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F-22 fighter was shot down by two j-10

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May 23, 2011
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Core Tip: September 2007, Reuters quoted an official speech, the United States Central Intelligence Agency, said a U.S. F-22 fighters in the September 1, lost contact after taking off from Guam, Reuters quoted the official as saying , in the CIA intercepted military communications in China, found that the F-22 aircraft have been shot down by Chinese fighters intercepted and crashed in the mountains islands off the coast of Zhejiang, the scope of the fish.

Xinhua reported on May 3 last September 9, Reuters quoted a CIA official said the United States, a U.S. F-22 fighters in the September 1, lost contact after taking off from Guam, the Pacific Fleet after the Ryukyu as well as Guam and the ships sent to search the aircraft, but still nothing.

Reuters quoted the official as saying, in the end the CIA intercepted military communications in China, found that the F-22 aircraft was shot down by Chinese fighters intercepted and crashed in the mountains islands off the coast of Zhejiang, the scope of the fish.

The article also mentioned that before, has been widely circulated on the Internet and a U.S. F-22 fighters, 16 August last year, from the direction of Fujian Quangang entered China's airspace and was intercepted by the PLA ground radar, two F-10 fighter quickly took off to intercept, F-22 several times to warn, demand the immediate withdrawal of China's airspace, but the F-22 did not bother to avoid the F-22 could attack the urban area to the ground, headquarters ordered the fire, two F-10 fighter then start with the F-22 air combat, the results of F-22 was shot down and crashed in the southern suburbs of White Lake Pavilion near Fuzhou, the crew bailed out alive, after being taken away by the PLA.

F-22 Five of America's most advanced machine, cost $ 120 million per aircraft, the U.S. military as Air killer, only the U.S. Air Force use, is completely banned the export of weapons.

Asia Times Online article also mentioned a message, U.S. "Christian Economic Journal" on February 3 published an article written by the U.S. defense experts Kai Mike's article, alluding to China's threat to U.S. aircraft in the Western Pacific region of the air and condemned the U.S. government to conceal three downed F-22 is the fact that taxpayers can not tell more than 300 million dollars have been buried in Zhongnanhai. If Kai Mike available information is true, that is, a total of three F-22 was shot down, there is data in addition to the above mentioned two, there is a completely unreported.

Finally, the article commented that the U.S. military and its allies, the Air Force, recently in the Western Pacific is indeed frequent occurrence of accidents, losses, military observers naturally have different opinions, the news circulated on the Internet although can not confirm, but also to become parties to reference information


---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ----------

Last year at 16:00 on August 16 about a U.S. F22 fighter direction from the invasion of China in Fujian Quangang airspace, was intercepted by the PLA ground radar, but the signal from time to time. The PLA is the latest mobile radar to accurately capture its trajectory. Hong Kong media said some of the advanced air defense radar, although difficult to detect the signal is weak single deployment of stealth fighters, however, if many different types of air defense radars to detect the deployment and networking, the U.S. stealth fighter at any time, "revealed the fox's tail." Two F-10 aircraft took off quickly to intercept the F22 repeatedly warned, asking them to immediately leave the Chinese airspace. However, F22 is fast and flew over to Fuzhou, the pilot parachute to escape this, as planes, according to later estimates may be a sudden mechanical failure, has lost control, near the southern suburbs of Fuzhou, in order to avoid the F22 may attack the urban area to the ground lead to large-scale casualties, the headquarters ordered the fire destroyed the middle of the aircraft out of control. F-10 aircraft fired two air to air missile shot down the F22, the aircraft landed safely after parachuting members.

F22 crashed in the southern suburbs of Fuzhou, White Lake Pavilion attachment site was prepared immediately surrounded by layers of the PLA ground forces, all personnel shall not enter. Members of parachuting aircraft landing are duly brought before the PLA military vehicles away.

Result of a sudden, the two countries have carried this message block. According to the Chinese Air Force network previously reported, F22 has invaded Chinese airspace records are in the warning by the immediate withdrawal of our military. Why not leave the F22, but the direction of rapid flight to Fuzhou, is worth studying.

On the Internet, witnesses said, billows of smoke an airplane fall from the sky, plunging to the ground with a bang after the explosion. Appearance point of view from the plane, much like the military picture of F22. People have to run to the scene of the accident, but the scene has long been surrounded by layers of the PLA, there is no access.

