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EXCLUSIVE: Indian Navy's New Destroyer 'Kochi' Revealed

I have been in this forum long enough and seen your fanboish fairy tales for long time


How by buying puny defenseless FAC and F22p s ?..........or short legged JF THUNDER

Yeah rouhani alien tech ..only possessed by pakistan ......it just hailarious all the time NCW fart

You are the fan boys here, who jumps on weapons purchase but don't understand how they are used in a selected doctrine or how doctrines are adopted and purchases are made to implement them.

Actually I have seen many of your posts and you seem to be always secretive and say that we have surprises.
Actually when people don't have any answers then you come up with such things. You don't have and nor will have any quality or even quantity advantage in present or in future. So let's see what your surprises are.
But every time when I see your posts I always get a giggle don't know from where you get all of this.:lol:

If that make you fell happy be it, but please ask your so called mighty navy to try to blockade our ports now specially around 500kms from coastline, then you will know the answer.
Plenty systems are there, when used as one NCW system they can be very effective in inflicting damage to CBG to render them ineffective or push them away from war zone. Completely destroying a CBG is not needed and difficult too.

Even today PN coastal defense have long range upgraded C-602s their true range is classified (Chinese one can hit beyond 400kms), so its not just one system which defend sea lines these days.
The thing is IN is also connected with ships through network centric warfare....

Its not that easy to hit a carrier as you think...
You just cant take down a cbg with anti.ship missiles....
An Indian cbg will comprise of a carrier with 2 kolkata/visakhapatnam class destroyers,2 talwar class frigates,kamorta class corvettes with staye of art weaponery

You r underestimating ur enemy :-)
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The thing is IN is also connected with ships through network centric warfare....

Its not that easy to hit a carrier as you think...
You just cant take down a cbg with anti.ship missiles....
An Indian cbg will comprise of a carrier with 2 kolkata/visakhapatnam class destroyers,2 talwar class frigates,kamorta class frigates with staye of art weaponery

You r underestimating ur enemy :-)

Don't worry Pakistan knows how to handle posed threat and if CBG is attacked then it means it will be test of 2 doctrines and preparations made under them. Any future war between India and Pakistan no matter where it is fought Sea, land & air, it will be bloody for both.
You are the fan boys here, who jumps on weapons purchase but don't understand how they are used in a selected doctrine or how doctrines are adopted and purchases are made to implement them.

If that make you fell happy be it, but please ask your so called mighty navy to try to blockade our ports now specially around 500kms from coastline, then you will know the answer.
This answer proved you as an amateur.
First their needs to be a mostive to do a blockade. And such hasn't hasn't occurred till now, we are not Pakistan where a dictator decides to capature a part when the time comes you will see a naval blockade. And I am speaking being closely in touch with navy personnel's and as well as navy but it is a another matter, when one looks at the armoury of IN and IN western fleet which makes a good case for the capabilities of IN have to think to build up their own capabilitues .
What PN has faltered in was when we heard about the news of 8 submarines purchase me and my friend in navy laughed because that would have been the last mistake PN would have done, if you look at IN it is full of powerful ASW warfares from surface to air so it will make a good fodder for India ASW. If they had purchase submarines in taking INs submarines then they should have known that submarines never engage submarines directly they need to pass through ASW warfares and IN knowing the future plans of Pakistan's and China developed a good ASW platforms.
But now it doesn't matter because PN didn't has any money to buy SV so they opted out for submarines which are said to be used for offensive rule but on pakistan's side it will play defensive role to stay alive for more days in war because they are thee only weapons of PN which are somewhat worthy, and also they will have to denie area superiority to IN and when submarine is in defensive role then it will not survive for long in front of ASW from land and most probably the air ASW will be the finisher.
When a country doesn't have quantity then they needs quality but your country doesn't have quantity and will not have any quality in future too because you will be facing large chunk of a munitions from multiple platforms.
Now if you have forgotten then let me tell you that you don't posess any naval arm you are dependent on your air force which will already be enstranged in a war when taking on MKI, m2k and other platforms that too in large quantity where you don't have any enough numbers but even though they release one squadron in a war will they penetrate migs, EW, air defense missiles and guns? I highly doubt that looking at capabilities of your super duper jf17.
And again one thing I should remind you that is that during operation python and op trident have told you that ICG will play a major role in a war that's why you see ICG having 100+ surface fleets which overshadows your PN by a large let alone IN. During 71 your navy had quality and was on toe to toe with IN in quantity but even though results of the war are history and if you thing blockade is inevitable then let me give you a simple answer after evaluating every scenarios and waepaons.
It will come down to days.
Plenty systems are there, when used as one NCW system they can be very effective in inflicting damage to CBG to render them ineffective or push them away from war zone. Completely destroying a CBG is not needed and difficult too.

