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Extremist Hindus rout Christians from rural Indian village

And thats why Tamil Nadu banned cow meat...

Consumption of beef is not banned in TN. But,A ban on slaughter of cows and heifers is in place since 1976, though not stringently implemented.You can still buy beef from may meat shops.
No...Suicide bombing invented by Tigers is a popular myth. It was first used by Hezbollah against Israel in '83. And the LTTE leadership was predominantly a Christian leadership..hardly any Hindu. And the Tigers were fighting on a ethnic,linguistic plank and not on a religious plank. Son on both counts you are wrong.

Hmm..no..you dont.

Tamil Tigers: Suicide Bombing Innovators : NPR

hmmm...I wonder who I will trust, an internet Hindu or an unbiased source like NPR

And yes we do know, this thread is a testament of what happens when you "upset" Hindus

or how about that poor girl who got mobbed and molested because she wore an Indian flag bikini?
On a different note, Muslims did not like Satanic verses, Innocence of Muslims and they were banned.

And still Salman Rushdie was able to camp in India and spit venom on Muslims in a country that has the third largest Muslim population...
McDonald 80% plastic is not called meat!!

No..its available in hotels, restaurants in Muslim localities..Not talking about McD.

And coconut, only cow beef is restricted, others like Oxen and buffalo meat are available freely.

Why dont you stop spouting your trash masquerading as knowledge, in things you dont have an idea about.
so by this logic I can prove that even majority Sunni are oppressed by showing an article of a few Sunnis being killed.
Hindu Logic :rolleyes:

Unlike you guys, we don't pretend our country is some kind of utopia.
We know Pakistan is not a good place right now and we know that bad things are happening. But here is the thing, Bad things are happening to EVERYONE in Pakisatn. Sunni, Shia, Ahmedi, Hindus, Christans, are all being targeted in Pakistan.

Will you admit to the truth that Hindus are also targeting minorities in India?

I can understand your pain in *** desperate to make joke of christen killings to defend youself ,

But Catholic Christen family born person is Defense minister of India A.K Antony .....hehehehe...:woot: :lol:
No..its available in hotels, restaurants in Muslim localities..Not talking about McD.

And coconut, only cow beef is restricted, others like Oxen and buffalo meat are available freely.

Why is Eid not celebrated to its fullest in a secular country?
Why is Eid not celebrated to its fullest in a secular country?

How does it bother you ?

Anyway to correct you, the proper way for Eid to be celebrated is by cutting a sheep as it was what Abraham (or Ibrahim) did. People who can afford to sacrifice a sheep are free to do it.
Hmm..err..your logic is dubious. Its not about banning things Hindus dont like. Its about restricting certain things that Hindus worship like for example cows. So tomorrow if Muslims start worshipping alchohol or pork, sure we will ban that too.

On a different note, Muslims did not like Satanic verses, Innocence of Muslims and they were banned.

Alright, so you are admitting that Hindus worship cows?
I ask this because many times on this forum Hindus try to play this down and just say "Hindus Revere cows"
So now I have you on record saying this.

Now Jains think that root plants are holy and should not be killed. why don't you ban all root plants?
And while Muslims don't worship Pork or Alcohol, we do take great offence to it, so again why not ban it for "communal harmony"?

You are just trying to change the topic from this absurd ideology of Indians where they actually ban people from eating food, to a more rational ideology of censoring literature. Every country on earth censors literate, only India sends people to jail for eating beef.

I can understand your pain in *** desperate to make joke of christen killings to defend youself ,

But Catholic Christen family born person is Defense minister of India A.K Antony .....hehehehe...:woot: :lol:

And a monkey went into space
What is your point?
This is not good, these hindus need to punished and the gangs doing this need to be removed
Muslims don't like Alchohol or pork, should that not be banned in India as well?
Jain don't like Onions or Garlic, how about we start banning those?
If you are truly secular, you would either ban all things offensive to all religions or ban nothing.
India plays favoritism with Hindus and then still likes to pretend she is secular.

You are terribly confused with the concept of Secularism.The word secularism has had multiple interpretations, namely: an agnostic interpretation and a pluralistic interpretation.Indian Secularism is based on Gandhian values of pluralism.The Preamble to the Constitution of India grants "liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship" immediately after proclaiming that India is a "SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC."This reading of the constitution suggests that the Constitution of India has a pluralistic interpretation of Secularism.Muslims in India also have there own personal laws unlike other religious communities which has Anglican laws.
How does it bother you ?

Anyway to correct you, the proper way for Eid to be celebrated is by cutting a sheep as it was what Abraham (or Ibrahim) did. People who can afford to sacrifice a sheep are free to do it.

You will tell what proper is and what is not... Dude you even went against your own religion and now are eating beef
Alright, so you are admitting that Hindus worship cows?
I ask this because many times on this forum Hindus try to play this down and just say "Hindus Revere cows"
So now I have you on record saying this.

Err..some worship, some revere..whats the big deal..at the end of the day its considered holy.

Now Jains think that root plants are holy and should not be killed. why don't you ban all root plants?

Genius how do you think the Jains survive is they think plants are holy and not to be killed. ?

And while Muslims don't worship Pork or Alcohol, we do take great offence to it, so again why not ban it for "communal harmony"?

The thing is banning things which is considered sacred by one community but consumed by another community. SO again your logic does not make the cut.
I can understand your pain in *** desperate to make joke of christen killings to defend youself ,

But Catholic Christen family born person is Defense minister of India A.K Antony .....hehehehe...:woot: :lol:

india's former defence minister was also christian ' George Fernandes'
You are terribly confused with the concept of Secularism.The word secularism has had multiple interpretations, namely: an agnostic interpretation and a pluralistic interpretation.Indian Secularism is based on Gandhian values of pluralism.The Preamble to the Constitution of India grants "liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship" immediately after proclaiming that India is a "SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC."This reading of the constitution suggests that the Constitution of India has a pluralistic interpretation of Secularism.Muslims in India also have there own personal laws unlike other religious communities which has Anglican laws.

That is all fine and good. I don't really care if India is secular or Hindu or Muslim.
I just want India to be clear on what it is.
Secularism by definition means separation of church and state. But in India the Church (Hinduism) has so much power that it can even change the diets of non Hindus.

That is the problem.
No one would complain if there was a law in India that said "If you are Hindu and you eat beef, then you will go to jail"
But to force non Hindus to not eat beef is rather ridiculous and non secular.
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