Pegaso 4x4 APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) of Colombian army at ExpoDefensa 2017, defense and security exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
Colombian-made Cobra 4x4 light tactical vehicle at ExpoDefensa 2017, Defense and Security Exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
STM new Kargu loitering munition at Expodefensa 2017
Israeli Company Elbit Systems presents its full range of UAVs at ExpoDefensa 2017, the International Defense and Security Exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
Gladiator 8x8 APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) of Colombian army at ExpoDefensa 2017, the International Defense and Security Exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
Israeli-made Plasan Sandcat Stormer 4x4 light protected vehicle at ExpoDefensa 2017, the International Defense and Security exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
The JankelFOX LRPV Long Range Patrol Vehicle at ExpoDefensa 2017, Defense and Security Exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
The Jankel Hunter PPV (Protected Patrol Vehicle) at ExpoDefensa 2017, Defense and Security Exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.
STM's Alpagu 2 tactical attak UAV
Tanfoglio's Appeal bullpup rifle at Expodefensa 2017
Streit Group Spartan ASV (Armoured Security Vehicle) at ExpoDefensa 2017, Defense and Security Exhibition in Bogota, Colombia.