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EXPOSED: Zakir Naik's link to 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed

8 principle queens/consorts and 16000 junior wives

The Bhagavata Purana captures the life of Krishna's wives after their marriage. Each of the junior wives was given a home, with hundreds of maid-servants. Krishna divides himself into several forms, one for each wife and spends the night with each wife simultaneously. In the morning, all his forms unite into one body of Krishna when Krishna works as the king of Dwarka. Each wife serves Krishna personally, worshipping him, bathing him, dressing him, fanning him, presenting him with gifts and flower garlands etc.

Krishna Eight Principal Wives
Krishna had 8 principles wives combiningly called as (Ashta-Bharyas).

They are:

1)Rukmani Devi: Compared to other wives, Krishna loved Rukmini the most since she was his main consort and first wife(called a Patrani).
Father of rukmini Bhishmaka, also King of Vidarbha, did not wanted to Krishna marry his daughter because of the alliance with arch rival of lord krishna,Prince Shishupala of Chedi. Bhishmaka forcefully was in the process of marrying rukmani with Shishupal. Since Rukmini was in deep love with Krishna, she requested Krishna to rescue her or she will commit suicide. On her wedding day, Krishna kidnapped rukmini with her consent and got married to her in Dwaraka.

Through severe meditation and penance, satyabhama sought shelter in Vaikuntha(Lord vishnu abode)." Impressed by satayabhma extreme devotion, affection, love and care, lord vishnu granted her the boon of becoming his wife in his next human incarnation.
Krishna (Incarnation of lord vishnu fullfilled all her demands, wishes and always kept her happy. In one such incident, krishna is said to ahve gone beyond his limit of fulfilling her wife selfish desire. Story go like this; Once, Indra(god of heaven) came on Earth to visit dwaraka. While his stay in dwaraka, he appreciated Rukmini's beauty and gave her precious Parijata flower. Out of jealousy, Satyabhama forced krishna to get the whole Parijata tree for her.
Although lord krishna did not like her selfish desires, he was in love with her strong fighting spirit. Satyabhama was skilled in war fare and was good in arguing and these qualities entertained him.

3)Jambavati: sinc jamabavati was a devoted disciple of lord ram, She was gifted to krishna by her father jambavan (companion of lord rama) post which lord krishna married her.

4)Kalindi: Daughter of the Diety Sun(Surya). She was the well-keeper of River Yamuna. She was very much obsessed in the thought of marrying lord vishnu. to fulfill her desire, she went into a deep trance. Seeing her perseverance, true devotion, and restlessness, Krishna married her.

5)Mitravrinda: Sister of Kings of Avantipura kingdom.

6)Nagnajiti: Princess of Kosala kingdom.

7)Bhadra: Relationship wise, she was a cousin but married lord krishna by choosing him as his husband in a Swayamvar Ceremony.

8) Lakshana: To marry her, Krishna competed with many various including his good friend arjuna and rival duryodhana in an archery competition.

In this way, Krishna married his eight principal wives( Rukmini,Satyabhama,Mitrabinda, and others) through great deeds and war fare.

Krishna and his 16000 wives

Demon Narakasura Captured 16000 women on defeating their kings. To rescue them, Krishna came to the palace of narakasura. On seeing the handsome face of supreme personality of godhead, all princess became captivated by his divine beauty and made a promise to themselves of marrying him or committing suicide (on denial by krishna) if he rescue them by defeating narakasura. With true devotion and Sincere devotional attitude, they choose to offer their entire life on the lotus feet of Krishna.

After defeating Narakasura, when Krishna released 16000 princesses, their husbands/ families refused to accept back as they become polluted in company of a demon. ( In Vedic system, if a girl is touched by a man or is in custody of some other man(demon) then nobody should marry that girl.) All 16000 princess reminded krishna of kshatriya dharma which says that if any warrior rescue or win any woman, then that woman belong to that warrior until death. Addressing this, they pleaded Lord Krishna to accept them because nobody else is going to marry them and if he doesn't accept them, then they will commit suicide. Being trapped in dharma, Shri Krishna accepted all princesses as his wives so that they live a honourable life and nobody date to mock them/.Expanding himself in 16,000 forms, he married all those princess in different palaces simultaneously at the same auspicious time. Suddenly, All the palaces of 16,000 princess were covered with green gardens, blossomed flowers, exotic furniture and other paraphernalia, unmatched with other beauties of this world. All these princess are believed to be the expnsion of lord vishnu consort laskhmi

Krishna 16108 wives were not ordinary women

All these princess who became krishna wives were certainly not ordinary women, because it requires millions of birth, eons of penance and severe meditation to have someone like a lord as a husband. When the supreme god descends on different lokas(planets), He shows his transcendental super natural powers to attract the pure souls to become his eternal devotees, loving parents, true friends and lovers of this material world, where the lord in turn give back his love and generous service

