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Explosions in Mumbai

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i want to see mumbaikars carrying out their daily tasks next day like nothing has happened.if they hesitate to come out of their homes next day,it will affect our economy.
from previous experiences,there is nothing to worry.

They will come out not because they want to keep the economy float...they will come out because they have no other choice...With due respect had your city been affected you would not hav thought about economy....

I can't believe mumbai has been targeted again...seems planting co-ordinated bombs is like kindergarden game....This is so disgusting....i am more angry on authorities than any terrorist organization...they fail us every time....BS
Afzal Guru should be hanged not for attacking the parliament but for failing to kill all the politicians.

That would have disappointed many with political agenda here as NDA was in power during that terrorist attack..
It is a news worth so many threads man. Not even three years completed and this has started again and that too in Mumbai. Isn't that big enough? If this doesn't sign Congress' death warrant in political life, then I don't know what does.

As if BJP or other's have some magical wand that they will fix everything...the issue is not political party but lack of political will across....Where are the bloody reforms which are supposed to improve intelligence....A$$ Holes...i am so pissed i can't even explain my thoughts....Rascals...
Reports on NDTV are saying Obama offering the 'services of the US' to assist the investigations on today's attacks in collaborations with the Indian government. We already know what the result of this investigation will be once the US comes into the picture, just like it did once it got into the 26/11 investigations. NDTV is saying that IEDs are used exclusively by LeT (& IEDs were used today), so you can pretty much determine quite safely what the result of today's investigations will be. It will either be the IM acting on the behest of the LeT, or a direct attack by the LeT in Mumbai.
nothing can stop the sprite of Mumbai mate. we all will be at work tomorrow ,

My prayers go out to the families of the deceased and injured.
It is a news worth so many threads man. Not even three years completed and this has started again and that too in Mumbai. Isn't that big enough? If this doesn't sign Congress' death warrant in political life, then I don't know what does.

For the sake of repeating myself, I again quoting what I wrote in IDF:

Although it is not the time and thread to discuss it as Naren pointed out,

What are you saying? Are you trying to say there was no terrorist attacks when NDA was in power? Lets be reasonable here and admit that we as a country are still not in the league of USA in technical, economic or intelligence capabilities. Only they had completely prevented terrorist attack after 9-11, even though a time square did happen here and there. Even Israel with Mosad have not been able to prevent terrorist incident here and there. It is not that simple that we change the govt and all will be hunky dory in no time. Tackling terrorism is a completely different ball game.

Some situation demands unity and support, not bickering amongst ourselves!!!

Can we please keep out petty politics at this hour of great disaster when many of our countrymen had lost their lives??
24 dead 116 injured. Really sad to see casualties are scaling up[/SIZE]

No need to make it bold and increase the size...some 24 cockroaches died..,.who cares....we all are nothing but cockroaches that any one can come plant bombs and show us the path to almighty....I am disgusted to the core....

I so badly want emergency to be declared in mumbai...civilian govt. cannot rule there any longer...i can't even believe how these ministers face camera...how many time we will hear the same fukcing excuses...bloody termites!!!
Has to be Indian Mujahideen!! Those guys seem to get a kick out of murdering innocents!!

My condolences to families of dead.

In other countries, this would be used to improve security and intelligence. In India, politicians, being the real culprit here, will simply blame "external" forces to clean their hands of any wrong doing. I am already waiting for famous "they did it" and "be warned" speech. What shame, people keep dying and these a**holes ....
How much blood Mumbai have to shed to quench the thirst of these terrorists??
Reports on NDTV are saying Obama offering the 'services of the US' to assist the investigations on today's attacks in collaborations with the Indian government. We already know what the result of this investigation will be once the US comes into the picture, just like it did once it got into the 26/11 investigations. NDTV is saying that IEDs are used specially by LeT (& IEDs were used today), so you can pretty much determine quite safely what the result of today's investigations will be.

Thanks for bring in the conspiracy theories well in advance....now would you mind leaving the thread since you already know what is going to be investigation results????
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