Feedback forum for users, according to the mainland, was shot down on August 16 the U.S. F22 wreckage, has been taking advantage of Fuzhou typhoon rainy night, was transported to a Research Institute of the PLA. The recent Typhoon Shengpa Deng Lu Fujian, Fujian province received heavy rains, the U.S. military satellites do not detect the ground situation. The current site of the incident have been lifted martial law, F22 debris has been removed.

Prior to the first media reports, the PLA Jian Qi fighter crashed in Fuzhou. However, according to users feedback, this is by no means the PLA plane crash. Plane crash the previous People's Liberation Army, did not need layers cordoned off, state media also have a clear report. And this is very strange, not only the site was blocked at every level, the official media have not reported that U.S. aircraft were shot down rumors online, only the individual site reports for the People's Liberation Army plane crash.

F22 fall when, without radar, with the naked eye can see. Most online Witnesses have said the plane crashed and the very appearance resembles F22.

Hong Kong media: U.S. F22 fighters invaded Chinese airspace, was destroyed 10 shot down

F22 was shot down is true. F22 lost contact, the U.S. military sent a tanker to the scene immediately airspace and inform the Chinese side also claimed that: a U.S. F22 aircraft during routine training, due to machine failure warning radar, electronic navigation system failure led to straying into Chinese airspace. J10 Air Force dispatched two aircraft to perform air space cruise, followed by the United States said: F22 missing in the Fujian area of ​​airspace.

U.S. military tanker aircraft followed a civilian airports in Sichuan. F22 strayed into the U.S. as an indication of any hostility? And use it as an excuse to ask for F22 fighter planes to China. Another. The insider said: As the coastal areas of Fujian, all airports are in the sensitive period of military preparations against Taiwan, so China did not accept the U.S. tanker in the vicinity of airports Fujian request! Finally, choose a civilian airport in Sichuan as the landing site.

Commander of U.S. forces stationed in Japan: U.S. F-22 unable to invade China, who have been shot down by suggesting

September 29, commander of U.S. forces stationed in Japan and Fifth Air Force Commander, Lieutenant General Bruce Wright Kadena Air Base Japan, told the Associated Press an exclusive interview, talking about the progress of China's military equipment modernization great, but the U.S. military because of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, tired, and that in addition to the latest fighters, like the Korean War when it was unable to repeat China's airspace. International military observers believe that the U.S. will be so high to see China's military power, self-degradation, the purpose is to strengthen the U.S. military armaments to fight the next stage of public opinion based on the military to Congress for more bargaining. Of course, this also has China's military modernization does to the U.S. military impressed factor.

The same day, White will be told AP reporters, and the commander of U.S. forces in Okinawa speech, the latest equipment on the People's Liberation Army envy: "China over quickly filled with new Russian-made aircraft, such as Su-27 and Su-30, there is China's own R & D, fitted out in January this year, the F-10. In addition, China has also improved the ballistic missile defense system, and enhance the space warfare capabilities, and in January this year shot down an old weather satellite, and the rocket height of the old satellite's orbit is precisely the U.S. military satellite orbit altitude. "

White will be admitted, in this case, and then penetrated with the existing Chinese airspace to U.S. warplanes "have been difficult or simply impossible." U.S. military aircraft and ships are often in China, "doorstep" of offshore gathering intelligence , this is the "open secret", and in addition, has also implemented top-secret venture into the Chinese interior surveillance. Such as during the Korean War, the U.S. military has sent the latest jet fighter-depth China, Shenyang, Harbin, Manchuria, reconnaissance operations. But in the current circumstances, because of China's cutting-edge aircraft fitted out one after another, and growing air defense system, will be admitted that the existing U.S. Air Force fighters' inability to enter Chinese airspace, "the.

Lieutenant White said: "China is now not as caught in Southwest Asia as the United States ground combat, so they have more resources and effort to implement military modernization."

F22 to save the wreckage, the U.S. military a major adjustment

According supernatural sources: Recently, an F-22 invasion of China by the Chinese military shot down offshore airspace, the pilot ejected, the U.S. sent special forces invaded China Quanzhou offshore rescue pilot, the results are wiped out, three fishermen were the militia special forces special gun received from the water network.

Another source said the United States since F22 was shot down, as China salvaged wreckage not hesitate to use military elite special cross-border fishing, China has experienced divers, for adjusting the U.S. military has recently deployed against China, has threatened resistance was intended.

There is also a news: guess the U.S. F-22 fighters shot down, the U.S. sent special forces attempted to blow up the wreckage, the results are wiped out. One use of the gun was left in the sea.

