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Exclusive: Zarif Claims Soleimani Intervened In Diplomacy, Russia Wanted To Destroy JCPOA


Feb 25, 2021
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Iran International TV has gotten hold of an audio recording in which Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says he has been forced to "sacrifice diplomacy for the IRGC's operations", because of interventions by former Qods Force Commander Qasem Soleimani in Iran's diplomatic affairs. Soleimani was killed by a US air strike in Baghdad in January 2020.

Zarif made the statement in an interview in March, apparently intended to be released after the Rouhani administration leaves office in early August. The interview was conducted by Iranian journalist Saeed Laylaz who is close to Rouhani's economic team. Zarif's statements in the recording can put him under further pressure by Iran's hardliners, or the leak could be an attempt to put him under a better light for the West, blaming Soleimani for Iran's interventionist policies in the Middle East.

Zarif said that his ministry followed a "cold war strategy," but under Soleimani's influence, he had to further a diplomacy that would serve Iran's interests in its military operations in the region.

"On the other hand, I have never been able to ask Soleimani to do something that would serve my diplomatic moves," he said.

Zarif said that Soleimani intervened in his meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, adding that Soleimani would never accept a demand by Zarif. "He would not accept to refrain from using the Iranian national airline for transportation to Syria," he said, possibly referring to transportation of arms and ammunition. Zarif said that under Soleimani's pressures Iran air increased the number of its flights to Damascus six times more than usual.

The international community sanctioned several Iranian companies and airlines for transporting weapons for Bashar al-Assad’s forces and those fighting under Iranian command.

The foreign minister stressed that Iran always attached priority to its war operations. He said his role in determining Iran's foreign policy was "nil." Meanwhile he maintained that Soleimani's visit to Moscow immediately after the 2015 nuclear deal was forged as an attempt to destroy the nuclear deal.

"That trip was made upon Moscow's initiative without the Iranian Foreign Ministry having any control on it. Its objective was to destroy the JCPOA," Zarif further maintained. His explanation of how Russia harmed JCPOA had to do with its policy of using Iran in the Syrian civil war as the ground fighting force.

Zarif added that Rouhani did not know about Soleimani's intervention in diplomacy. He also said that the foreign ministry was kept in the dark about Iran's military operations in Syria. "It was former US Foreign Secretary John Kerry who told me Israel had launched more than 200 attacks on Iranian forces in Syria," he said.

Both these claims are not very credible. It would be highly unusual for Zarif not to inform his boss about Soleimani’s interventions. Israeli attacks were discussed in international media as far back as 2017.

"The United States knew about the attack on Ain al-Assad [January 8, 2020] in Iraq before I was informed of it,"Zarif said, adding that Iranian military officials told him about the missile attack on the Ukrainian civilian airliner on the same date, a day or two after the plane was shot down killing all 176 people onboard.

Elsewhere in the interview, Zarif reiterated that Russia tried to destroy the JCPOA, and that he had to use a "rude and non-diplomatic language" in his talks with Lavrov at times. Nonetheless, he said that he supported the ties with Russia and China, although he also said Iran's relations with America is against Russia's interests, so Russia opposes the normalization of Iran's ties with the United States.

Elsewhere in the interview, Zarif said the Iranian foreign ministry has a "security structure," adding that a group of people in Iran benefit from such structures present in all institutions.

Explaining the Iranian psyche, he said that the people prefer a military champion to a diplomat, adding that as a result of that his popularity dropped from 90 percent to 60% while Soleimani's popularity grew from 70% to 90%. But he did not say what time period he was referring to.

In the interview Zarif expressed his support for "revolutionary" policies and responding to critics who called him a "traitor," Zarif said: "Ask Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah if I am a traitor or not."

Main source-
UK based Iran International

Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, has criticised the dominance of the assassinated Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commander Qassem Suleimani in Iranian diplomacy, and admitted his own influence over Iranian foreign policy was sometimes zero in a leaked audio recording.


Iran’s diplomatic efforts had been damaged by the interventions of military men such as assassinated Revolutionary Guards commander Qassem Soleimani, the country’s foreign minister and nuclear negotiator Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a leaked recording.

“Many diplomatic prices that we paid were because the [military] field was a priority,” Zarif said in a secret interview recorded on February 24 as part of an “oral history” research scheme that was leaked on Sunday. “We paid for the [military] field but the [military] field did not pay for us.”


Although the Islamic Republic considers Russia an ally, Zarif alleged on the tapes that Moscow had tried to sabotage the nuclear deal. He also said the Revolutionary Guards had hidden the fact that they had shot down an Ukrainian passenger jet last year. The tragedy, in which all 176 passengers and crew were killed, came hours after Iran responded to the killing of Soleimani by launching missiles at a US military base in Iraq. Zarif said he had no idea about the attack.

