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eyes will be ripped out, grass will not grow, birds will not chirp bells won’t toll in Temples

if you guys take him so serious

Considering what a nation of retards the Indians have proved after this incident, Sheikh Rashid's comments are bang on spot.
I mean look at Indian media and anchors, the losers are drawing warplanes in their studios and advising their military on the strategy, some butt hurt basanti is trying to get an orgasm by commenting on Imran Khan being in the driving seat of the Saudi guests car. Some baboon can't even digest the fact that Saudi Prince visited Pakistan before India.
Imagine if all these Indians had a toilet in the house, they would start dreaming of holding swimming Olympics in the Ganges.
Considering what a nation of retards the Indians have proved after this incident, Sheikh Rashid's comments are bang on spot.
I mean look at Indian media and anchors, the losers are drawing warplanes in their studios and advising their military on the strategy, some butt hurt basanti is trying to get an orgasm by commenting on Imran Khan being in the driving seat of the Saudi guests car. Some baboon can't even digest the fact that Saudi Prince visited Pakistan before India.
Imagine if all these Indians had a toilet in the house, they would start dreaming of holding swimming Olympics in the Ganges.

This means, Indian media can only be handled Pindi style ...
The legend of Pindi Boy lives on !
Railway minister who can't do jackshit about improving railways in Pakistan is giving threats to another country and we are supposed to give a fk about it. Bugger off.
COuld list about a 1000 statements india brain dead Swammy gives.

according to swammy pakistan has been destroyed by now and indian flag raises on the Pak parliment
if you guys take him so serious

Very disappointing post by you dude.
Whatever your differences are with him at least during such sensitive times you should support him because he is speaking in the defense of our country.And he is not delivering any kind of biased hate speech ,he is just speaking truth at the time when it,s needed.
If he had said this in an interview setup it would be okay but not in an official video release format. If he were the foreign, defense or the prime minister it would work but not for a railway minister. It's like the old adage: Tu Kaun? Mein Khuwa Makhwa!

May be he is just acting his fantasy of being a Prime Minister!
If he had said this in an interview setup it would be okay but not in an official video release format. If he were the foreign, defense or the prime minister it would work but not for a railway minister. It's like the old adage: Tu Kaun? Mein Khuwa Makhwa!

May be he is just acting his fantasy of being a Prime Minister!
People like him give such statements for political points scoring in real war he will leave to foreign country earlier than anyone else and will never fight for country as he is a lota
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