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Extremist Hindus rout Christians from rural Indian village

They questioned Christians there... They probably have an office in India, seeing that India is a major hotspot for religious discrimination.

So you mean they (victim christian) went to near by metropolitan to register their complain in Christian office..


you are saying that they have their office in the village where 5 families live. Or in nearby town. Do you believe there will be any such regional office in the land of extrimists....

Lol you have an IQ more than Chinese :lol:
May be we are.But Pakistanis have no moral high ground when it comes to religious discrimination.Your national assembly officially declared the Ahmadis to be non-Muslims.We never curtailed any communities freedom of religion by ordinances, acts and constitutional amendments.So cut the hypocrisy.

Nobody is saying we have the moral high ground. We don't pretend our country is a supa dupa pawa, we don't make countless threads of "Pakistan WILL go to the core of the earth by 2017" "Pakistan WILL make the world's fastest rickshaw by 2016" or "Pakistan WILL make the best app in the world by 2020"
And we certainly have never said bad stuff does not happen in Pakistan. We know it happens, we don't condone it, we don't like it, but atleast we live in reality and know that it happens.

You guys on the other hand....
You think you are the greatest country on earth, were there is no problems and everyone is happy.
You guys act like Hindus have never done a bad thing ever in their entire "ancient" history.

So stories like these just shows how deluded you people are.
Please for your sake and ours, come back to reality.
So you mean they (victim christian) went to near by metropolitan to register their complain in Christian office..


you are saying that they have their office in the village where 5 families live. Or in nearby town. Do you believe there will be any such regional office in the land of extrimists....

Lol you have an IQ more than Chinese :lol:

Your first line answered this post...
NA declared Ahmedis non-Muslims because the Ahmedis go against major value of Islam - Last prophet is Muhammad... We dont go buy banana rule like India

Does that makes you feel better??
I hope the Ahmedis also feels the same.
Does that makes you feel better??
I hope the Ahmedis also feels the same.

Ahmedis can feel whatever they want... Same as Muslims dont complain in India when meat is banned
Hindus twice assaulted a Christian community in a rural India village early this month, beating believers, forcing them into Hindu worship rituals, and damaging their homes, according to Christian witnesses.

The Sunday worship meeting was underway Sept. 2 at the home of a new Christian, Daminbai Sahu, in Bhanpuri, a village in the Balod district of India’s state of Chhattisgarh. The witnesses said a group of villagers stormed into the house and beat several of the people attending the meeting, including a visiting pastor identified only as Dada, of the Philadelphia Fellowship.

The attackers accused Dada of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity, the witnesses said, and dragged him out of the house. As hundreds gathered around the commotion, the extremists ordered Dada out of the village and threated to kill him if he returned, said Samuel Philip of the Church of God in Balod. They forced believers to renounce their faith in Christ late into the night, said Church of God Rev. Sandeep Claudius.

The following night, at 11 p.m., about 600 Hindu extremists stormed the houses of five Christian families belonging to the Philadelphia Fellowship, Claudius said. Led by four men he identified as Manish Sahu, Virendra Yadav, Vinod Gond, and Vinod Sahu, the mob called the Christians “pagans” and accused them of trying to forcefully convert Hindus to Christianity. They threatened dire consequences if they did not give up their faith. They broke doors, damaged the houses and household items, Christian witnesses said.

Claudius said the extremists forced the Christians to bow before Hindu idols and chant Hindu slogans.

“We will not forsake Christ even at the point of death because he has forgiven our sins and gave us new life,” one victim, Deherram Sahu, told Open Doors News.

The extremists forced Sahu and believers from three other families, Sarjuram Sahu, his wife Janakbai Sahu, and Ubhayram Sahu to leave the village at about 1 a.m., in the monsoon rain. The four reached a small town of Gurur, about 12 kilometers away, and informed the church leaders at Balod. Later they found shelter in Balod with local Christians.

Christians remaining in Bhanpuri, including children and elderly, were unable to come out of their houses.

“The Christians were banned from collecting drinking water from the village well,” Philip said. “It was raining and the Christians collect some water from the rain. However after realizing that the Christians have little water in their houses, the extremists went over to their houses and threw all their water away.”

Family members were rescued from the village after some days by area church leaders. They went to the Gurur police station, but were turned away. “He advised the believers to go back to the village and worship Hindu gods,” Philip said.

Church leaders eventually prevailed upon the police to accept the complaint, and statements from the four believers evicted from Bhanpuri have been registered. But police have not filed a first-information report detailing the assaults.

The small Christian community of Bhanpuri has faced ostracism since converting to Christianity in 2006.

