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Experts blame India for prolonged flood in Bangladesh


Dec 31, 2010
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Experts blame India for prolonged flood in Bangladesh
Staff Correspondent | Published: 16:55, Aug 16,2020


A flooded house near Bangladesh capital Dhaka. The photo was taken recently. - New Age photo

Withdrawal of water from transboundary rivers during dry seasons over the years in upstream by India left major Bangladeshi rivers almost dead and incapable of dealing with monsoon floods, water management experts and geologists said at a webinar on Sunday.

They said that when India opens all its floodgates at barrages to get rid of excess water during monsoon Bangladeshi rivers are already reduced to mere streams and get overwhelmed to drain such a huge amount of water.

‘Rivers without a sustained flow of water do not have a fixed course and tend to move sideways under a sudden increase in water pressure,’ said S Nazrul Islam, founder of Bangladesh Environment Network.

‘The more rivers will move sideways, the worse the erosion will be,’ he said.

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon organised the webinar to discuss the book that Nazrul recently published on rivers and sustainable development. The book has been published by the OXFORD University Press.

Nazrul presented the keynote paper showing that the Gajaldoba was the 16th barrage built on the upstream of the River Teesta through which India withdraws water and divert that throughout the dry season.

He said that the water flow in the Teesta remains at the minimum level through a part of the year before India suddenly starts releasing excessive water during monsoon.

The Teesta caused massive erosion this year as the ongoing monsoon flood passed its 51st day on Sunday making it the longest flood since 1998.

Similarly, numerous barrages built upstream the Ganges in India made the treaty for sharing water of the Ganges through the Farakka Barrage ineffective, he said.

He showed that there was hardly any change in water flow after the signing of the treaty in 1996.

‘Bangladesh must be more assertive in realising its rights of international river water share,’ said Nazrul.

India got the third-largest number of 5,100 large and major dams in the world, many of them built upstream blocking water flows toward rivers in Bangladesh, he said.

Professor Md. Khalequzzaman, who teaches geology at Lock Haven University, USA, said that water diplomacy should be the heart of all diplomacy of Bangladesh.

‘We need to make India realise that we are needed for ensuring regional peace and security and India can not do whatever it wishes with transboundary rivers,’ said Khalequzzaman.

He said that sedimentation in rivers was central to the birth of the Bengal delta but it reduced to half at present compared to its rate back in 1960s.

National River Conservation Commission chairman Muzibur Rahman Howlader said that rivers cannot drain water smoothly to the sea when its flow is disrupted with infrastructures.

‘We are seeing stagnation of water this year and I fear it would worsen in the years to come,’ said Muzib.

BRAC University emeritus professor Ainun Nishat, BAPA general secretary Sharif Jamil, its executive vice president Abdul Matin, and Dhaka University geology professor Badrul Imam also attended the webinar among others.

Experts blame India for prolonged flood in Bangladesh
Can some water experts in this forum make me understand how it is possible for India for the extended flooding in BD? I can understand if water is withhold in India causing prolonged drought in BD, but not flooding.
Can some water experts in this forum make me understand how it is possible for India for the extended flooding in BD? I can understand if water is withhold in India causing prolonged drought in BD, but not flooding.

Well, it can. If you withheld waters in the crisis time, you can cause draught.
Even you release the waters in rainy days, you can cause flooding.
It cannot be true in one case. Once you have dams on the water flow, you can cause both situation, without shadow of a doubt.
how it is possible for India for the extended flooding in BD? I can understand if water is withhold in India causing prolonged drought in BD, but not flooding.
The uneven flow of rivers and the lack of artificial levee/banks on the side of the rivers cause erosion due to the rush in river flow. There is not a water-sharing agreement with BD forcing things into the hand of local state governments in India when it comes to control of dams.
Can some water experts in this forum make me understand how it is possible for India for the extended flooding in BD? I can understand if water is withhold in India causing prolonged drought in BD, but not flooding.
Article explains it clearly enough but there's a bit more here.


If a river is diminished by upstream damming, the path created by the original river also diminishes due to both silt accumulation and erosion of new lateral margins and sideways channels that would never have formed with a slow moving mature river in place.

Next time a sudden volume of water is released either by the dam (deliberately or from a catastrophic failure) or heavy rains, the accumulated water will not flow down the original path and instead will find a shallower river bed with new offshoots formed laterally. This will increase the risk of and severity of flooding downstream.

Adequate relief channels need to have been planned and built when the original dam was built to mitigate this risk.
Experts seemed to be missing a critical point,
there have been prolonged, uncontrollable floods in India + Nepal + Bangladesh for at least a million years.
It will not change in another million years.

There is nothing a human can do in front of nature.
Experts can blame India if that makes them sleep at night.
If a river is diminished by upstream damming, the path created by the original river also diminishes due to both silt accumulation and erosion of new lateral margins and sideways channels that would never have formed with a slow moving mature river in place.

Well Karma is a bitch, ain't it?

When they started damming these rivers with barrages like Farakka, what happened is that the water backed up and silt filled up the river banks in Bihar and other upstream areas.

Knowing how Kanjoos and incompetent Indian river control folks are with their inactivity and 'chalta hai' attitude, now even vigorous dredging cannot get rid of this silt soon enough, they have been sitting on their kanjoos butts for over fifty/sixty years. There is little to no dredging being done in Bihar, they don't care. That is what has caused the rivers in Bihar and West Bengal to overflow.

Bangladesh has a vigorous dredging program and even develops/manufactures its own very large dredgers. All the major and many minor rivers are dredged. In seaport areas, huge dredging ships are used to enhance deep-draft ship operations.