Krishna treated all princesses equally
All wives of krishna loved him equally and seeing their love always present with them, they believed Krishna as a perfect obedient husband who is extremely fond of them. Although all his wives was in deep love with krishna, krishna was not very fond of them and he loved them only for his dharma and good virtue. Since He is atmaram(self-sufficient), no one can be either dear or inimical to him;

All princesses served krishna with love and much enthusiasm
Each of these princesses had thousands of maidservants, yet when their lord came to their palaces, each one of them would personally come to see and welcome their beloved by offering scented sandalwood pulp, oils, aromatics, betel nuts, aromatics and requisite paraphernalia, massaging legs to relieve fatigue, fanning him, washing off his lotus feet, putting garlands on his neck, dressing his hair etc. Inspite of being a princess, they served krishna more than they would serve themselves and thousand times more than their faithful maid servant.

Krishna didn't marry 16,000 wives for sexual pleasure
All princesses of lord Krishna were extremely beautiful, and were attracted to Krishna beautiful dusky face, plesant attractive eyes,long arms,pleasing smile, broad ears, sweet words and humorous talk. Influenced by such attractive features of lord Krishna, each one of them would dress themselves very attractively, with a desire of attracting Krishna through their feminine beauty. Some of the tricks used for attracting were smiling, moving eyebrows, shying, walking styles etc thus directing sharpened arrows of conjugal love towards their beloved. Still, the lord was not aroused by sexual appeal and thereby fullfilled his virtue perfectly by not indulging in any illegitimate relationship with any of this princesses.

Becoming anyone's husband, son or father doesn't matters to him because everyone is under His control and everything belongs to Him. He is atmarama(self-satisfied) and can derive all pleasure by without needing or requesting anyone's help. When the Lord incarnate on earth as a human being then He becomes either as a husband, friend, son or enemy perfectly.

it is haraam 2 take that which ur left hand possesses :lol:

who is this zakir naik and y does he have a hindu surname and preaches islam ?

Zakir Naik is a person who claim to be an Islamic preacher but is taking the credit of Maulana Abdul Haque Vidyarthi.

If people hate him that mush in India, then why don't the Indian gov ban him. Reason, they can't do jack shit and if they did some thing stupid like this, they will face huge backlash from Muslim community and GOI can't really face that right now.

Process have been started and now on NIA scan Radar. It will some time, to reveal all his well wisher and Funders, and then his real motive, intentions etc could come in Light.
One day Lord Krishna was playing with his queen Rukmani in the banks of Yamuna. Suddenly the Lord told her, "Rukmani, on the other shore of Yamauna, sage Durwasa has come and he is very hungry. Please prepare good food and take it to the sage”.

Rukmani immediately prepared a sumptuous food and packed it and came back to the shores of Yamuna. Then she told her lord, “Lord, The Yamuna is in floods and there is no boat or boatman in sight. How can poor me, cross this mighty river?”

Lord Krishna replied, “Dear Rukmani, that should not be any problem. Approach the river and tell the river that the Ajanma Brahmachari (lifelong bachelor) has asked her to give way to you. She will surely give you way”.

Rukmani was surprised and asked her Lord, “Lord, who is this Ajanma Brahmachari and why am I not able to see him?”

The Lord replied, "Of course, Rukmani, it is myself”.

Rukmani was surprised. She could not understand how her husband who has seven other wives could call himself, Ajanma Brahmachari. Anyway she decided to obey him. She went near Yamuna and told the river, “River Yamuna, my husband, the Ajanma Brahmachari has asked you to give way to me, so that I can reach the other shore”.

The river immediately obliged. Rukmani crossed the Yamuna, met sage Durwasa, saluted him and served him the sumptuous food that she has brought with her. The Sage liked the food and became very happy and blessed her.

Then Rukmani told him, “Sir, I am very gratified by the blessing of the sage like you. Now I have to cross back the river Yamuna and join my husband. Can you please help me do it?”

Sage Durwasa replied, “Of course Rukmani, that is my pleasure and duty. Go to the river Yamuna and tell her that the Ajanma Upavasi (lifelong never takes food) has asked her to give way to you. She will help you”.

Rukmani was taken aback. She thought how this sage who has just had a sumptuous feast can call himself Ajanma Upavasi. She did not bother to ask him, because he was well known for his short temper. She went near the river and told her, “River Yamuna, now I have to cross you and reach the other shore. The Ajanma Upavasi has asked you to give way to me”.

