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Featured F-16.net confirms Su-30MKI loss on 27th Feb

Lol.. delusional as ever. The day Pakistan can kill a Su 30 MKI, that day moon will come down to earth. Don't fool your self with propaganda lies and deceit.
Are you asserting that your Raptor of the East is impossible to defeat? Please put that brain of yours to good use before you post something. :rolleyes:

FYI: https://www.defensenews.com/air/201...es-problems-despite-russian-spare-parts-deal/

The shared link feature a revelation from one of your officers in 2017 - overlooked in Indian circles for a while it seems.
windy, I still remember you used to promise every month after feb27 that PAF would make Radar images of su30 kill public.

It's been 15 month gone since Feb27 of last year skirimish, we are still waiting even ounce of evidence on that regard, all we got to see a fixed plank declaring F-16 shot down an Indian Su30.

Even that plank was useful, because even 10 month into the skirmish most Pakistanis thought a Jf17 shot down Su30. Cheers.
Is there any point of releasing radar data? You guys were shown all four missiles of bison even then you gave medal to your downed pilot for shooting down a F-16.
Without description it means nothing. That entry will be removed too.
dead Sukhoi? Yaa, in urs dreams. :)

There are many entries without description actually.

I mean, you have this. You had the foreign policy's insider report, evidence of the Bison never firing even one of its missiles, and you also had Alan Warnes to believe, but who am I stop you if you want to add Modi as another God to your list to worship and blindly believe.
It cant be. The missile detonate like this only in case of proximity fuse i.e. detection of aircraft in range. In all other cases missile will fell down after burning the fuel.

In this is the case then missiles will more likely end up in the form of migs missles. i.e. parts broken but still available.
Are you sure about this? @airomerix i think will be the right person to answer this.
Dear all,

It gives me great pleasure and amusement to witness our neighbors, fighting off online websites and sources to save their day. For a good many hours, we gave them a task so daunting. However, to even their surprise, this task was far less difficult than making Christian fair stop talking at their own literature fair festival, where she mentioned 'there was no F-16 stuck down' or a US report of F-16 count.

The question remains, for how long will they try to stop the water seeping in from the holes of their lies. The water eventually makes and the truth will too In fact it already has. Those who know, know.

Also, speaking of lies, this guy called Arnold Kenway Patel (probably), was actually not aware about the automated date and time stamp that is displayed alongside the comment. The poor chap made it seem as if his comment was made from an year ago at today's date. Little did he know. These small habits of lying, cheating and stealing will shine out there. For all we know, this guy can be our very own @Suriya. Lacks shame, honour, and discipline.

Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 7.23.19 AM.png

This is what a nation of 1.2 billion has gone down to. This is where they will remain. Dishonesty is their best defense and only hope.
Dear all,

It gives me great pleasure and amusement to witness our neighbors, fighting off online websites and sources to save their day. For a good many hours, we gave them a task so daunting. However, to even their surprise, this task was far less difficult than making Christian fair stop talking at their own literature fair festival, where she mentioned 'there was no F-16 stuck down' or a US report of F-16 count.

The question remains, for how long will they try to stop the water seeping in from the holes of their lies. The water eventually makes and the truth will too In fact it already has. Those who know, know.

Also, speaking of lies, this guy called Arnold Kenway Patel (probably), was actually not aware about the automated date and time stamp that is displayed alongside the comment. The poor chap made it seem as if his comment was made from an year ago at today's date. Little did he know. These small habits of lying, cheating and stealing will shine out there. For all we know, this guy can be our very own @Suriya. Lacks shame, honour, and discipline.

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This is what a nation of 1.2 billion has gone down to. This is where they will remain. Dishonesty is their best defense and only hope.

Suriya probably made a mistake in a hurry just like the spyder AD system made a mistake on 27th during chaos.
Dear all,

It gives me great pleasure and amusement to witness our neighbors, fighting off online websites and sources to save their day. For a good many hours, we gave them a task so daunting. However, to even their surprise, this task was far less difficult than making Christian fair stop talking at their own literature fair festival, where she mentioned 'there was no F-16 stuck down' or a US report of F-16 count.

