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Exodus of northeastern people: Pakistan rejects India's 'cooked up' charges

Like I said in earlier posts, we will be patient, for India this is a do or die situation, as if Pakistan survives in the state that it is in, and the US withdraws, warm air is going to blow towards India, hence RAW working overtime...... No matter, our dead shall answer to yours soon enough, patience for now, I will save your posts and when that time comes I will replay them to you for reference and ask you your feelings then.......
We all know there will be future attacks on us. Internal too, some of them aided by foreign powers....
Point is when you blame somebody for something, have equal heart to face when you are on receiving side. India has seen worst and still it is intact. India is too powerful to let any state go away.

US is not going anywhere, their 40000 special forces soldiers will be still stationed leadng 1,40,000 ANA soldiers so leave this for other thread.

As for Exodus case, India will look at every possible reasons as we have seen Indians working for ISI.

Have you ever seen a Food Fighting cafeteria, all it takes is one person throwing food on another and the chain reaction starts, all become part of Mob. Same is used in these situations, like Mumbai, NE and now exodus. All you need is a start, which can be started by anyone especially by other state actors.

What I am seeing is people getting too much irrational that they don't even consider it a possibility where as easily digest India;s hand in Kamra....

Guys, start thinking outside the box. World is not that simple as it seems. Leave emotions and think rationally.
They should actually say we heard nothing from India, all background noise, loooool.

No honestly, Indian arrogance at an all time high, they actually believe that if they produce so called evidence then the other country MUST accept it as the whole truth and the accused MUST be convicted because that is what India wants........

Pakistanis should know the propaganda behind this, actually indian polititions are trying to silence voices of indian Muslims who are facing killing continiously, read my post # 30 also. This is very smart move by indians.

I hope the sane indians will agree with me.
Listen, we don't give a flying fc uk who gave that hillarious statement & whatsoever is happening in india.

What sad thing is that Muslims are being killed in india & indian polititions trying to score points on Muslims dead bodies.

TBH it seems a clear tactical move from india so that if Muslims in india speaks of getting killed by hindu exteremist so they don't raise their voices in fear of getting labelled as a worker of ISI guy. It is also a slap on Human rights authorities in india.
Tell me in which country where Muslims are living are not getting killed or looked suspiciously.

US, China, India etc. most of the nations are seeing killing of muslims just because some fanatics did acts on basis of Islam. Innocent Muslims are targeted all around the world.

As for India, first ask the question, why these Muslims have been safe when Hindu extremists have always been there. There is a long chain of events before an actual riot happens, problem is people don't look into it.

Didn't you see those guys attacking Indian property, beating media personals, burning vehicles ?

Start paying more attention rather than issuing your judgment without any proof.
Tell me in which country where Muslims are living are not getting killed or looked suspiciously.

US, China, India etc. most of the nations are seeing killing of muslims just because some fanatics did acts on basis of Islam. Innocent Muslims are targeted all around the world.

As for India, first ask the question, why these Muslims have been safe when Hindu extremists have always been there. There is a long chain of events before an actual riot happens, problem is people don't look into it.

Didn't you see those guys attacking Indian property, beating media personals, burning vehicles ?

Start paying more attention rather than issuing your judgment without any proof.

you mean in US china india every where muslims are getting killed non other than by another muslims??
Dont take the Muhajirs seriously when they rave against India. They have a skewed vision when it comes to India. They need to keep telling themselves that their choice was justified.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3331123 said:
you mean in US china india every where muslims are getting killed non other than by another muslims??
Nope....by other religion following people and paranoid ones.......Non-muslims are attacking them....
Tell me in which country where Muslims are living are not getting killed or looked suspiciously.

US, China, India etc. most of the nations are seeing killing of muslims just because some fanatics did acts on basis of Islam. Innocent Muslims are targeted all around the world.

As for India, first ask the question, why these Muslims have been safe when Hindu extremists have always been there. There is a long chain of events before an actual riot happens, problem is people don't look into it.

Didn't you see those guys attacking Indian property, beating media personals, burning vehicles ?

