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Expelled Diplomat Wore Bias on Sleeves


Jul 3, 2012
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American diplomat Wayne May, who was asked to leave India, may be secretly relieved since he has previously talked of “challenges” of living in India. His wife, Alicia Muller May, also a US embassy staff, had shown prejudice while talking about India on her Facebook page.

On November 18, 2012, Alicia had shared a link to an article about an Indian textbook claiming non-vegetarians were inclined towards violence and sexual crimes. On the discussion to the post, Alicia wrote, “I’d like them to do a follow-up article on how many vegetarians rape women here every day!” After the reply of a friend, Alicia pushed her theory forward. “It’s the vegetarians that are doing the raping, not the meat eaters — this place is just so bizarre.” When another commentator replied jokingly that he had never raped anyone, Alicia persisted, “Applies only to Indians… not westerners!”

The diplomat, Wayne May, had announced the start of his tenure in New Delhi by posting a picture of two cows in the middle of an Old Delhi lane. “The adventure begins! Welcome to India…” posted May on June 30, 2010. In an interview on his professional life in March 2011, he had said, “Challenges include unhealthy living conditions like air and water pollution, threat of disease and sickness, bad traffic and everything else that one would associate with a developing country with a population of over 1.2 billion.”

Expelled Diplomat Wore Bias on Sleeves -The New Indian Express
What can you expect from these people with over sized ego's ..
Typical American Retards ..:usflag:



what a racist bunch ,cant believe these clowns represent america .shame on them ..:tsk:
Racist American Diplomats
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Wife must be a blond :P Total dumb ***. Its good riddance for us and for them .
lol Americans are just the dumbest creatures on earth

They must be from the South though. The Northerners and people in the West Coast aren't nearly as stupid and clueless as the typical Southerner/republinut redneck.
Well, if we don't know if and how the "typical American" is racist, we surely know where you stand.

The typical American is not racist, but these representatives of your nation, most certainly are.

Therefore for the Indian, since the American representative is racist, America is racist. Quite simple really.
lol at the Indians, playing the racist car when I don't see any racist comments there, and then trying to deny that India is a county where women face so many difficulties, from rape, sexual assault, infanticide etc. Every country has faults but Indians love to point how racist everyone else is, when they themselves are the most racist people and nation.
lol at the Indians, playing the racist car when I don't see any racist comments there, and then trying to deny that India is a county where women face so many difficulties, from rape, sexual assault, infanticide etc. Every country has faults but Indians love to point how racist everyone else is, when they themselves are the most racist people and nation.

India has the above problems - sure

Does that make it okay for the American representatives to a foreign country to make those reprehensible comments on a public fora?

Its good that such retard di(ks are leaving.
93883, 95089, 94347, 94472, 92999 , 90750, 89241, 84767 (Total rape count USA)

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

------- 18233, 18359 , 19348, 20737, 21467, 21397, 22172
(Total rape count India)

Going by the Logic of Alicia Muller , it seems Meating eating Umrikan people are far ahead of us.

By my logic such idiots must be feed to dogs.

Such a noob blond.
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