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F-22 using JDAM or JSOW vs Type 52 class

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Depends on threshold and if said threshold is high enough, then for all purposes, their RCS are effectively zero. But of course, you would have problems understanding the concept of a threshold

But of course, it also depends on angle and distance.
Fake experts:azn:
But of course, it also depends on angle and distance.
Fake experts:azn:
Nice try, but ultimately -- lame. I doubt you know what 'threshold' I was referring to. Time for you to use the forum's search feature and learn something.
I suggest that mods close the thread!

Instead, the retarded newbies could open a question thread and let gambit the professional to learn them ABCs.
On a lighter note: One US raptor "GAMBIT" and all chinese forces vanished :lol:
If you perform keyword search on 'l-band stealth' you will find plenty of op-eds on how 'stealth' has been rendered worthless or dead because of the L-band, but nowhere will you find more details about radar detection, how the process works, and how those details nullify all of those op-eds. That is because the authors either have motives other than rational and fair analyses, or that they are ignorant and prefers it that way.
F22 and F35 is Stealth fighter ,but It not means they RCS and Infrared are zero.

Ignorant wretch:rofl:

Prove radar & Electro-Optical Type 052 C / D can be detected ? 17km ! Ignorant wretch :azn:

1.AESA radar is not detected by the RWR because it constant frequency, and each T / R modules in 1 different frequency noise should remain in geophysics, in addition, the T / R modules microsites, no partten searchshould specify whether detect offerings virtually impossible triangulation is to find the distance. so the F-35 can turn the radar is not entirely without prejudice to the stealth features of the aircraft


AESA radars also offer less emission “leakage” beyond their scanning cone, and can spread their signal emissions over a broad set of frequencies. Most people don’t think of the radar as part of a platform’s stealth level, but it is. Less side-lobe leakage improves the radar cross-section directly. “Agile beam” radars can both spread and switch frequencies as they go, which makes the radar very hard to detect, even when it’s on. Previous generation radars haven’t had that advantage, and turning on your fighter’s radar was kind of like the policeman who turns a flashlight on to find bad guys in a big warehouse. In all likelihood, they can see the light source before the policeman can use the beam to see them. Modern infantry solve this problem by using invisible infrared lights, which work with their night-vision goggles and allow them to see without being seen. Agile beam AESA radars offer the same advantage for a modern fighter jet.


JSF’s uses a band-pass resonant radome and is one of its most complex structural components. The Northrop Grumman APG-81 has what is called Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA). It comprises a fixed planar structure carrying more than 1,000 “transmit-receive modules”, each of them one tiny solid-state radar. Apart from its state of the art detection capabilities, it also contributes to the RCS reduction since it is tilted slightly upwards, deflecting away any possible reflection to any possible receiver.

2. A new type of paint, or topcoat, increases the F-22 Raptor's stealthiness by reducing its vulnerability to infrared threats. To meet F-22 requirements, Boeing developed the topcoat to protect the aircraft against a broad range of wavelengths.

a point of criticism in the F-35 and F-22 is not invisible to infrared devices and are not locked but can be detected remotely by IRST lose the surprise, thisis essentially correct but not entirely accurate, the fact that the F-35 and F-22 are coating reduces the infrared signal, of course, due to friction with the air when the aircraft can not reduce allthe infrared signal however is definitely being watched by the same 1 IRST system, 4 or 4.5 generation aircraft will be detected before the F-35 and F-22 (the fact that the F-35 is factoryflight one engine so there infrared signal at over clouds 2 engine again)

F22 & F35 RCS = less than 0.1 m2

Developed under the Joint Strike Fighter 'BAA 94-2' program to evaluate advanced, affordable technologies applicable to the JSF, the LOAN provides a significant reduction in radar cross section and infrared signature emissions from the engine


The F-16 Low-Observable Asymmetric Nozzle (LOAN) demonstrator was an F-16C fitted in late 1996 with a prototype nozzle with significantly reduced radar and infra-red signatures and lowered maintenance requirements. It was tested in November 1996 to evaluate the technology for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program.
A war of China with US is out of question. US like to talk but will never enter war with China for japan just for a few small pieces of rock..

What US is going to do? Hit the hand that feed its mouth? Bash up its biggest supplier for its commodities? If a War started of US with China. China will sell off US bond, then it will nationalise all US asset in China. It will be a endless economic attribution that will tear down the whole world.

