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Explosion in Karachi

are you ok, man? is that what you got out my post? why would I hate karachi or the people of karachi? my heart goes out to the victim of bombing in karachi today and those people who's property was burnt down by a mindless mob. at first I thought I shouldn't even reply to your post because it doesn't make any sense. where are you bringing lal masjid from?

Karachi went through a horrible act of terrorist act today, an act which the other cities of Pakistan are enduring almost daily, yet people of those cities have remained very peaceful. But what happened today in Karachi in the aftermath of suicide bombing is very shameful, whoever is behind it, the mob or the frustrated people, they have shown to ttp, now pay attention to this part, that if they attack in Karachi the aftermath will be a deadly destruction of the property of innocent people of karachi by the people of karachi.

And whatever, you wanna shower me with your gheelz galis go ahead if it makes your day, I don't even care.

Thanks iPhone for the clarifictaion because your post was not clear - it seemed like you are saying like they deserved it and I was deeply sadened by your post. Your comments about matam etc. were also out of line. I am not a Shia but I believe that everyone has a right to practice their faith or fiqah in this case.

Glad to see your response in detail and I regret that I went to that extent.
very sad to see what has happened in karachi.
there is a real need to "UNDERSTAND" others.
we southasians give more important to emotions. this I feel is a weekness in some situations.
We should think about the solution rather than blaming others.
It this time of need we the youth of Pakistan (where you are) need to be united, we need to gather like minded patriotic people to build a plate form through which we can come up with new ideas and solutions to the current existing problems facing by our beloved Pakistan. I know 100% that ALL of you on this forum in your own capacity like to contribute to our homeland. The problem is how to channelize our energies in a right direction.

The people of Pakistan are depressed at the moment due to the nature of events happening every other day we hear the news of innocent people dying. I have NO confidence in any of the existing political parties to to have the capability nor will or right intentions. Majority of them are corrupt. But one thing I truly believe is that ishaAllah the revival will come through the youth of the country. I am pretty sure that ALL of you on this forum have great ideas on how to be productive and how to instigate the critical thought process to pave the path for a revival of Pakistan, the Pakistan our true leaders had dream about. I know everyone is following the geo-political landscape unfolding which gives a hopeless picture but let me let you our future is very bright we are mashaAllah belong to a brave ummah.

All my prayers for the shaheeds of Karachi bombings, may there souls rest in peace.
What can be done against a suicide bomber?

I blame a lot of things on the GoP and local govt and the opposition but no sir I don't blame them for suicide attacks.

Agreed our present police oraganisation structure could control suiciodel attacks.

Atleast GOP can develop a anti terrorist task force in every city , new check posts at entry and exit of all cities can be made.I think to establish a task force of 300000 persons will be more then enough.They can get 90% of task force from existing Police Ranger and Retired armed personels.

The cost of this task force will not be more then damages of bomb blast and roits.
wow, Karachiites are unbelievable, one suicide attack in two years and they're running amuck setting fire to vehicles and over a thousand shops. Look at the people of Peshawar, one single bombing in the market there killed over 120 people, but they remained peaceful, look at the people of Pindi and Islamabad where bombings have been carried out in public, universties and even in Majids and yet they remained peaceful, look at the people of Lahore, the bombing in Moon Market took a huge human and financial toll and even they stayed peaceful.
Now with this wonderful display of their humanity karachiites have shown ttp where to attack, get ready.

let me help you here to broaden your approach if i maysir ! when a gathering of 1000's of ppl are attacked speacially mourners who are there for the sole purpose of Ashura and condemning death of religious personality doesnt matter khi or mars this was meant to hapen. This can also be a sign of anger and frustration by the crowds , as i hope you know since last two years yes there have been no direct sucide attacks but city is crime ridden and its a TTP base additionally khietes have been thru all sorts of havoc ,what is the worst can happen please name it which has not happened there try and think of one.
And about TTP well they are more infomed than me or you sir and they know they can ruin and take over the city wont take them days , as identified by many khi is the economic zone for the TTP thats where the money comes from not even that , its easy to hide & regroup etc etc.
^^^I dont want to get into a 'religious' argument here, but allowing a procession of ~100,000 people where the 'chance' of a suicide attack is so high, and the best security measures (and I believe there was as all side roads were blocked) cannot stop one 'a**hole' from completely destroying the peace in the city.
^^^ I agree with fatman boss as always.

