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Exports and Remittances declining

Yes everyone please stop sending dollars so neutrals can choke on the inflated Pakistani rupee
They won't choke, the will complete the mission handed to them by their masters like a good bunch of loyal dogs, and run our country in to the ground before jumping ship to some overseas country, spending the rest of their days in luxury and comfort.
They won't choke, the will complete the mission handed to them by their masters like a good bunch of loyal dogs, and run our country in to the ground before jumping ship to some overseas country, spending the rest of their days in luxury and comfort.
Bache ga kch nai!
Bache ga kch nai!
For Pakistanis, yes, but for them, they will get their dollars as reward from their masters. So I don't see how it matters to them if nothing is left.
The establishment would like to perpetuate the status quo. Why sacrifice a cow when it’s giving you milk. The juniors who will come eventually would need to milk this cow as well.

Pakistan would not be allowed to vanish, but will survive barely for these thieves to leech on.

The onus is on the public. No need to for a mass protest. A concentrated protest and burning down of strategic places will go a long way.
This is even after the Eid Azha, when many overseas will send money back to their families for the sacrifices to offer on Eid.
I saw some were criticizing PTI growth of 40-50 percent in a year and how it could be better. You will be happy to know in May 2022, IT exports actually down 27 percent month on month. I don’t blame the thieves for stealing. It’s like blaming a snake for biting. It’s the idiot who put the snakes there. Mir Bajwa to blame.

They won't choke, the will complete the mission handed to them by their masters like a good bunch of loyal dogs, and run our country in to the ground before jumping ship to some overseas country, spending the rest of their days in luxury and comfort.
Giving dollars to these goons is directly helping them and making them stronger .i will not sent a single dollar to them .
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