The question remains, for how long will they try to stop the water seeping in from the holes of their lies. The water eventually makes and the truth will too In fact it already has. Those who know, know.

Also, speaking of lies, this guy called Arnold Kenway Patel (probably), was actually not aware about the automated date and time stamp that is displayed alongside the comment. The poor chap made it seem as if his comment was made from an year ago at today's date. Little did he know. These small habits of lying, cheating and stealing will shine out there. For all we know, this guy can be our very own @Suriya. Lacks shame, honour, and discipline.

View attachment 660013

This is what a nation of 1.2 billion has gone down to. This is where they will remain. Dishonesty is their best defense and only hope.

now that is embarrassing
The way su30s chickened out from the scene on that day when F16s moved in, is itself a proof that their raptor of the East got their @ss kicked. Had they not lost a su30, they would had attacked back or went for more dog fights but they backed out and their entire air force chose to surrender for some good minutes. No airforce chickened out like this especially when they are bigger in size and their enemy is their arch rivals since from very beginning. They only did it when their best fighter jet was taken out which created a panic situation in their Western air command hence they started to withdrew every asset in the air that time and started to rely on Sams and eventually shot down their own helicopter which was dispatched for a downed Su30 SAR mission.
Suriya probably made a mistake in a hurry just like the spyder AD system made a mistake on 27th during chaos.

I'm actually inclined to agree with you. However, since a number of exceptionally incompetent IAF officers were given a bunch of large bags containing Vir Chakra's, probably, weighing in metric tonnes.

Allow me to propose a medal for our very own @Suriya. A medal of 'dishonesty'. That can be displayed alongside his profile for everyone to see. Other ideas are welcomed.
I'm actually inclined to agree with you. However, since a number of exceptionally incompetent IAF officers were given a bunch of large bags containing Vir Chakra's, probably, weighing in metric tonnes.

Allow me to propose a medal for our very own @Suriya. A medal of 'dishonesty'. That can be displayed alongside his profile for everyone to see. Other ideas are welcomed.

Negative ratings to all his posts in this thread so far will do it.
I have been saying for many times that we aren't fighting IAF or Indian Army or Navy at a time. We are actually fighting a well organized tirade of lying/deceiving/demoralization force, forged & cooked and injected deep down inside their minds throughout decades and with the help of edited history. Since, this is a modern day with tech and all; it is in-fact becoming hard for the false superiority gang to digest and see the truth. Why would someone lodge a complaint and then mention a date thinking like the Admin or host will never read it? I mean what that complainant thought by doing so like if there is another Indian in the Admin to treat such complaint by merely fabricating the date at the end of complaint? By the way, did that Kenway aka Kumar from some Delhi Call Center tried to complain against Christian C. Fair as well? While I was reading the text and date at the end; realized that this is how they are programmed to act and exactly the same mountain of lies & cheat that many would have been dealing even from inside India as well.
I'm actually inclined to agree with you. However, since a number of exceptionally incompetent IAF officers were given a bunch of large bags containing Vir Chakra's, probably, weighing in metric tonnes.

Allow me to propose a medal for our very own @Suriya. A medal of 'dishonesty'. That can be displayed alongside his profile for everyone to see. Other ideas are welcomed.

Man... does it even matter to the one when a bunch of guys aren't not even calling the loss of MiG a big thing? They don't even treat the loss of a Heli with 6 onboard, like a total disgrace for a professional force? how could we expect some change of honour in thinking in any area as such. They are programmed to do so and raise the count of posts and those call centers are designed to perform as such. From Military to an online agent; everyone is hell bent to twist, forge & manipulate right on the face with so much of confidence like this. Therefore, whether an article, a credible source, a forum or any professional or even their own Christian C. Fair tell them the truth; it doesn't matter or affect them at all unless that serves their purpose.
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