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Eye on China, India holds talks with US, Japan


Jun 24, 2012
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WASHINGTON: The United States, India, and Japan held their fourth trilateral dialogue here on Wednesday, discussing among other issues, greater security cooperation at a time all three countries are facing what they perceive to be an increasingly belligerent China.

The previously scheduled engagement, not directly linked to the ongoing border and maritime spat India and Japan respectively are having with China, is part of the growing security and economic dialogue between the three countries. It is also in tune with Washington's Asian pivot aimed at shoring up its Asia-Pacific alliances in the face of Beijing's growing assertiveness. Although India is not a formal US ally, it has signed up for the dialogue that goes beyond security cooperation.

A boilerplate statement from the state department said the United States hosted Japan and India for their fourth trilateral dialogue, "exchanging views on a wide range of regional and global issues of mutual interest." This discussion, it said, was co-chaired by Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert Blake and Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs James Zumwalt.

The Indian delegation was headed by external affairs ministry joint secretaries D B Venkatesh Varma and Vikram Doraiswami and Japanese delegation was headed by deputy vice-foreign minister for foreign policy Kenji Hiramatsu and deputy director-general Kanji Yamanouchi.

Ribbed by journalists to spare them anodyne statements, the state department later expanded the statement to say the "discussions focused on the prospect of greater Indo-Pacific commercial connectivity and regional and maritime security, and cooperation in multilateral fora." All sides welcomed the frank and comprehensive nature of the discussions and agreed the talks help advance shared values and interests, it added.

The group agreed to meet again in the fall in Tokyo to continue their deliberations.

The Obama administration incidentally has noted the ongoing border row between India and China, and expressed hope that the two sides would resolve the issue amicably.

The US-India-Japan trilateral began in 2011 as part of Washington's endeavor to start "mini-laterals" in Asia to circumvent any possible disagreement that a larger multi-lateral could engender, given the dissonance between various middling powers in the region on how to deal with China. The USInJa grew out of separate East Asia specific bilateral that Washington initiated with New Delhi in 2009 after President Bush pledged to support India's rise as a global player with the unspoken aim of countering China. The US also has a separate trilateral involving Japan and Australia.

All countries are leery of China's rise, but India alone among the players has refused to sign on to an alliance with Washington, believing it has to live harmoniously with its giant neighbor. For the record though, both Washington and New Delhi have said their East Asia engagement is not directed at Beijing. In fact, Washington has also tried to initiate a US-China-India trilateral but Beijing has not responded to the idea.

Growing mistrust of China in the region is expected to further spur multilateral initiatives in the region.

Link - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...-talks-with-US-Japan/articleshow/19847403.cms
Make a Pacific East asian alliance treaty like NATO between Vietnam, India, Japan, Singapore, US
You really should cause the Japanese loves you
^^ Yeah it will be great if and when it happens. I hope we have SATs and UAV's monitoring well beyond the borders, deep in China to see if here is any force build ups.
Good going..

India and Japan share common liberal-democratic values, and India remains one of the few powerful states in the Indo-Pacific arc without historical grievances against the Japanese. Indeed, the two countries have undergone a major strategic rapprochement since 2000. In 1998, Japan was quick to condemn India for the Pokhran-II nuclear tests. By 2008, however, the two referred to each other as “Strategic Global Partners” as per their 2006 Strategic Global Partnership, and have concluded a Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation. Bilateral trade volumes were negligible in the 20th century whereas today the two states enjoy a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement that liberalizes bilateral economic activity.

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe once proposed a “Quadrilateral Initiative” consisting of Japan, the United States, Australia, and India as a force for structural stability and peace in Asia. The ensuing opposition from the Chinese ensured that such an initiative was never formalized de jure. Nonetheless, these four democratic states conduct joint military exercises and security consultations leading to a de facto bloc.

The five-nation Malabar 2007 naval exercises were an important first step to this end. They allowed for direct contact between the Indian Navy and JMSDF in an operational capacity. The exercises included 25 vessels from the United States, India, Japan, Australia, and Singapore, and focused on non-conventional maritime operations including anti-piracy operations, search and rescue, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and counterterrorism. Incidentally, the exercises also included anti-submarine operations, maritime interdiction, and aerial combat exercises as well (not the usual domains for even the wiliest of pirates in the Gulf of Aden or South-East Asia).

In June, India and Japan conducted their first bilateral exercise off the coast of Tokyo in a move that will certainly add concerned undertones to future interactions with China. Nonetheless, in an acknowledgement of overreliance on China, Japanese firms have moved manufacturing—notably, that of rare-earth metals—to India in a move indicating a hedging strategy. India has reciprocated by attracting Japanese investment on critical infrastructure projects such as the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor.

the manner in which India and Japan maneuver their relationship with Washington will be crucial in stabilizing the Indo-Pacific. Washington’s calculus in this region involves much more than a single-minded focus on sea-lanes. Issues such as Taiwan, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and global financial stability come into play. The most positive effect of trilateral cooperation between the U.S., India, and Japan will be the bolstering of regional multilateralism through institutions such as the ASEAN Regional Forum, the East Asia Summit, and the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy.

Should India return to a BJP head of state after several years of Congress leadership, it may focus on a doctrinal approach to its international affairs that emphasizes long-term power gains over short-term reactive foreign policy. Under such circumstances, India may drive its partnership with Japan to new heights.
Did America told South korea to supply many K-9 thunders? It seems south korea secretly sended K-9 thunders to india and india did paint job (by DRDO) and its been dispatched near secret IA base.... When DRDO makes even a safety pin it screams look what we made.... However DRDO produced a weapon and people didnt even knew about it? Last time i heard was india invited America to sell this perticular weapon. Why would india buy when it was producing one? Doesnt make sence.... Look at the K-9 thunder. Its exactly same. Only the paint job different.... DRDO cant make this one. Even the final touches looks very imported instead of Desi look that DRDO gives.... Its indeed South korean hand sending this lethel weapon for india so india can use it at a time of war.... Check it out....
it seems india importing weapons secretly and urgently.... Thats great and a lession that stop corruption or else u need to import weapon in the times of need.
Whether India originally intended to be a part of a larger security framework or not, the Chinese have now helped India take the decision of being a part of such a structure.
Good News :tup:

More Cooperation with US and Japan is the need of the hour.
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