31...
It is the export Stealth version and they are procuring J-20 non-export version like America did with F-22 .... America made stealth export version in the name of F-35....
Secondly if Britain got the F-35 doesn't mean that it is incomparable... If China is making that aircraft they are not mad that they will export without advanced avionics..

And for you.. Fear that J-20... One of the best stealth...

And Gaher or somewhat.!!.... That was just for winning elections... Like Modi is doing the fake claim of Surgical Strikes....
Who the hell said you that China rejected J-31...
It is the export Stealth version and they are procuring J-20 non-export version like America did with F-22 .... America made stealth export version in the name of F-35....
Secondly if Britain got the F-35 doesn't mean that it is incomparable... If China is making that aircraft they are not mad that they will export without advanced avionics..

And for you.. Fear that J-20... One of the best stealth...

And Gaher or somewhat.!!.... That was just for winning elections... Like Modi is doing the fake claim of Surgical Strikes....

Lol Ok if yo say so genius.:what:
U.S develop their stealth decades ago, and u claim that some prototype aircraft, from a country that never developed stealth aircraft, is better?
No sense.
When it comes to China and Russia, it's mostly propaganda aka "S400 can make any stealth aircraft useless" type..
still, I got respect for China and Russia, but they're by no means as advance as the U.S in most fields and specialy in this one.
You know that the J-20 has canards?
Yes I know it very well...
Canard planes are not good stealth but like EU did with Euro Fighter China will definitely so something to deduct the radar pulses. Canards were necessary to lift up the aircraft with huge payload... But there will be a solution...

Well F-22 looks a shit piece of crap in front of J-20...!!:enjoy:
reality is .. this this technology only matters if things are the way they are at the moment ..
USA haven't fought any country with proper army ..

Also, Syria , they are not fighting directly, they are supporting ISIS ..

In real war time, when 100s of missiles coming towards you, even F35 cannot do anything about it ..

its a good weapon to fight against ISIS , small armies around the world etc .. but defiantly not with Russia and China
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