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Exercise: US "steals" France a huge contract to sell submarines to Australia This is a huge contract worth about $ 90 billion


Jul 10, 2017
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Exercise: US "steals" France a huge contract to sell submarines to Australia This is a huge contract worth about $ 90 billion for the purchase of eight submarines with nuclear propulsion to Australia. The deal with the United States canceled a deal with France. The royal palace is angry at the White House Dan Arkin 19/09/2021 Contact author sharing Exercise: US "steals" France a huge contract to sell submarines to Australia Brendan Smialowski / Pool via REUTERS Have Australia and Britain contracted Joe Biden's sense of anxiety about China's terror? The tripartite agreement signed over the weekend, following months of secret preparations, allows the three countries, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, to send nuclear submarines to the South China Sea. The reactions are harsh: China has expressed concern about the nuclear arms race and damage to stability. France was badly offended: it was not told either, it also lost a huge submarine production contract to Australia, and, for the first time in history, it returned to Paris its ambassadors to Washington and Canberra. Australia announced over the weekend that a military partnership with Britain and the United States would be launched to launch nuclear submarines to monitor China's operations in the South China Sea. Challenges China's territorial requirements in the region. Australia feels
threatened by China and already three months ago boycotted Hawaii, the Chinese telecommunications giant. With the help of the agreement, Australia is in fact casting its spell on American naval power. Canberra's relations with Beijing have recently deteriorated, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison this week establishes a lasting partnership with his closest ally, the United States. U.S. officials have explained that under the agreement, Australia has pledged not to arm the nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons, but to carry only conventional weapons like submarine-launched cruise missiles, and that too is in fact a military presence that changes the balance of power in the region. A Chinese government spokesman said the agreement could seriously jeopardize regional peace and stability, encourage an arms race and undermine international agreements on nuclear disarmament. The harshest reactions to the tripartite agreement came from Paris: France withdrew its ambassadors from the two capitals Washington and Canberra. A huge $ 40 billion deal from 2016 between Australia and French shipyard group NAVAL to build a fleet of conventional submarines has been canceled. Instead, under the tripartite agreement, eight submarines will be built in Germany using American and British technologies. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said a "serious situation has arisen" and ordered the return of ambassadors for consultations. Washington State Department spokesman Ned Price said France is an important ally and the US will work in the coming days to resolve the crisis. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tried to reassure and reconcile, but President Macron, who is a guest at a research institute in Washington, said Blinken's reassuring words were not enough after preparations for signing the tripartite agreement took months, and nothing was given to the French.

beginning of the end for the anglo-saxon civil war & the eventual collapse. first time in history that france closed diplomatic relations with the u.s.

This Five Eye partners also made NZ left Pakistan at the 11th hour by feeing their Govt with false intelligence informaiton. More like a CIA program for an espionage against certain countries.
This Five Eye partners also made NZ left Pakistan at the 11th hour by feeing their Govt with false intelligence informaiton. More like a CIA program for an espionage against certain countries.
Not CIA but mi6 bcz of jeff contract with Argentine
Not CIA but mi6 bcz of jeff contract with Argentine
No. Argentine contract has more to do with China than Pakistan. This call was made by US just like they have been squeezing us in FATF for the last few years.
I mean UK is equally partner in crime. Its more like this:

US : How can we piss off/isolate/teach some lesson to Pak. They have been smiling a lot since Aug 15.
UK : One more suggestion is to stop their cricket in their home whom they are desperate to have it back.
US : Oh fu*k yeah. Do it now.
UK : Roger Boss. *rings to NZ*
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