The worldview of the Islamic Republic’s leaders, he said, was “based on a polarised cold war” and that “a minority that are capable of creating huge waves” had their “interests in highlighting security so that their roles can be outstanding”.

“From the beginning, I told [Iranian diplomats that] we come to be sacrificed, not to be champions,” said Zarif.


Iran Seeks People Who Leaked Foreign Minister's Interview Containing Bombshell Claims About IRGC

A Foreign Ministry spokesman earlier slammed the "cherry-picking" of excerpts from the interview, saying they do not reflect FM Javad Zarif's views in full and had been ripped out of context.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has ordered to carry out an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the leak of an audiotape of Foreign Minister Javad Zarif's interview that was not intended for public release, government spokesperson Ali Rabei revealed. He stated the publication of the recordings, which portrayed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in a damning light, was the result of a conspiracy because the media outlet that purportedly supports sanctions against Iran was the first to release them.

The spokesperson added that Tehran is also waiting for the return of Minister Zarif himself to hear his statements regarding the incident.

The government spokesperson further clarified the origins of the excerpts from Zarif's interview – he was giving it as part of a project to document the history of the eight years of Rouhani's government. The recordings were supposed to be classified and stored in the archives to be studied or used in the future. Nothing was supposed to end up in the media's hands.

Contents of Bombshell Interview

The transcript of parts of Zarif's interview was reportedly first published by the London-based news outlet Iran International, which purportedly obtained the recordings. In them, the minister alleges that his powers in the government are limited and that he often has to bow to the demands of the IRGC in his diplomatic efforts. He claims the military calls the shots in Tehran.

Tehran Slams 'Cherry Picking' of Leaked Tape Where FM Zarif Claims IRGC Calls the Shots in Iran

Zarif also alleged that late General Qasem Soleimani often got in the way of his work and sometimes harmed the country by his actions. Specifically, the minister claimed that Soleimani tried to thwart the signing of the nuclear deal in 2015. At the same time, Zarif praised his cooperation with the general ahead of the US interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq and said that his assassination by US forces in January 2020 was a huge loss for Iran.

Commenting on the publication of parts of the interview in the media, the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned it for "cherry-picking" many things out of context and insisted that Zarif meant no disregard to General Soleimani.

Iran presidency orders probe into leaked tape of foreign minister

The recording, in which Mohammad Javad Zarif is heard complaining that slain Revolutionary Guard Soleimani undermined diplomatic efforts, has caused furore

Iran's president has ordered a probe into the "conspiracy" of leaked audio in which Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is heard saying the military was too influential in diplomacy, a government spokesman announced on Tuesday.

Criticism of Soleimani

Foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh did not deny the authenticity of the recording, but said on Monday that it was cut from a seven-hour interview that included "personal opinions".

Zarif's conversation with economist Saeed Leylaz was clearly not meant for publication, something the foreign minister repeatedly mentions on the recording.

Zarif did not comment on the controversy, but published on Tuesday a brief audio message on Instagram, saying "I believe you should not work for history... I say, don't worry about history so much, but worry about God and the people".

He did not specify when he recorded this message.

The leaked remarks sparked harsh criticism from conservative media and politicians, with the mention of Iran's slain general Qassem Soleimani hitting a nerve.

Soliemani is dumb fool in diplomatic ways may be he is good military guy but in diplomacy field he is fcuked up man ,he creates enemies for Iran even he tries his best to make a enemy in form of pakistan On behalf of India. In chabahar he allowed Indians to perform devil’s activities against pakistan e;g kulbushan yadev.
Soliemani is dumb fool in diplomatic ways may be he is good military guy but in diplomacy field he is fcuked up man ,he creates enemies for Iran even he tries his best to make a enemy in form of pakistan On behalf of India. In chabahar he allowed Indians to perform devil’s activities against pakistan e;g kulbushan yadev.
A more careful style would be better, as Soleimani has a lot of followers here. But basically I agree with what you want to say. There was an understanding of politics that paralyzed Iranian diplomacy a lot and harmed the diplomatic culture of the Iranian state, or at least severely restricted its area of movement, disregarding the state hierarchy, as Mr. Zarif put it. Moreover, this understanding has caused so many the incidents that Iran diplomacy has to clear after.

And although Zarif is labeled as traitor by some, actually has a reasonable understanding for anyone familiar with the diplomacy. However, his criticism of a phenomenon that has reached 90% popularity in the country draws a great reaction. I am sure there is a section in Iranian state institutions who share this view, but in this case, it is a matter of courage to express this.