The river obliged and Rukmani crossed the river and joined her husband. Her face showed that she was terribly confused. She approached her lord and told him, “Lord, as per your direction I served good food and crossed back the river. I told her to give way as per the wishes of Ajanma Upavasi. Strangely she did it”.

Lord Krishna laughingly replied, “I know Rukmani that you are terribly confused to see me calling myself as Ajanma Brahmachari and the sage Durwasa calling himself as Ajanma Upavasi. We both were telling only the truth.

This is because we both are realized souls and do not attach ourselves to the bodies of ours. We both know that we are really the souls within these bodies. That soul does not marry and does not take food and that is how I (my soul) am a Brahmachari and Sage Durwasa (his soul) is an Upavasi. Once you understand this simple truth, you can lead a very contended and happy life”.
Zakir Naik is a blessing for India,Really Unfortunate for them,they are not understanding it.

God is taking back his mercy,which were upon them.
Process have been started and now on NIA scan Radar. It will some time, to reveal all his well wisher and Funders, and then his real motive, intentions etc could come in Light.
Mark my words. Nothing is going to happen and ZN will continue doing what he is doing. The reason is he is a scholar and not a terrorist and if you says so, then show me any video where he told some one to kill innocent people. People are afraid of him because they can face and debate him.
Mark my words. Nothing is going to happen and ZN will continue doing what he is doing. The reason is he is a scholar and not a terrorist and if you says so, then show me any video where he told some one to kill innocent people. People are afraid of him because they can face and debate him.

Even I don't him to be arrested right now, because he is the key, who will exposed his funders, the Wahabi's.

If you think people are afraid of him, the reality is he is afraid of the right people for the open Debate, and is selectively choosing the person, who might have knowledge of his religion, but not of the ISLAM also. And the person who is capable of him, he will ran away.
Hmmm take your word for it or should we prefer leaving it to Indian judicial system?

I think the latter.

Now our Muslims are finally coming out strongly against him:


UP clerics unite to seek Zakir Naik’s arrest


The main focus will be on his hate speech but terrorism links will also be investigated thoroughly.
Sorry those coming out are of opposite sect and they are only making sure majority of Indian Muslims see them as traitors and puppets of Modi Government @haviZsultan
Sorry those coming out are of opposite sect and they are only making sure majority of Indian Muslims see them as traitors and puppets of Modi Government @haviZsultan

Divide, rule and prosper. Those that see one sort of muslim as "another sect" because they are calling for arrest and removal of a clear hate speech maniac...deserve to be isolated from Indian mainstream further....and then dealt with accordingly. You thinking they form the bulk of muslims in India is quite laughable

The backwards sectarianism of Islam has to go...as does this neo-salafi/wahhabi ideology espoused by Zakir Naik in the guise of "non-sectarianism (as though educated people are expected to believe that).

Lets wait and see what happens, things have been set in motion, the die will soon be cast.

I mean how many people are seriously going to back "Mr right hand possesion" Naik when he is exposed by his own community clerics?
8 principle queens/consorts and 16000 junior wives

The Bhagavata Purana captures the life of Krishna's wives after their marriage. Each of the junior wives was given a home, with hundreds of maid-servants. Krishna divides himself into several forms, one for each wife and spends the night with each wife simultaneously. In the morning, all his forms unite into one body of Krishna when Krishna works as the king of Dwarka. Each wife serves Krishna personally, worshipping him, bathing him, dressing him, fanning him, presenting him with gifts and flower garlands etc.

So Krishna, an God in Hinduism is equal to a normal Muslim?
An Asura named Narakasura had 16000 women's in captivity and in those days re-marriage was out of question for any hindu women. Krishna was born to eliminate so called unjust practises corrupting human mind. He remarried all of them to give them a fresh lease of life. And that's a story.

Look, those days, it was acceptable to have many wives. Life expectancy was low, plus there was lots of wars in which males get perished. So to maintain the population it was allowed in different cultures and traditions. But now, 4 marriages or polygamy is really outdated. In fact it is now stone age.
Sorry those coming out are of opposite sect and they are only making sure majority of Indian Muslims see them as traitors and puppets of Modi Government @haviZsultan
Zakir Naik is respected in Lucknow by shias and sunnis alike. Most people, even in Pakistan do not believe he has any links to terrorist outfits.
Zakir Naik is respected in Lucknow by shias and sunnis alike. Most people, even in Pakistan do not believe he has any links to terrorist outfits.
Indians are hell bent on making life easier for militants like ISIS and AL QAEDA and difficult for those who want live and propagate Islam peacefully like Zakir Naik and others.
Never really liked him (just my personal opinion).

Though, at least two of the terrorists at the Gulshan siege did follow his shows.
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