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Eyewitnesses in Pakistan confirm surgical strikes: Khaleej Times (another media farce)

When a billion souls are behaving like complete idiots, why would any one else try to knock any sense into you.
The world is just letting you play in your little pool... sometimes you should listen to the odd sane minded soul who demand some form of evidence.
The world is well aware of your tantrums. In case you are confused, this is what's called hard evidence.

What is the big deal about this footage

I told you other day also ; It is a war ; losses will happen

Look at the pounding your Army and posts have received and will continue to receive

It is a war of ATTRITION
What is the big deal about this footage

I told you other day also ; It is a war ; losses will happen

Look at the pounding your Army and posts have received and will continue to receive

It is a war of ATTRITION
Let me spell it out for you.......EVIDENCE of your tall claims.....just like the Pigeon,. the boat and the Baloon.
Indian government and media is suffering from chronic and acute constipation, they won't be relieved until enema procedure performed. :D
Khaleej Times is Pissed with Pakistan on the Orders of You know Who since Pakistan pissed them off against Yemen ...

and since NaMo visit to UAE they have went Full Retard .... this Particular and many other articles are a Direct Copy past of Indian News Websites and hence should be considered the extension of the same ...

On thr Face Book Page they are getting a full course of what they deserve , so no need to get tense about it !

Original FAKE Article Link

the First two Line of KT Page

Eyewitnesses from across the LoC have confirmed brief but intense firing during India's surgical strikes of September 29 and how the bodies of those killed were loaded onto trucks for secret burial, The Indian Express reported on Wednesday.

days later same indians will be claiming tht "WORLD NEWS" also confirm the incident .... it is just all going in merry go round .. ! thr is a reason they are called INDIOTS !

Khaleej times published this story based on some video from indian media

Funny thing is in the so called interview....the guy says "They claim surgical strike, but no such thing happened"
and indian media and the clowns that watch it ......just beyond delusional lol

The KT Publication is not based on Video but IndianExpress Fake Article ... (they quoted in the second line) Even KT is not able to digest the video ... LOL !

So khaleej times will tell you what is happening in pakistan ?????????? Indian can now go to any level to prove surgical strikes were reality.

KT reported an indian website .... they are doing this pretty often lately ... having indian on thr editing panel .. & newly fonf friendship of hindi-emirati are the reasons !

On the contrary the whole world is Appreciating our actions
after acknowledging them of course

Infact UNSC even refused to discuss these things saying Pakistan should resolve this with India

Give me ONE authentic independent source of Sir-jee-kal strikes .... they alll link it back to indian news outlets & start with india "CLAIMS" .... !
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