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I like sharp shooters for their work. They go for kill, when no one has any idea.

I follow same trait on Forum. :guns: I hit nerves.
Time Assassin

I orginally got it from a video game character from the game Timesplitters Future Perfect, but he wasn't even a minor chacrter, however the name stuck cos he looked kool.

Now I respect Hashshasheens, Assassins Creed and if i can have any super power it will be the ability to control Time and have skills like Batman - Who is a Assassin.

The irony of my name is, i never get anywhere i want to be on time. I have always been late at skool, at college, at social meetings and so forth :D
it's just my personal state of mind "agnostic "i try to not to follow anything blindly..and try to ask why ? what ?
but to be honest it's not easy when you are surrounds by and live with followers.

"INDIAN " though it comes second on my user name it's comes FIRST in my mind,my political decisions..and i believe it should be the same for every indian..
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