Start paying more attention rather than issuing your judgment without any proof.

Exactly, my point was Muslims were being killed in india(for valid or non-valid reasons, it is Human rights & GOI to take care), thats why they are protesting & breaking, burning indian properties(as you mentioned) but why point finger towards Pakistan. Don't you think they are doing this to silence Muslim community in india(who are living on their lands not hindu exteremists or any one). Please read my previous posts again.
Pakistanis should know the propaganda behind this, actually indian polititions are trying to silence voices of indian Muslims who are facing killing continiously, read my post # 30 also. This is very smart move by indians.

I hope the sane indians will agree with me.
Buddy how many Muslims have been killed, can you give me the statistics. Even in Godhara 3000 died, but more Muslims dies by hands of Muslims in other countries. More Dalits are killed than the Muslims in India.
We all know there will be future attacks on us. Internal too, some of them aided by foreign powers....
Point is when you blame somebody for something, have equal heart to face when you are on receiving side. India has seen worst and still it is intact. India is too powerful to let any state go away.

US is not going anywhere, their 40000 special forces soldiers will be still stationed leadng 1,40,000 ANA soldiers so leave this for other thread.

As for Exodus case, India will look at every possible reasons as we have seen Indians working for ISI.

Have you ever seen a Food Fighting cafeteria, all it takes is one person throwing food on another and the chain reaction starts, all become part of Mob. Same is used in these situations, like Mumbai, NE and now exodus. All you need is a start, which can be started by anyone especially by other state actors.

What I am seeing is people getting too much irrational that they don't even consider it a possibility where as easily digest India;s hand in Kamra....

Guys, start thinking outside the box. World is not that simple as it seems. Leave emotions and think rationally.

yes, your rationally means looking at it from an Indian Point of View................

Indian has not been hit yet like you mention. When the Soviets went into Afghanistan, India got involved in Balochistan, and although most the fighting was contained within Balochistan, there were some sporadic attacks across the rest of Pakistan. When the Soviets left, Pakistan paid you back with Kashmir, and again, although most of the fighting was contained within the valleys some attacks were carried out inside inside by FREEDOM FIGHTERS. This time around India has gone the full monty and India knows it is in a do or die situation and RAW must make this work as if they fail now, they know India will not be safe for long. Kashmir is one thing, Naxals/Maoists and many other groups in India will be a good asset to use against the State, hence why India is going mad on a Military spending spree to beef up its Military capacity in masive numbrs in the hope that if they fail, then the threat of war and overwhelming force may deter Pakistan from replying to their little adventure here.

Like I said, we will be patient. As for the 4000 special forces remaining, the Taliban will decide their fate on that. The ANA will become nothing more then the Northern Alliance once again and the entire borderline with Pakistan controlled by the Taliban once again, hence, no safe havens for RAW/TTP. That 140,000 ANA force, when push comes to shove, their tribal allegiances and family ties within the Pashtun tribes will be more strong, as shown in the past, a lesson the US hasn't learnt from the Soviets.
Exactly, my point was Muslims were being killed in india(for valid or non-valid reasons, it is Human rights & GOI to take care), thats why they are protesting & breaking, burning indian properties(as you mentioned) but why point finger towards Pakistan. Don't you think they are doing this to silence Muslim community in india(who are living on their lands not hindu exteremists or any one). Please read my previous posts again.
What human rights buddy, do you know the ground reality. Even in Hindu dominant country, Muslims are more safe than Non-Muslims and this is a fact.

Tell me one thing will you accept Hindus action to destroy Babri Masjid as you accept the Muslims anger and they destroying Buddhist structures and property. Hindus also had anger and they got blinded by it.

The ground reality is, setting the wheel in motion, by few opportunists who make a region unstable for political gains. This happened in Babri Incident, Godhara and now these riots. People are just getting carried away. And presence of external hand is very much possible.

There is a way to lodge your protest, you just don't go out and destroy and burn vehicles.

yes, your rationally means looking at it from an Indian Point of View................

