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F-16s for Pak could cloud IAF's 126-plane deal: India to US

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I hope the chinese are not reading this....:):)
even my Pak friends want the European, US weapons over the Chinese stuff....;)

though i also dont think Pakistan will not get f-16....i also feel like as suggested before by Mahakaya that it is more a tactic to ensure that the blame for India not taking US planes is put squarely on US only.....

This rajniti stuff is overloading my brain.If america calls india bluff and not supply to pakistan we will get a massive blowback.:undecided:
i think we must also buy euro-fighter,this will balance our relations with USA.
i think euro fighter will be given us under t of t

The cost of a euro fighter is almost twice that of a f-16.I don't think the Pakistani economy is strong enough to buy such a jet.

Balance ur relations with US?Can u pls explain.
One question on a very serious note! if common people like us know that india is trying to use Pakistani f-16 as an excuse to level the field with USA that why they will reject US jets, then don't you think Americans would be aware of these cunning tactics?

Well when it comes to international tactics it is very hard to produce evidence now is it not!

Besides this is a simple take on it - It may be the case or may not be the case! But even if US does understand that it will still come back to India as the Nuclear Industry itself is a $100 billion game in the next 10-15 years - so whether they figure it out or not (provided it happens) it does not matter - It is a "be good on face" strategy, clearly a point that can be sold internationally without much resistance to its acceptance.

honesly india needs to lay off from your balls there a lech that sucking the blood our of them
The cost of a euro fighter is almost twice that of a f-16.I don't think the Pakistani economy is strong enough to buy such a jet.

Balance ur relations with US?Can u pls explain.

What if america justs gives aid and pakistan buys from europe(as they have already done) it is boggling my mind.Now I understand why all of us are not in rajniti.
This rajniti stuff is overloading my brain.If america calls india bluff and not supply to pakistan we will get a massive blowback.:undecided:


NO STRINGS ATTACHED - Right now its being portrayed as just a possibility for them to think I believe. They will most likely delay the schedule - BETTER FOR US - IF WE DONT BUY THEIR JETS THEN FINE GO AHEAD AND SELL THEM IF YOU WANT - LIKE I SAID IT IS JUST A FEELER SO THAT WE CAN GUAGE THE OBAMA ADMIN's interests whether in favour of India or not!

well i think saying European market is a no go for Pakistan is utterly wrong as Pakistan has acquired SPADA, EYRIE, UAV, deal for jf thunder avionics which will be finalized soon is worth above 1.5 billion so chances very much are there who knows Pakistan's economy will improve in next coming years, not to mention Pakistan want European subs as well

yar European equipment you are mentioning are specially designed to be low cost.They are not BIG TICKET ITEMS.and as i said in my Previous post even these are mostly acquired on loans or grants.

Anyways if you are so confident go tell PAF to get some EF.Would do a lot of good to Pakistan than those F-16s or thunders.
This rajniti stuff is overloading my brain.If america calls india bluff and not supply to pakistan we will get a massive blowback.:undecided:

dotn worry, in case that does happen India can still reject the American ones....in that case they can purchase some thing else which is worth the pain taken by US.... and smthng which is also useful for India......
but nevertheless Indian babus are showing their skills here, it is good to keep reminding others about the wrong things you have done, and they are not letting go off an opportunity to put pressure on the other side or to use if for bargaining.....
Better to try then not to try.... no one actually knows whether its benefit will show in form of F-16 being cancelled(which looks unlikely but who knows it may well happen and will have to wait actually to see the end), or in avioding blame from India's shoulder for rejecting US planes or in some other form....
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Well when it comes to international tactics it is very hard to produce evidence now is it not!

Besides this is a simple take on it - It may be the case or may not be the case! But even if US does understand that it will still come back to India as the Nuclear Industry itself is a $100 billion game in the next 10-15 years - so whether they figure it out or not (provided it happens) it does not matter - It is a "be good on face" strategy, clearly a point that can be sold internationally without much resistance to its acceptance.


Mahakaya going OT a bit, remember union carbide.We dont want F-16's who is the madman among indians who wants american reacters then.
Well when it comes to international tactics it is very hard to produce evidence now is it not!

Besides this is a simple take on it - It may be the case or may not be the case! But even if US does understand that it will still come back to India as the Nuclear Industry itself is a $100 billion game in the next 10-15 years - so whether they figure it out or not (provided it happens) it does not matter - It is a "be good on face" strategy, clearly a point that can be sold internationally without much resistance to its acceptance.

I guess you are right! so if that happens I think Pakistan should withdraw its support to NATO & US forces, wont take more than few hours to strike peace deals with alleged tribal leaders and then USA will have to pay a lot more than 10 billion us dollars, It's really funny the way International Politics work :lol: its more like u didn't let me play with your ball so i wont give u my bat :rofl: but that why i think Pakistan will get F-16's because Americans unlike french are motivated by strategic interests instead of money
So what is that itching you, go scratch it buddy.... Get some life mate, And by reading your replies, You got to have a life, You merely here to help the troll and to troll yourself, So obviously there is some itching when you dont get the level of satisfaction u gain from it....:lol:

Being the derelict mind that you are let me remind you this is a prestigious Pakistani Forum not your Delhi Metro so stop spurting your beetle nut juice every where, you really need to wipe your dribbles and do better than just chest thumping gloats.
Will india buy these aircrafts.?? From last 2 years they are thinking and cant decide which aircraft is good for the AF.

And i dont know why India cry on 18 F16 when he'll have 126 F16. (if they are serious on MMRCA)
Mahakaya going OT a bit, remember union carbide.We dont want F-16's who is the madman among indians who wants american reacters then.

Again U dont need to worry about something like Union carbide, back then we were WEAK, now we are not - The Americans know that - besides they are two different scenarios. In the latter case we have the N-Liability bill i.e 500 crores of liability on the company, which converts to 115-120 Million dollars and acts as a potential deterrent and by the time Indian economy goes booming in the future years the costs for American companies will keep on Increasing as the Re will strengthen vis-a-vis the dollar - though it will be negated by inflation but then again it is a pretty good deterrent for something like that to happen.

Further, American tech in Nuclear reactors is one of the best and we cannot forget that we got the deal because of them but of course we can cut them off in the middle of next decade once we grow even stronger!

It is a long shot game - and I am sure it will work in India's favour.

Being the derelict mind that you are let me remind you this is a prestigious Pakistani Forum not your Delhi Metro so stop spurting your beetle nut juice every where, you really need to wipe your dribbles and do better than just chest thumping gloats.

I am not the one stopping, you put forth any comments and Iam hitting sixes.... So there isnt really any way or room for you to scratch your itching, But hey, today You are not able to enjoy trolling are you??? happens buddy, Everyday You cannot Keep on scratching,Some day like today you will have to just bear with Your Itching sensation.... so you better stop giving your Half a penny worth comments and Then expect someone else to stop:D
Okay here is how I see it,
Scenario a) India tells america dont sell F-16 to pakistan, america sells, india shows door to america , America unhappy , india miserable more pressure to buy suspect nuclear reactors also.
Scenario b) India tells america dont sell F-16 to pakistan america doesnt sell , pakistan buys from Europe,now pressure on india to buy not buying creates more difficulties ,Nuclear reactor option already on.

I guess both scenarios we are going to be r***d, india is a kid in school where america is principal.We are way out of our league here.Goras have experience of 200 yrs ruling.
Nothing good is going to come of this.
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