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Exclusive: Strike Corps "capable of invasion and capture" of Tibet

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Annexing Tibet is infeasible. Indian military is incapable of conquering and holding Tibet, let alone defending its own brder states and territories from PLA. Attempting to do so will widen the theater of war and PLA may very well wage full scale war especially if one of its largest provinces are invaded by Indian military as some here are trying to suggest.

India cannot militarily nor financially afford a long campaign war against China nor could India survive a long campaign war with China. Indian military may be able to make short term gains in such a conflict but in long term will capitulate and face a major defeat.

India keeps a sizable population, particularly the young ones of Haryana, Rajasthan, UP and Bihar for a reason. No matter how many they kill, India can keep sending soldiers again and again which China can't as its population is ageing.

Russians were able to invade Berlin because they had this advantage which Germany didn't.

This time, NATO will directly help India and use Indian soldiers to disfigure China just like how Indian soldiers were sent to conquer China during the Opium Wars.
India keeps a sizable population, particularly the young ones of Haryana, Rajasthan, UP and Bihar for a reason. No matter how many they kill, India can keep sending soldiers again and again which China can't as its population is ageing.

Russians were able to invade Berlin because they had this advantage which Germany didn't.

This time, NATO will directly help India and use Indian soldiers to disfigure China just like how Indian soldiers were sent to conquer China during the Opium Wars.

Keeps a sizable population ?
Oh,Glorious Indian slave army.I do agree that Britishers should conquere India again and bring it to a new height.

And the slave army alone conquered China, sacked your Old Summer Palace, looted all the artifacts, killed the Chinese Boxers and I just don't wanna remind you what they did to your women. May be you can go through a DNA test and see whether you have Indian Aryan blood left in your blood.

Do I need to post more photos? I guarantee you will be happy enough to start weeping.


majority of india's population are lower castes and untouchables, most of whom are malnourished. i doubt they can pick up a machine gun. So dont bring up india's population when it comes to war with china
And the slave army alone conquered China, sacked your Old Summer Palace, looted all the artifacts, killed the Chinese Boxers and I just don't wanna remind you what they did to your women. May be you can go through a DNA test and see whether you have Indian Aryan blood left in your blood.

Do I need to post more photos? I guarantee you will be happy enough to start weeping.

Indian mind set is a miracle,I don't have anything to say…even the africans won't go so low.at least they won't say they've conquered Iraq,Vietnam,North Korea and Afghanistan.
And the slave army alone conquered China, sacked your Old Summer Palace, looted all the artifacts, killed the Chinese Boxers and I just don't wanna remind you what they did to your women. May be you can go through a DNA test and see whether you have Indian Aryan blood left in your blood.

Do I need to post more photos? I guarantee you will be happy enough to start weeping.

you are a false flagger or you are high. "Indian Aryan blood"? really?
Do you know how far is the Lhasa from India?

By the way, as ancient Tibetan scriptures suggest the earlier capital of Tibet was in Kamrup (Assam) which is already an Indian territory.

what u wrote is DAFAQ! do u know what is kamrup? a district whose capital is guwahati , the heart of Assam. kamrup was known for kamekhya temple and tantric meetings nothing more.
PS I stay HERE!!

Indian mind set is a miracle,I don't have anything to say…even the africans won't go so low.at least they won't say they've conquered Iraq,Vietnam,North Korea and Afghanistan.

Its not an Indian mindset, either he is drunk or lunatic,don't judge a nation by knowing few moronic trollers.
he is probably a false flagger.
They don't need to be. They will do what the Army asks them to do. This is how things are bro, not like how you think, sorry.

That might be true from where you come from . not India.

Keeps a sizable population ?

The guy is deluded or at best a false flagger . why bother with a debate with him mate?
Ok. Let's rephrase. May be to 'liberate Tibet' :devil:

Before applying ourselves outside our borders we need to focus on whats inside.

The Red Corridor needs immediate extermination - this has potential for huge damage.
I only remember that tibetans had invaded india centuries ago,not vice versa.indian are good at talk,but too coward to put it into practice.

Wow Surprising. A chinese calls some body coward. I think I will have to remind him about nanking where Chinese army ran away to save their lives from Japanese leaving innocent Japaneses to the mercy of GOD. Do I post youtube link showing Japanese soldiers Gunning down escaping Chinese soldiers at the wall covering city Nanking?

1. India will never ever have the ba--s to cause any threat to China which is a thermonuclear nation. Even all the urgings of USA will not infuse enough courage to India to mess with China. Then why is this build up? A nation with the highest concentration of the abject poor in the world should rather spend on poverty alleviation.The main incentive here is graft through arms purchase. After ages of trying and failing to produce anything lethal locally, India is now doing most of her purchases overseas. Makes it convenient to transfer funds into Swiss banks.

2. A time will come when people will ask why are we spending so much on this massive mily with most modern weapons. It's a waste of money. These guys are doing nothing sitting in cantonments. The political leadership, to justify maintaining this huge force, will look for employing them somewhere. In the neighborhood India is too scared of nuclear Pakistan to attack her. An assault on SL will be unpopular in India itself. Nepal borders Tibet which houses a huge contingent of PLA. That leaves BD. It's a Muslim nation. It is a hurdle for India's NE military ops.

3. So we, BD, must keep an eye on this build up which could eventually be launched on us.

DO not worry man. Your country is surrounded and protected by India. India would have taken it in 1971 if India would have wished.
Guys!!, what is going on??

Why are so many people behind liberating/annexing Tibet??? Have you all become mental?:cuckoo:

We have a Guderian in our midst today.
All these things are useless till we have a ball less govt ..
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