Even today PN coastal defense have long range upgraded C-602s their true range is classified (Chinese one can hit beyond 400kms), so its not just one system which defend sea lines these days.

Sir, do tell me the packages availabe in this so called NCW.. without a good weapon package Network centric warfare a total waste.. I don't know what Pakistan has that can take down what we are fielding..

How you're exactly going to push the cbg away which will be stationed 300-500km away from pakistan's coast??
This answer proved you as an amateur.
First their needs to be a mostive to do a blockade. And such hasn't hasn't occurred till now, we are not Pakistan where a dictator decides to capature a part when the time comes you will see a naval blockade. And I am speaking being closely in touch with navy personnel's and as well as navy but it is a another matter, when one looks at the armoury of IN and IN western fleet which makes a good case for the capabilities of IN have to think to build up their own capabilitues .
What PN has faltered in was when we heard about the news of 8 submarines purchase me and my friend in navy laughed because that would have been the last mistake PN would have done, if you look at IN it is full of powerful ASW warfares from surface to air so it will make a good fodder for India ASW. If they had purchase submarines in taking INs submarines then they should have known that submarines never engage submarines directly they need to pass through ASW warfares and IN knowing the future plans of Pakistan's and China developed a good ASW platforms.
But now it doesn't matter because PN didn't has any money to buy SV so they opted out for submarines which are said to be used for offensive rule but on pakistan's side it will play defensive role to stay alive for more days in war because they are thee only weapons of PN which are somewhat worthy, and also they will have to denie area superiority to IN and when submarine is in defensive role then it will not survive for long in front of ASW from land and most probably the air ASW will be the finisher.
When a country doesn't have quantity then they needs quality but your country doesn't have quantity and will not have any quality in future too because you will be facing large chunk of a munitions from multiple platforms.
Now if you have forgotten then let me tell you that you don't posess any naval arm you are dependent on your air force which will already be enstranged in a war when taking on MKI, m2k and other platforms that too in large quantity where you don't have any enough numbers but even though they release one squadron in a war will they penetrate migs, EW, air defense missiles and guns? I highly doubt that looking at capabilities of your super duper jf17.
And again one thing I should remind you that is that during operation python and op trident have told you that ICG will play a major role in a war that's why you see ICG having 100+ surface fleets which overshadows your PN by a large let alone IN. During 71 your navy had quality and was on toe to toe with IN in quantity but even though results of the war are history and if you thing blockade is inevitable then let me give you a simple answer after evaluating every scenarios and waepaons.
It will come down to days.

You are just a fan boy who don't know history about nature of naval warfare between India and Pakistan,before opening you mouth get knowledge first, with few posts on PDF you think you are master in naval warfare. This is typical Indian member stuff on PDF, trying to proof themselves professor of ever topic.

Sir, do tell me the packages availabe in this so called NCW.. without a good weapon package Network centric warfare a total waste.. I don't know what Pakistan has that can take down what we are fielding..

How you're exactly going to push the cbg away which will be stationed 300-500km away from pakistan's coast??

Don't worry from subsonic to hypersonic every thing will be presented from breakfast to dinner, and our UAVs, UCAVs, UUVs & UUAVs will also be there to serve you round the clock with other stuff.:D
Nope they are short range systems now, PN can now field plenty surprises. Pakistani military want to keep secret of many purchases they have made because if disclosed India have resources to counter those. PN is also now NCW capable allowing it to handle threats it faced.

lolwa ... secret weapons....
3 totally as Kolkatal class(Project 15A).. the 3rd one INS Chennai will join navy next year.. and follow up Vizag class (project 15B) will have 4... First ship is already been launched

Really the name of Kochi and Chennai on warships looks lame.. THey should have a commitee on naming.
You are just a fan boy who don't know history about nature of naval warfare between India and Pakistan,before opening you mouth get knowledge first, with few posts on PDF you think you are master in naval warfare. This is typical Indian member stuff on PDF, trying to proof themselves professor of ever topic.