WASHINGTON groan when fishing at sea, a submachine gun, the 32-year-old fisherman Quanzhou Donghai Po Wong first thought was, "No possession of firearms, to to the Government."

The original, 15 noon, Mr. Huang in the Taiwan Strait fishing, the net, the feeling a little heavy line, he thought it was the beginning of a big fish to the net, pulled a look, is actually a dark gun.

This is incredible! "Possession of firearms is not enough, will certainly be handed over to the government!" Yesterday, after fishing a close example of Quanzhou Bay area, he immediately dialed Fortress District Public Security Bureau of the border after the example of a telephone.

12:00 am, got on shore, which he will be handed the rifles of the soldiers in the hands of the border after the example.

In the latter example the border, this reporter saw the submachine gun. According to Wen-Jiang Li, vice director of the introduction, this mainly by the butt of the gun, frame, sight, cartridges, grenade launcher components. Guns Length 71 cm, weight 3.15 kg, 5.56 mm caliber gun, guns, stainless steel structure in terms of material. Although the dip in the sea the gun, but no rust.

Wen-Jiang Li said, the gun will be turned over to the Fortress Public Security Bureau for further processing.

I ll just leave this here.

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Whoever wrote this should be awarded journalist of the century for excellence.


This is a fact. August 2007 does have an aircraft crash, the pilot ejected and there are public photo shoot. Witnesses said many people like the U.S. F-22, rather than official Chinese claims that the J-7, because the J-7 and F-22 form the gap is too great. Then China's anti-stealth secret electronics expert was killed (suspected to be U.S. retaliation), followed by China's Fujian fishermen fish in the sea of the United States special forces to use firearms, (suspect came to the United States to send special forces to blow up F-22 wreckage, The results are wiped out). For a while I'll paste the relevant picture.
This is a fact. August 2007 does have an aircraft crash, the pilot ejected and there are public photo shoot. Witnesses said many people like the U.S. F-22, rather than official Chinese claims that the J-7, because the J-7 and F-22 form the gap is too great. Then China's anti-stealth secret electronics expert was killed (suspected to be U.S. retaliation), followed by China's Fujian fishermen fish in the sea of the United States special forces to use firearms, (suspect came to the United States to send special forces to blow up F-22 wreckage, The results are wiped out). For a while I'll paste the relevant picture.

Please do....


Three guns were engraved with eagle, cobra, horse pattern. Have U.S.A logo. .
Get serious, dude. You seem to have a passion for outlandish and outrageous nonsense.

Left is the pilot ejected, the public use of mobile phones taken. A map is the U.S. film "Die Hard" screenshot. Comparison, note the style parachute.

Left is the pilot ejected, the public use of mobile phones taken. A map is the U.S. film "Die Hard" screenshot. Comparison, note the style parachute.

And what makes you think that this pilot actually ejected over China?

And where is this mysterious wreckage?
Things generally ji
August 16, Chinese J-10 shot down two F-22

September 1, U.S. special forces rescue (results are wiped out)

September 18, U.S. stealth assassination of anti-Chinese electronics expert http://news.sina.com.cn/c/l/2007-11-01/024514207740.shtml)

September 19, in retaliation, the Chinese special forces rescue U.S. public event. Groan gun sea fishermen (fishermen from the sea remove this from the gun can be speculated that the U.S. Special Forces)
Yun Xiaohua
Born in September 1965, Jiangsu Wujin people. National defense science and technology experts, Nanjing University, Professor, Zhejiang Micro Electronics Integrated Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. Chairman. Had entered the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2007 list of candidates. In 1985 and 1988, respectively, from Nanjing University of Technology and bachelor's and master's degree in China University of Technology. Promoted to professor in 1996, Nanjing University of Microwave Engineering Research Center, Nanjing University, part-time professor. Research for the microwave millimeter-wave RF technology, RF simulation technology, microwave millimeter-wave communication technology, frequency synthesis, multi-chip micro-assembly technology. September 12, 2007, Yun Xiaohua was killed in the campus of Zhejiang University.
J-10s shooting down F-22s? Duh!! What kinda nonsense is this? Chinese propaganda machine churning out crap as usual! What else does one expect?

That vid posted above clearly shows it to be a hoax. Is there some kind of inferiority complex at work here?
last week my nanny shot down an UFO with a catapult. the alien landed in our backyard and she hacked it to death with her knitting sticks, unbelievable na?
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