Indian has not been hit yet like you mention. When the Soviets went into Afghanistan, India got involved in Balochistan, and although most the fighting was contained within Balochistan, there were some sporadic attacks across the rest of Pakistan. When the Soviets left, Pakistan paid you back with Kashmir, and again, although most of the fighting was contained within the valleys some attacks were carried out inside inside by FREEDOM FIGHTERS. This time around India has gone the full monty and India knows it is in a do or die situation and RAW must make this work as if they fail now, they know India will not be safe for long. Kashmir is one thing, Naxals/Maoists and many other groups in India will be a good asset to use against the State, hence why India is going mad on a Military spending spree to beef up its Military capacity in masive numbrs in the hope that if they fail, then the threat of war and overwhelming force may deter Pakistan from replying to their little adventure here.

Like I said, we will be patient. As for the 4000 special forces remaining, the Taliban will decide their fate on that. The ANA will become nothing more then the Northern Alliance once again and the entire borderline with Pakistan controlled by the Taliban once again, hence, no safe havens for RAW/TTP. That 140,000 ANA force, when push comes to shove, their tribal allegiances and family ties within the Pashtun tribes will be more strong, as shown in the past, a lesson the US hasn't learnt from the Soviets.
Its going off topic and you are little confused. Things are not the same as 1990s......lets leave this discussion to another thread.
Dont take the Muhajirs seriously when they rave against India. They have a skewed vision when it comes to India. They need to keep telling themselves that their choice was justified.

I know few Gujaratis here in US who had told me how they are treated in india & they are called by insulting names such as "Miyanh log" & so. They even say they don't wanna go back to india, even few wished that some part of Gujarat would be Pakistan's province. As i'm very cool type guy so i interact with people pretty much quickly. Also i have nothing against indians & i have had an indian kerela girl as friend in the past too.
I know few Gujaratis here in US who had told me how they are treated in india & they are called by insulting names such as "Miyanh log" & so. They even say they don't wanna go back to india, even few wished that some part of Gujarat would be Pakistan's province. As i'm very cool type guy so i interact with people pretty much quickly. Also i have nothing against indians & i have had an indian kerela girl as friend in the past too.

I hve been told the same think in the UK where Gujaratis especially are treated very badly by the terrorist group BJP and its Hindu fanatic supporters.

Anyways, voilence is India is very bad, even when you listen to the reports from Karachi, this political war is extensively highlighted by our media so that something gets done, but you should see the news from India, something a controlled media like that in India will not report so as not to destroy an image abroad.

858 bodies recovered in Delhi in 4 months; CM meets Chidambaram

But as before, the Indians should have contacted the embassy and gone through the proper chanels, they obviously have another agenda and what you say is correct, they wish to label any truth seeking quest into an ISI agent
Can't say anything when people extrapolate things with very less data......All Indian members, just stop pointing fingers at ISI. They never accepted 26/11 even with proofs, how can you make them accept this.

All your efforts are in vain. So better take Pakistan out of picture and discuss about other internal factors. Especially the failed policy of our central govt.s over the years.....
What human rights buddy, do you know the ground reality. Even in Hindu dominant country, Muslims are more safe than Non-Muslims and this is a fact.

Tell me one thing will you accept Hindus action to destroy Babri Masjid as you accept the Muslims anger and they destroying Buddhist structures and property. Hindus also had anger and they got blinded by it.

The ground reality is, setting the wheel in motion, by few opportunists who make a region unstable for political gains. This happened in Babri Incident, Godhara and now these riots. People are just getting carried away. And presence of external hand is very much possible.

There is a way to lodge your protest, you just don't go out and destroy and burn vehicles.

Oh God!, dude you are not getting my point. What i'm trying to say that indeed it is sad to see Muslims being killed in india but why is indian polititions making Pakistan a bogeyman to silence voices of Muslims living in their land(ofcource many part of india is Muslim land). Instead indian authorities should ask Muslims in india to identify those terrorists/hindu exteremist who killed/attacked them & launch hunt down operation against them. Tell me isn't this the correct way?
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