“They were not allowed to sell and buy in the village, were not allowed to draw water from the well, and were treated as outcasts,” Philip said. “They were not allowed to walk on the main road because the extremists were frightened that it will get contaminated because of their faith in Christ.”

The Open Doors International World Watch List describes India as a nation where Christians generally are free, but “violence against pastors and church gatherings continues on a monthly basis, usually in rural areas.” The World Watch List documented more than 100 incidents of violence against Christians in 2011.

The Indian constitution guarantees religious freedom, but in five of India’s 28 states, including Chhattisgarh, the law also forbids forced conversion from one religion to another. Christians under pressure in those states frequently face accusations that they are actively recruiting Hindus away from their religion.

In August, the high court of India’s northern state of Himachal Pradesh reaffirmed the law’s prohibition of forced conversion. But it struck down a 2006 addition to the law, one which requires a person to give the government 30-day notice before conversion.

"A person not only has a right of conscience, the right of belief, the right to change his belief, but also has the right to keep his beliefs secret," the court ruled.

Extremist Hindus rout Christians from rural Indian village


Nice joke....hehehehe..... :lol:
NA declared Ahmedis non-Muslims because the Ahmedis go against major value of Islam - Last prophet is Muhammad... We dont go buy banana rule like India

Actually many Sunni orgs declare Bohras also as non-Muslims. Its only a matter of time the NA also does that officially. Take care.
Does that makes you feel better??
I hope the Ahmedis also feels the same.

You gotta admit, that was pretty funny about banana rule and all.
And Ahmedis are fine in Pakistan, they have a large population and they are free to practice their religion.
Actually many Sunni orgs declare Bohras also as non-Muslims. Take care.

Alot of Sunni orgs declare Shias as non - Muslims.. Does it make it true? Alot of Brahmin orgs declare Dalits as non- Hindus... Does it make it true?
Yes A magazine called "ChristianToday" is very believable. :lol:

Would they also report the actual forceful conversions through bribes such as food and medical care they provide in rural areas?

This has been something that a lot of people have been disgruntled about. Christian missionaries using people's poverty to convert them to Christianity.

But ofc nothing justifies violence.
Nobody is saying we have the moral high ground. We don't pretend our country is a supa dupa pawa, we don't make countless threads of "Pakistan WILL go to the core of the earth by 2017" "Pakistan WILL make the world's fastest rickshaw by 2016" or "Pakistan WILL make the best app in the world by 2020"
And we certainly have never said bad stuff does not happen in Pakistan. We know it happens, we don't condone it, we don't like it, but atleast we live in reality and know that it happens.

You guys on the other hand....
You think you are the greatest country on earth, were there is no problems and everyone is happy.
You guys act like Hindus have never done a bad thing ever in their entire "ancient" history.

So stories like these just shows how deluded you people are.
Please for your sake and ours, come back to reality.

You are absolutely wrong,No one is more conscious of our problems than Indians.Its the rest of the world that is calling us funny names likes "supa dupa pawa"(I suppose that is what you calls us).Majority of Indians don't even care about these things.We are very much aware of our reality and we wish to change this reality.
Alot of Sunni orgs declare Shias as non - Muslims.. Does it make it true? Alot of Brahmin orgs declare Dalits as non- Hindus... Does it make it true?

The difference is Brahmin orgs dont take Ak-47s and go killing kaffirs or do suicide bombing on their places of worship, something the fundamentalist sunni orgs are well versed in.

And its only a matter of time the NA also succumbs to the majority wish (more than 40% of Pakistanis dont consider the Shias as Muslims) and declares Bohras also as non-Muslims. Then you can be bhai-bhai with Ahmedis.

Take care.
Yes A magazine called "ChristianToday" is very believable. :lol:

Would they also report the actual forceful conversions through bribes such as food and medical care they provide in rural areas?

This has been something that a lot of people have been disgruntled about. Christian missionaries using people's poverty to convert them to Christianity.

But ofc nothing justifies violence.

It doesnt hurt you when a Indian quotes it :lol:
You are absolutely wrong,No one is more conscious of our problems than Indians.Its the rest of the world that is calling us funny names likes "supa dupa pawa"(I suppose that is what you calls us).Majority of Indians don't even care about these things.We are very much aware of our reality and we wish to change this reality.

You have only been here for a few days.
Please observe how our Indian friends interact with Pakistanis and other members of this forum.
I am not saying this about majority of India, as I know majority of Indians are sane and rational.
I am merely mocking the attitude of the Indian members here, who tend to be rightists and like to pretend India has no flaws while mocking others for their flaws.
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