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Exclusive: Roses of Giyari

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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Brigadier (R) Abdul Rahman Bilal (Sitara-e-Jurrat) | Terminal X Exclusive

Giyari was caught unaware and hit in pre-dawn timings by a crumbling mountainside of huge ice slabs several meters thick. This frozen waste also brought along with it gigantic boulders weighing tons which were floating, rolling and gathering speed in powdery snow. Inaccessible, highly varied terrain did not leave scope for accurate forecasting.

Finally, the snowy disaster exacted its price from the loyal, brave guardians of our frontiers. The tragedy that hit Giyari was the work of a snow slide of a scale that easily qualifies as the most extreme case both according to the US as well as European standards.

The breadth of the avalanche was over a kilometer, the valley is about one kilometer wide and the height of the accumulated snow varies from 25 to 65 meters. This makes 40 million cubic meters of snow. It would total up to slightly less than half a billion cubic feet of accumulated snow and debris. The problem with this U-shaped, disaster-struck valley is that the excavated snow can only be dumped downstream. Summarily, clearing the entire area before the next winter is a physical impossibility. Since the entire mass of snow cannot be shifted, digging was confined to selected areas. This was possible through vertical shafts or, tunnels in the vertical plane or on an incline. The selection of digging sites had to be done based on intimate knowledge of the layout of the camp as well as satellite photography. Fortunately, all possible means were employed for making sound decisions.

The problem of digging out of bodies was compounded by the fact that slab avalanches have tremendous speeds. Scientists have recorded speeds up to 250 miles per hour. In face of such a powerful natural phenomenon, personnel and equipment must have been dislocated like pieces of straw. It may be logically concluded that due to such unpredictable displacements, bodies may not be found at the projected sites. Despite these problems, bodies of three shaheed soldiers have been recovered so far.

It is also worth analysis what happens to machinery at high altitude. Giyari is located at over 13,000 feet above sea level. At that altitude, the air becomes thin and barometric pressure falls to half. As is well known, diesel engines generally have a compression ratio of around 1 to 16. In view of the physical change, the output of the engines drops dramatically and machines lose power.

To deal with this problem, in high altitude areas of advanced countries, engines have been suitably modified to induct air through compressors to ensure that air pressure is maintained at one barometer. Inadequacy of such equipment has also curtailed speedy progress of the rescue operation.

In addition to problems related to equipment, the snow deposited by the avalanche itself is undergoing change. Presently, the snow, ice and rocks that have accumulated in the valley cover the termination point of the glacier. Accumulated snow is now also getting converted into a glacier. This implies that packed snow will be become rock hard and machinery will not be able to effectively operate in the area. It also implies that all the activities that take place in a glacier will also occur in this snow bed like formation of crevices and glacial movement towards the snout, which is the end of the glacier.

Giyari’s high altitude rescue operation is being conducted in an extremely hostile environment. Due to lack of oxygen, personnel easily get out of breath and are exhausted within minutes. It is also very difficult for soldiers to use their personal tools and equipment because of extremely cold weather. Due to extremes of environment, the human brain’s concentration and coordination between mind and body is reduced. Men can also get frost bite due to exposure to cold temperatures. Men also have to wear dark goggles to protect themselves from ultra violet rays that can cause snow blindness at that height.

Besides foregoing problems, there are generally medical complications leading to loss of appetite and human blood becomes thicker due to addition of red blood corpuscles as a result of the body’s reaction to make up for oxygen deficiency. Diseases related to oxygen starvation can also occur. In addition, over exertion can lead to a deadly disease called edema. In this case, the patient has to be evacuated to a lower altitude. If that is not done, the patient can lose his life. Alternately, edema can inflict irreversible damage to the patient’s body or brain. In high altitude conditions, human heart palpitation can also rise dramatically and there can even be cardiac arrests. All these elements have to be factored in the Giyari recovery efforts.

Presently, personnel, dogs, detection equipment, excavation equipment and dumpers are working to their limits. Ironically, at such high altitudes, many of the daily results are reversible. Excavated pits can be continuously filled by powdery snow during blizzards. Similarly, the recurring freezing and melting process continuously hardens the snow brought down by the avalanche.

Dawn to dusk, soldiers are working non-stop to retrieve the bodies of their comrades-in-uniform. All these efforts continue much after the extinction for the faintest ray of hope that any of the victims is alive.

Human lives are lost in avalanches primarily due to injuries, asphyxiation and low temperatures. The glaciated graveyard of Gyari is certainly unique.

Amongst those mosses and lichens are buried the proud sons of our soil who dared awesome natural phenomena in the line of duty by sacrificing their lives.

In the lower reaches of Giyari valley, some bushes have started sprouting and budding. Nowadays, there is a fine fragrance in the air. In the late spring that characterizes the area, wild roses have begun to blossom. These are the famous roses for which Siachen has been named. The wild, pink roses look beautiful from a distance and their fragrance is intoxicating. Despite their allure, they grow on thorny bushes and cannot be easily picked. Those roses signify the ambiance of our shaheeds as also the determination that they are not an easy target for the enemy. They can only be appreciated from a distance but cannot adorn decadent lawns.

This fiercely independent bush only grows and flourishes on the fringes of Karakoram’s glaciers. Its thorns deter alien intrusion aimed at picking the flowers and attempts to do so will result in bloodied fingers. This is the message for all those harbouring ill intentions against Pakistan.

Those gallant soldiers laid down their lives defending the frontiers of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is high time that we prove it through our words and deeds that we honour and cherish the ideals and honest commitment of our shaheeds and ensure that our green flag with the proud crescent and star is always flying high.

Brigadier Abdul Rahman Bilal, Sitara-e-Jurrat, is a defence analyst who was responsible for planning and conduct of the successful operations against Indians in the high altitude environment of Siachen in 1988-89.
very well informed article....
Gayari is a unique disaster and should be a subject of research....
Its not common for a mountain glacier to collapse ... And at such a magnitude....
Was therea hot water spring under the glacier? Creating a slippery surface for the upper layers to slide? Was there an earthquake that morning? Causing the glacier to break free?
Did a small avallanche from mountain top hit the glacier with such force that it collapsed?
We may never know....

But then we have worlds highest mountains and one of the largest accumulation of mountain glaciers..some being the largest in the world outside polar areas...
Our understanding of glaciers must be superior....will save lives in future.
if its 40 million cubic meters of glacier that came down...the weight would be upwards of 28 million tons,and thats ten times more than the initial estimates.

What caused such a sudden and gigantic movement of glacier?
If i was planning to do a PHD , i would take this as my field of research and thesis.
..And that is why India has its high altitude medical research stations in Siachen, even Antarctica training centre and a High Altitude military training school...that is one of the reasons India will never give away Siachen to Pakistan or even demilitarize.
..And that is why India has its high altitude medical research stations in Siachen, even Antarctica training centre and a High Altitude military training school...that is one of the reasons India will never give away Siachen to Pakistan or even demilitarize.

Stupid and totally irrelevant post. Nobody is interested to hear your rant about "we will not give Siachen to Pakistan|" and other such blah blah.
Stupid and totally irrelevant post. Nobody is interested to hear your rant about "we will not give Siachen to Pakistan|" and other such blah blah.

Countless stupid and totally irrelevant articles cropped up in Pakistani media on Siachen issue after this incident on why India should give up Siachen.

So Just making a point.
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