Bangladesh had to start using rubber dams to help farmers irrigate their crops, the water flow stopped so much due to unilateral water withdrawal upstream by Indians.

there have been prolonged, uncontrollable floods in India + Nepal + Bangladesh for at least a million years.

The damming is causing the silt to settle prematurely -damming is recent phenomenon. Farakka was created to divert waters down the Hooghly river, to keep Kolkata port operations alive. Farakka also causes water to back up back into Bihar areas and flood them. BIHAR CM wanted decommissioning of Farakka.

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Well Karma is a bitch, ain't it?

When they started damming these rivers with barrages like Farakka, what happened is that the water backed up and silt filled up the river banks in Bihar and other upstream areas.

Knowing how Kanjoos and incompetent Indian river control folks are with their inactivity and 'chalta hai' attitude, now even vigorous dredging cannot get rid of this silt soon enough, they have been sitting on their kanjoos butts for over fifty/sixty years. There is little to no dredging being done in Bihar, they don't care. That is what has caused the rivers in Bihar and West Bengal to overflow.

Bangladesh has a vigorous dredging program and even develops/manufactures its own very large dredgers. All the major and many minor rivers are dredged. In seaport areas, huge dredging ships are used to enhance deep-draft ship operations.




Bangladesh had to start using rubber dams to help farmers irrigate their crops, the water flow stopped so much due to unilateral water withdrawal upstream by Indians.

The damming is causing the silt to settle prematurely -damming is recent phenomenon. Farakka was created to divert waters down the Hooghly river, to keep Kolkata port operations alive. Farakka also causes water to back up back into Bihar areas and flood them. BIHAR CM wanted decommissioning of Farakka.

This time flood is happening in North Bengal, which farakka has nothing, check geography for that.
We also have unprecedented flood this year. All districts of North Bengal is under water flood water for many days. For your information even Bhutan was under water for many days.
Main reason massive rainfall in Bhutan and Sikkim.
This time flood is happening in North Bengal, which farakka has nothing, check geography for that.
We also have unprecedented flood this year. All districts of North Bengal is under water flood water for many days. For your information even Bhutan was under water for many days.
Main reason massive rainfall in Bhutan and Sikkim.

Is there any limit on placing any dams on any river in India??

I am certain there are multiple dams in North Bengal in the Brahmaputra river upstream, same thing for Teesta and Barak rivers.

As you sow - so shall you reap Dada. You will keep getting floods if you back up water and dam unilaterally and illegally. You slow down these rivers, they will fill with silt and you will get floods.

There is no defeating mother nature. Sooner Indian Govt. realizes this, the better.
Well, it can. If you withheld waters in the crisis time, you can cause draught.
Even you release the waters in rainy days, you can cause flooding.
It cannot be true in one case. Once you have dams on the water flow, you can cause both situation, without shadow of a doubt.
Is there any way to stop water from flowing down the rivers during monsoon. I would be happy to know about this latest technology. Please teach me instead of blaming India.

We are a people who blamed west Pakistan for every bad thing here and now it is India that we blame as if blame game is a religion in Golden Bangladesh. We have something of a very special mindset.

যত দোষ নন্দ ঘোষ। আমার কোনো দোষ থাকতেই পারেনা। We love to play victim.
Is there any limit on placing any dams on any river in India??

I am certain there are multiple dams in North Bengal in the Brahmaputra river upstream, same thing for Teesta and Barak rivers.

As you sow - so shall you reap Dada. You will keep getting floods if you back up water and dam unilaterally and illegally. You slow down these rivers, they will fill with silt and you will get floods.

There is no defeating mother nature. Sooner Indian Govt. realizes this, the better.
Frankly speaking nothing significant we have in the rivers from NE. Few minor level constructions are happening which will take years to complete.

It's a big time now to check the rivers of NE, like we have done for damodar. It has high potential of Hydel Energy.

As we say there is red alert for rain in North Bengal districts and Assam. Brahmaputra/Jamuna is expected to raise by 3 cm. Whole Assam and North Bengal is under water now.
Article explains it clearly enough but there's a bit more here.


If a river is diminished by upstream damming, the path created by the original river also diminishes due to both silt accumulation and erosion of new lateral margins and sideways channels that would never have formed with a slow moving mature river in place.

Next time a sudden volume of water is released either by the dam (deliberately or from a catastrophic failure) or heavy rains, the accumulated water will not flow down the original path and instead will find a shallower river bed with new offshoots formed laterally. This will increase the risk of and severity of flooding downstream.

Adequate relief channels need to have been planned and built when the original dam was built to mitigate this risk.
i am not responding here to your post. But, I ask you, do you think there were no yearly floods in Bangladesh before Farakka was built? When there is a lot of rainfall and Himalayan ice melts speedy because of hotter climate, the water level rises that causes floods both in BD and west Bengal/Bihar.

Instead of just talking, BD should do some flood control measures such as raising the banks of the main three rivers by, say, 12m, and building sluice gates at the mouth of the distributory canals, etc. It is the only way to solve the issue, blaming India is not.
i am not responding here to your post. But, I ask you, do you think there were no yearly floods in Bangladesh before Farakka was built? When there is a lot of rainfall and Himalayan ice melts speedy because of hotter climate, the water level rises that causes floods both in BD and west Bengal/Bihar..
Read the title, it says they blame India for prolonged flood. Stop this stupid argument. No one said they are the cause for the existence of floods in BD.
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