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Exploring Pakistan’s Nuclear Thresholds – Analysis

I am sorry I dont believe you. Tamils from India have been supporting LTTE since long and are doing it now as well. Read the local Tamil press and you'll find out even to your surprise. In any case this article deals with something different - discuss that if you are knowledgeable.
I am sorry I dont believe you. Tamils from India have been supporting LTTE since long and are doing it now as well. Read the local Tamil press and you'll find out even to your surprise. In any case this article deals with something different - discuss that if you are knowledgeable.

Moral and Diplomatic support only. ;)
I am sorry I dont believe you. Tamils from India have been supporting LTTE since long and are doing it now as well. Read the local Tamil press and you'll find out even to your surprise. In any case this article deals with something different - discuss that if you are knowledgeable.

I thinks this is due to Tamil Ummah.
It is none of the above. The support is not propagated and discouraged due to the fact that Tamil Nad at the end of the day may break away from India. It will happen irrespective of IT or because of strength of IT. You may not agree with me or may laugh it out - do that.

India can not use or project its strength in her west against Pakistan due to Pakistan and the nuclear thresholds, can not do it against China due to Chinese strength - so I think the strength including nuclear weapons are likely to be used against her own who would not want to be part of and secede.
When one reads these thresholds carefully one understands the strength Pakistan has due to her nuclear capability. I personally feel that we should break diplomatic relationship with the US and stop the logistical supply to US troops and NATO in Afghanistan and tell the US to go ahead and use european - russian - central asian route over caspian sea to supply her troops. They can use the same route to withdraw her troops whenever that happens. The Afghan government can use the iranian route to get their supplies and continue bad mouthing against Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.
Pakistan's attitude towards this seems to be recklessly dangerous. They seem to think that they can get away with any amount of provocation; against the US, who will never ditch them, against India, with terrorist attacks on Indian soil. But sooner or later they will go too far; and the result will be a nuclear war and millions of Indians and Pakistanis are going to die. Unfortunately it looks like that is what it will take for sense to come.

Remember it took two world wars and about a 100 million dead before the Europeans came to their senses about slaughtering one another.
Pakistan's attitude is to safeguard its integrity and sovereignty. I will prefer death of millions of Indians than living under India as her ghulam.

^ Remember it took two world wars and about a 100 million dead before the Europeans came to their senses about slaughtering one another.

And now they are killing millions of others. I think the time has come to tell them to go back to Europe and America from where they came from.
Seymore Hersh while speaking in Doha, Qatar in Jan 2011 said that a large percentage of the Joint Special Operations Command, which launched operation in Pakistan believe that they are Knights of Malta (christian worriers who save christian values and Christianity) and intend to convert mosques in to cathedrals. This report was published in Foreign Policy Magazine.
It is time to tell these people to go home.
Pakistan's attitude is to safeguard its integrity and sovereignty. I will prefer death of millions of Indians than living under India as her ghulam.

^ Remember it took two world wars and about a 100 million dead before the Europeans came to their senses about slaughtering one another.

And now they are killing millions of others. I think the time has come to tell them to go back to Europe and America from where they came from.
Seymore Hersh while speaking in Doha, Qatar in Jan 2011 said that a large percentage of the Joint Special Operations Command, which launched operation in Pakistan believe that they are Knights of Malta (christian worriers who save christian values and Christianity) and intend to convert mosques in to cathedrals. This report was published in Foreign Policy Magazine.
It is time to tell these people to go home.

And millions of Pakistanis as well. If you live in a large city; that will most likely mean you.
It is none of the above. The support is not propagated and discouraged due to the fact that Tamil Nad at the end of the day may break away from India. It will happen irrespective of IT or because of strength of IT. You may not agree with me or may laugh it out - do that.

India can not use or project its strength in her west against Pakistan due to Pakistan and the nuclear thresholds, can not do it against China due to Chinese strength - so I think the strength including nuclear weapons are likely to be used against her own who would not want to be part of and secede.

Sorry which Tamilnadu you talking about? which one in the mars?
Sorry which Tamilnadu you talking about? which one in the mars? you know why civil war happend in SL?
A 2008 survey by Ananda Vikatan, the popular Tamil weekly magazine of Tamil Nadu shows a majority (54.25 percent) of people in Tamil Nadu supporting the LTTE, while only 17.4 percent oppose it. You need to study your own media before making such frivolous statements. You guys think that people here in Pakistan do not know the shenanigans Indians practice.
I believe you live on the mars as probably Tamil newspapers are not distributed on mars regularly.
A 2008 survey by Ananda Vikatan, the popular Tamil weekly magazine of Tamil Nadu shows a majority (54.25 percent) of people in Tamil Nadu supporting the LTTE, while only 17.4 percent oppose it. You need to study your own media before making such frivolous statements. You guys think that people here in Pakistan do not know the shenanigans Indians practice.
I believe you live on the mars as probably Tamil newspapers are not distributed on mars regularly.

That is your understanding . Yes we support SL Tamil not LTTE.

PS: Start new thread to discuss LTTE since it is offtopic here
That is your understanding . Yes we support SL Tamil not LTTE.

PS: Start new thread to discuss LTTE since it is offtopic here

People are replying to comments by Indian posters who tend to misguide Pakistanis. When you guys dont have an answer you do this kind of shmuck. Therefore please stick to the topic and to justify your love for Sri Lanka (which is a bull and Sri Lankans know it too well) you may start another thread expressing your love for the Sri Lankans.

Coming back to the topic, India is getting geo-politically isolated and has nowhere to go. The Pakistani nuclear thresholds explained in the article by Sufyan Sahib gives a good idea as to where indians stand at this stage - practically nowhere. Indians politicians are living in the cold war era and still think in terms of leaders of non-alignment movement. You are going to become a very powerful nation but in a well (khoo in punjabi) and will remain there. All dressed up but nowhere to go.
India is getting geo-politically isolated and has nowhere to go.

Ok that why the world media using India right?

Foreign relations of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Pakistani nuclear thresholds explained in the article by Sufyan Sahib gives a good idea as to where indians stand at this stage

It does not shows the Indian stand But it shows how Pak Army is paranoid after 71 & about cold start

- practically nowhere. Indians politicians are living in the cold war era and still think in terms of leaders of non-alignment movement. You are going to become a very powerful nation but in a well (khoo in punjabi) and will remain there. All dressed up but nowhere to go.

Like MMS said "India is too big get aligned" it does not mean it alienated
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