Iran has recently paid a high price for its military-directed foreign policy. Soleimani was also a master demogogue and military skill in linking these goals to otherworldly causes. To put him by analogy, he was like a Qizilbash general from the 15th century. Gathering around him or embracing his way has become a lofty for anyone with the same point of view. If the commemorative activities or IRGC branchs' propaganda activities after his murder are analyzed, these features can be clearly seen.
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When I hear Iranians call Zarif a traitor, this is what I see:


Zarif is pro-EU/Europe. Seeking a path to Iranian prosperity with neo-liberal Europeans.

Soleimani was in the putin camp. putin, who is a traitor to Iran. j/s

putin is deeper into the USA/Bush/Neo-con/trump/RT/zionist/Khazar war on Iran than most Europeans. putins role in that anti-Iran camp is to get Iran to nowhere.

Zarif knows this and wanted to dialogue with Europeans to figure out a way to achieve peace for Iranians.
It is in putins interest that Iran have a leader like this:

Scary to the West, so warmongers can bring about a war with Iran sooner. putin does not want Iran rapprochement with the West.

putin wants the far right of Iran to be in power, those who would nuclearize Iran... yet putin supported sanctions against Iran for the far right being in power seeking nuclear enrichment. You can't be for both. Either support the hard-liners and their goals. Or be opposed to hard-liners and their goals. If putin loved Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, why sanction him over and over again. When that would tie Russia's hands at helping Iran.

Then putin goes crazy over the JCPOA. Support the moderates to bring prosperity to Iran to prevent a nuclear conflict if that is the concern. Yet, putin is a faction of the Entente there to handle and prepare for ruin anybody Washington and Hell Aviv want to ruin.

I would like to remind you that the USSR had 4000 licensed production of Mig 15s to friends and allies. Yet putin refuses to allow flankers to be made in Iran.

Throughout the USSR history, Russia allowed friends and ally to be armed to the teeth to defend USSR's friends. Yet putin does what bibi wants. Enemy of Iran -bibi - is best buddies to putin. Enemy of Iran - trump - is promoted in RT to neo-nazis. What the hell is going on. Are Iranians so blind about putin... not Zarif.

Yet, don't blame Soleimani, you have to use Russia as much as you can for your own interests. It is impossible for Iran to be friends with Russia, yet Iran can still use Russia.

If Russia is not looking out for the best interests of Iran, Iraq and Syria because Russia is incapable of doing so... all the more reason for Iran to help Assad.

putin want Iran to have a leader like Saddam, hated and feared. And then to have Russia sanction Iran with the West. That is putin.
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A more careful styl would be better, as Soleimani has a lot of followers here. But basically I agree with what you want to say. There was an understanding of politics that paralyzed Iranian diplomacy a lot and harmed the diplomatic culture of the Iranian state, or at least severely restricted its area of movement, disregarding the state hierarchy, as Mr. Zarif put it. Moreover, this understanding has caused so many the incidents that Iran diplomacy has to clear after.

And although he is labeled as traitor by some, actually has a reasonable understanding for anyone familiar with the diplomacy. However, his criticism of a phenomenon that has reached 90% popularity in the country draws a great reaction. I am sure there is a section in Iranian state institutions who share this view, but in this case, it is a matter of courage to express this.

Iran has recently paid a high price for its military-directed foreign policy. Soleimani was also a master demogogue and military skill in linking these goals to otherworldly causes. To put him by analogy, he was like a Qizilbash general from the 15th century. Gathering around him or embracing his way has become a lofty for anyone with the same point of view. If the commemorative activities or IRGC branchs' propaganda activities after his murder are analyzed, these features can be clearly seen.
Brother it’s a tussle between military guy soleimani and ayatollah .ayatoll afraid of his influence at military level and general public increasend his love for him day by day .but he is bad in diplomatic norms.https://www.indiatoday.in/world/story/qassem-soleimani-on-pakistan-shelter-terror-1633675-2020-01-03
Looks like Solemani is compromised by his own folks who thought he had become too much of a liability! So, a drama was staged....
Very interesting. I know so little about the internal dynamics of Iranian politics.

It's a shame to see that even in Iran you have people pulling in the opposite direction. I don't agree with Irans foreign policy but I've admired the bold and brash aspects of it. I always assumed it was from a united domestic front.
it was a joint operation by many countries. Soleimani died because he was planning something big and many countries wanted him dead. anyway we can expect iran to arrest people who released this audio clip. Saudia and iran are both same. Both of these regimes killed people in the past without any reason and it looks like iran will hang someone soon. This is not state! this is brutal regime of mullah who thinks that they are very powerful. very sad.
Insider only give tip where he is going all other done by friend of Iran,Iran is working his friend in iraq ,you know who is that it’s America
The Last Shah already declared before his death he had been undone via a CIA ops....

President Reagan was a Deep State darling....
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