We can safely factor in a mini sea war with Japan without the participate of USN..
A war of China with US is out of question. US like to talk but will never enter war with China for japan just for a few small pieces of rock..

What US is going to do? Hit the hand that feed its mouth? Bash up its biggest supplier for its commodities? If a War started of US with China. China will sell off US bond, then it will nationalise all US asset in China. It will be a endless economic attribution that will tear down the whole world.

We can safely factor in a mini sea war with Japan without the participate of USN..

An naval conflict between Japan and China is an dream come true for Washigton. It would mean that the PLAN's naval build up would all go to waste. Your Type 052C/D is the only AD/ABM Destroyer that China has in it's inventory, meanwhile the JMSDF has the Kongo class DDG, the Atago class DDG (soon to be armed with SM-3 BMD system). The new Akuziki Class destroyer will be the new escort for these Aegis equipt DDG has it is jam-packed with electronic suites and low/medium level defense against possible sea-skimmers/AshM/Naval CM. The Japanese are masters of blue water combat.
The Japanese are masters of blue water combat.

This isn't blue water combat on the other side of the globe.

This is the East China Sea on China's doorstep.

The PLAAF and Second Artillery are not going to sit this one out no matter how much you want them to.

If this turns into a shooting war, all options are on the table.

This includes strikes on the Japanese mainland.

The question is, how far does Japan want to take this. :lol:

A war of China with US is out of question. US like to talk but will never enter war with China for japan just for a few small pieces of rock..

What US is going to do? Hit the hand that feed its mouth? Bash up its biggest supplier for its commodities? If a War started of US with China. China will sell off US bond, then it will nationalise all US asset in China. It will be a endless economic attribution that will tear down the whole world.

We can safely factor in a mini sea war with Japan without the participate of USN..
Goods, not commodities. Look up the difference. And since China is still an export oriented economy, not buying any goods from China will cripple China sooner and faster than any shortage of goods in the US. What about Chinese investment in the US and allied countries? Why not confiscate them in return? CNOOC has about 3.5 bils invested in the US. China's AVIC acquired US aircraft maker Cirrus in '11, why not take it back? Haier has a 40 mils manufacturing facility in South Carolina, confiscate that as well. And how about Lenovo?
A war of China with US is out of question. US like to talk but will never enter war with China for japan just for a few small pieces of rock..

What US is going to do? Hit the hand that feed its mouth? Bash up its biggest supplier for its commodities? If a War started of US with China. China will sell off US bond, then it will nationalise all US asset in China. It will be a endless economic attribution that will tear down the whole world.

We can safely factor in a mini sea war with Japan without the participate of USN..

Beast am surprised you make these comments after living and perhaps studying in Australia,

Yes, US do not want war with China, but is not afraid to got war. this is not because of alliance and defense treaty alone, but also for its legitimacy and superpower status , its US alliance and defence treaty which has helped maintained peace in the region , imagine this , without US support , Japan would have gone nuclear a long time ago , so would South Korea and even Philippine perhaps.

China would have definitely attacked Taiwan, Taiwanese are no mainlander and wont sit helpless while the tank rolls like in Tiananmen square , even if you managed to defeat their defense force , there would be civilian uprising with China of epic proportion that would destabilize Chinese mainland.

War with Japan, will crush China, Japanese companies hire millions of Chinese worker, imagine millions of Chinese off work!!!!. Attack on Japan will invoke defense treaty ( direct - indirect) with US , EU , Australia , Canada , even if nobody sends troops; The 1st 2nd 3rd largest trading partners which are 3 massive economies and others (i.e more than 55% of worlds GDP) having trade embargo on Chinese goods. Along with two largest commodity trader (Australia and Canada) shutting imports to china.

The Chinese need to understand the west has done well without china in the past and won’t do too bad without china.

As for China selling US bounds , and surprised Chinese make this comments all the time , if you know bit of finance and economy you wont be making those. When you sell something you would have to buy something , unless you plan to trash or burn it.

If Chinese floods the market with 2 trillion US dollar overnight, the dollar will weaken for a while ( which is heaven send for United states) but won’t collapse, this is because when china sells; it would have bought something, what will it buy? Euro, Yen, Indian rupee perhaps, so these countries will in turn buy US dollar to weaken their appreciating (raising) currency.

In addition, US is printing 80 billion $ every month. i.e almost 1 trillion a year , they just have to stop the money press and buy the dollar .