I hope Xeric is reading ..... should put things into perspective on both sides of the border, without needing to twist facts and misrepresent events (in reference to his comments on another thread about Shias in Srinagar).

My heart and prayers are with the victims and those they left behind.

thats what i ve got to say...
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first of all i must show my sympathies with those who lost their loved ones .

what we need to look into is the "motives" of this attack , to start sectarian violence?

It was a cowardly attack on the most "sensitive" event muslims commemorate , any suggestions about motives?
Holly crap man..!!! I think there is still a long way to go in taking all pakistanis on board in the fight against terrorism.. coz i think without the help of atleast some sympathaisers they can't work, i hope if more and more people could identify these anti social elements in their daily life, they can prevent things like this from happening to a certain extent.

But i am sure, these are those rats who escaped the attack on their home turf.. and its a matter of time... thise rats are located and picked up from their hideouts in the various parts of pakistan, the important thing is, you shouldnt give them the time to regroup with any other terroist groups based in other parts of pakistan.
After Karachi Blast on Muharram Juloos the statement from
Syed Hassan Zafar Naqvi:This is use to say at every terrorist attack is a reaction of lal mosque, that is reaction of American ties, that is reaction of Sawat and FATA operation.TELL ME WHICH IS REACTION OF THIS ATTACK???, Do these maatmi are doing opeartion in lal masjid, Sawat and FATA or in Afghanistan???

Sorry to say that nation is still unaware about Terrorist base,These nasale yazidi are doing their evil acts for last few decades in Pakistan.
Their roots are now get very strong and they spread their evil branches
in all part of country.we can't succeed without cut of their roots.
first of all i must show my sympathies with those who lost their loved ones .

what we need to look into is the "motives" of this attack , to start sectarian violence?

It was a cowardly attack on the most "sensitive" event muslims commemorate , any suggestions about motives?

FOA, my condolences to the families of the dead.

This is Imran N. Hosein...

The external enemies who are now poised to attack Pakistan are already exposed and identified. What remains to be done is to recognize and identify those in Pakistan who work on the enemy's behalf (whether they do so consciously or innocently).

It is now clear that we are confronted with an enemy who has, for long years now, consistently succeeded in getting others to fight their wars for them.

It is also important to recognize that whenever a leadership emerged in Pakistan that was unwilling to dance to the enemy's tunes such a leader was always eliminated, sometimes through a bullet, sometimes with an aero-plane falling out of the sky, and sometimes through a military coup d'etat.

Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam) gave to us a strategic Sunnah (i.e., a Sunnah in respect of the conduct of strategic affairs) in which there was no duplicity and double standards. There was no blurring of images distinguishing friend from foe. War was recognized as war, with the enemy recognized as an enemy, and it was only in the actual conduct of war that deception was allowed.

Someone should teach the strategic Sunnah as well as the enemy's grand design, to the leadership of Pakistan's armed forces. I am certain that there will be at least some officers left in Pakistan's armed forces in whose hearts there still resides sincere love for Islam, who would gladly accept such knowledge.

first of all i must show my sympathies with those who lost their loved ones .

what we need to look into is the "motives" of this attack , to start sectarian violence?

It was a cowardly attack on the most "sensitive" event muslims commemorate , any suggestions about motives?

I don't want to offend anyone but these people were wearing black 'shalwar kameez' and had those small pointed steel rods used for breaking ice which they used for breaking the locks and then they had some kind of chemical which they used for setting fire to the shops after looting them.
My cousins shop was the first shop in the belt that was attacked, it was an arms shop from which they got plenty of arms and rounds, the 'chowkidar' who lives right above the shop started shouting at them and these guys fired at him. When my cousin got there they were breaking the cabinets and taking out weapons, they took his fathers phone who was making their video and deleted the file, media personal were attacked for making their footage.
It was all pre-planned.

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