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Eye on China, India holds talks with US, Japan

Whether India originally intended to be a part of a larger security framework or not, the Chinese have now helped India take the decision of being a part of such a structure.

just one quick question:

how can you be so sure that this whole thing isn't carefully calculated by Chinese to force india to spend more on defense?

as said so many times: every single dollar you spend on defence is one less dollar for your deadly needed infrastructure and education.
@Psyops why u hate japan so much? Did they did anything to china? Wait a minute.... i think they did.... But didnt the same white master helped china by nuking japan? Or else majority of chinese would had japnese genes.... You know what i meant.... Better runaway before this 3 powerful countries starts poking china like a pack of wolf plays with new born rabbit.... Leave the country urgently to save your life. i hope you know japnese. They can go to any extend.... They did that in past. Now no one can save china. You want war you got it one.... The final one. China dont have future. World knows it....
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China is strong enough to deal with all of these hostile countries. We will not compromise lands to India for peace.
China is strong enough to deal with all of these hostile countries. We will not compromise lands to India for peace.

China is going to go out of Indian areas. There is only one possible final outcome.
No wonder 80% of cars sold in India are Japs Suzuki, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi :cheers:

And all chinese cars (chevy) are rejected outright :cheesy:
Actually, Chinese cars sell very well in India. Few Indians can afford anymore more than the least expensive Chinese car. You are just a lying Indian as usual ;)
@timetravel agreed.... do you remember i already talked about war last year? That time everyone laughed at me.... Wars been fought since multi billion years.... China in deep trouble.... india silently importing weapons and moving towards indo-china border.... Japan knows how to deal with china as japan master of china. America helped china from japan but now both america and japan together and they included india with them. Its a dead end for china.... China going down hard. i hope you have remember i told you about war and natural disasters.... Btw are you @indian_foxhound ? You can follow my wall in facebook. Search me galacticfederation33@gmail.com in coming days i will bring biggest news that will accor next year....
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just one quick question:

how can you be so sure that this whole thing isn't carefully calculated by Chinese to force india to spend more on defense?

as said so many times: every single dollar you spend on defence is one less dollar for your deadly needed infrastructure and education.

If it is then they can't be more stupider - Ministry of Defense has been returning roughly 10%- 30% of the budget allotment because it has been unspent year on year. They don't spend what's allotted, forget about demanding more.
China has one destiny-encirclement if it continues in its current path.
@isro2222 m here. Isro any one who wanna know things which if dont know or interested will any you stupid question. These question might be stupid for you are you know almost everything but for new once these are basic question... So never think any new one wasting your time. Dont forget i supported you strongly when webby asked about you.... And what you told me remember?
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Actually, Chinese cars sell very well in India. Few Indians can afford anymore more than the least expensive Chinese car. You are just a lying Indian as usual ;)

Mate, I never saw a chinese car here in India.. I am not even sure whether it is launched here..
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