Also when you flood the market with so much money, you are going to lower your return, imagine you lose 10 -20% of our investment i.e. 200-400 billion!!!! (this is being optimistic ). this will be the single worst economic transaction in history!.

So you see, China will never go to war with Japan/US.. Unless it want to rewind itself back to where it was 30-40 yrs ago as it will end up looser, without US firing a single shell.
Beast am surprised you make these comments after living and perhaps studying in Australia,

Yes, US do not want war with China, but is not afraid to got war. this is not because of alliance and defense treaty alone, but also for its legitimacy and superpower status , its US alliance and defence treaty which has helped maintained peace in the region , imagine this , without US support , Japan would have gone nuclear a long time ago , so would South Korea and even Philippine perhaps.

China would have definitely attacked Taiwan, Taiwanese are no mainlander and wont sit helpless while the tank rolls like in Tiananmen square , even if you managed to defeat their defense force , there would be civilian uprising with China of epic proportion that would destabilize Chinese mainland.

War with Japan, will crush China, Japanese companies hire millions of Chinese worker, imagine millions of Chinese off work!!!!. Attack on Japan will invoke defense treaty ( direct - indirect) with US , EU , Australia , Canada , even if nobody sends troops; The 1st 2nd 3rd largest trading partners which are 3 massive economies and others (i.e more than 55% of worlds GDP) having trade embargo on Chinese goods. Along with two largest commodity trader (Australia and Canada) shutting imports to china.

The Chinese need to understand the west has done well without china in the past and won’t do too bad without china.

As for China selling US bounds , and surprised Chinese make this comments all the time , if you know bit of finance and economy you wont be making those. When you sell something you would have to buy something , unless you plan to trash or burn it.

If Chinese floods the market with 2 trillion US dollar overnight, the dollar will weaken for a while ( which is heaven send for United states) but won’t collapse, this is because when china sells; it would have bought something, what will it buy? Euro, Yen, Indian rupee perhaps, so these countries will in turn buy US dollar to weaken their appreciating (raising) currency.

In addition, US is printing 80 billion $ every month. i.e almost 1 trillion a year , they just have to stop the money press and buy the dollar .

Also when you flood the market with so much money, you are going to lower your return, imagine you lose 10 -20% of our investment i.e. 200-400 billion!!!! (this is being optimistic ). this will be the single worst economic transaction in history!.

So you see, China will never go to war with Japan/US.. Unless it want to rewind itself back to where it was 30-40 yrs ago as it will end up looser, without US firing a single shell.

how are these economic issues and internal probems between China and Taiwan of relevance to the topic?!!!
F22 will be destroyed by HQ9B with range of 200Km before it launch a JDAM. No matter Vietman troll from anywhere from the world can't change the fact. Height of Idiocy.

Goods, not commodities. Look up the difference. And since China is still an export oriented economy, not buying any goods from China will cripple China sooner and faster than any shortage of goods in the US. What about Chinese investment in the US and allied countries? Why not confiscate them in return? CNOOC has about 3.5 bils invested in the US. China's AVIC acquired US aircraft maker Cirrus in '11, why not take it back? Haier has a 40 mils manufacturing facility in South Carolina, confiscate that as well. And how about Lenovo?
Try to live a week in USA without buying products made in China with your existing income level.
Japanese business share in China could being replaced by EU and local companies, no one will loose their jobs cause the pie is mammoth. without China market, 60%of Japanese private enterprise will bankrupt. one suggestion to fake experts on this forum: STFU before you look stupid.

We will slaughter US army if we face on the land. Mao said that US is a paper tiger, it seems damn right.
China army is the Combination of the whole world best army, just bring it instead of trolling here like a MF.
An naval conflict between Japan and China is an dream come true for Washigton. It would mean that the PLAN's naval build up would all go to waste. Your Type 052C/D is the only AD/ABM Destroyer that China has in it's inventory, meanwhile the JMSDF has the Kongo class DDG, the Atago class DDG (soon to be armed with SM-3 BMD system). The new Akuziki Class destroyer will be the new escort for these Aegis equipt DDG has it is jam-packed with electronic suites and low/medium level defense against possible sea-skimmers/AshM/Naval CM. The Japanese are masters of blue water combat.

Plz tell me 4 Kongo class DDGs and 2 Atago class DDGs how vs hundreds FBC-1s , Su-33Mkks and thousands anti-ship missles.

The war is in green water,Chinese are masters of green water.
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