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Explosions in Mumbai

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They did it again.....

RIP to innocent souls....
I meant, in Maharashtra, & of such a large scale & magnitude. The bombs itself might not have been powerful, but 4 blasts going off together is (to India's credit) not very common in India.

Mumbai is always a soft target for terrorists...
By eastern states, which states do you refer to? Can you post some links to this so called everyday events from eastern states? :disagree:

Ignore him for now..he is just to troll!! but serial bomb blasts in Bombay show the incompetence of police and inteligence here !!
seems like low intensity homemade ...cause damage by creating panic and stampede...cause less death more injuries.
By eastern states, which states do you refer to? Can you post some links to this so called everyday events from eastern states? :disagree:

Another one trying to act smart..
I just hope death count is lower then 10
why arent they showing the dead or injured or the blast site with blood and damage?
Pakistani Chief Spy is in U.S.A.. could be some inside job to blame it on haqqani network and put him on defensive

r u nuts??
go open ur shop some where else..
Confirmation of 11 persons died and 200 injured. :angry:

seems like low intensity homemade ...cause damage by creating panic and stampede...cause less death more injuries.

Were you expecting some nukes here?
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