Don't worry from subsonic to hypersonic every thing will be presented from breakfast to dinner, and our UAVs, UCAVs, UUVs & UUAVs will also be there to serve you round the clock with other stuff.:D


Or in other way we dont have anything in this magnitude to counter Indian Navy .Right?
You just defeated our Zarvan bhai in here that is an expert in boasting.

What is budget of Pakistan Navy ?
Do you have any satellites support like that of our GSAT 7 to support these so called 'Network Centric Warfare' of yours ?:D An Indian CBG group in deep sea is virtually a fortress with nuke subs ,advanced destroyers like Kolkata and frigates like Shivalik.Will have necessary armaments and electronics package to track and target anything that suspiciously moving around 600 + km.

You are talking about NCW .But we are already tested and verify that concept.
For support a NCW scenario you need a good satellite system and accessories .
We didnt heard any adventorous effort of SUPARCO :D
You are just a fan boy who don't know history about nature of naval warfare between India and Pakistan,before opening you mouth get knowledge first, with few posts on PDF you think you are master in naval warfare. This is typical Indian member stuff on PDF, trying to proof themselves professor of ever topic.

Don't worry from subsonic to hypersonic every thing will be presented from breakfast to dinner, and our UAVs, UCAVs, UUVs & UUAVs will also be there to serve you round the clock with other stuff.:D
Yep you are right I don't have any knowledge but you do have, and your knowledge is about the UCAVS, UAVs,
Don't worry from subsonic to hypersonic every thing
Your this comment was enough to tell me about your knowledge about navy and everything.
So you are telling me that you will use cruise missiles from land to strike IN ships on sea.
And if a country would have been able to protect its shores from naval blockade buy only UAV and UCAVS then I think america wouldn't have been such a big country or for tha matter small countries like(Vietnam) wouldn't have been giving fill up to their navy with SV. So much for being a navy expert lol I wasted my time with you.
Don't worry PN can stop a blockade, I am aware of that heck they even can blockade Mumbai. I am with you
And when did Pakistan had UCAVS?
Oh so you are referring to ch3, a real combat drone is like a US reaper, not a drone which is fitted with one or two missiles and let's just call a UCAV, and you want to deny naval blockade by these weapons. Then I can only salute your knowledge kid.
Simply awesome.
And yes I am a fanboy because I don't want you to tell me who am I because I know who am i (a fanboy or a knowleadgeable) person but do you have any idea or knowledge so that you can name other fanboys.
Don't worry Pakistan knows how to handle posed threat and if CBG is attacked then it means it will be test of 2 doctrines and preparations made under them. Any future war between India and Pakistan no matter where it is fought Sea, land & air, it will be bloody for both.

No war will be fought in the near future but of Pakistan manages to pull out some counter measure out of its backside to our nuclear capability than sure as hell war will take place
lolwa ... secret weapons....

weapons purchase which is kept secret to enemy, so it can not develop strategy to fight it in their war plans.


Or in other way we dont have anything in this magnitude to counter Indian Navy .Right?
You just defeated our Zarvan bhai in here that is an expert in boasting.

What is budget of Pakistan Navy ?
Do you have any satellites support like that of our GSAT 7 to support these so called 'Network Centric Warfare' of yours ?:D An Indian CBG group in deep sea is virtually a fortress with nuke subs ,advanced destroyers like Kolkata and frigates like Shivalik.Will have necessary armaments and electronics package to track and target anything that suspiciously moving around 600 + km.

You are talking about NCW .But we are already tested and verify that concept.
For support a NCW scenario you need a good satellite system and accessories .
We didnt heard any adventorous effort of SUPARCO :D

Pakistan don't have to invest as India have to, because we have ally called China which is way ahead then India and their long term strategic interest lies in Pakistan so don't worry IN and IAF will not be able to do misadventure in future that easily.
Really the name of Kochi and Chennai on warships looks lame.. THey should have a commitee on naming.

How about
INS-Nehru,INS-Rajiv Gandhi ,INS-Buddhu

weapons purchase which is kept secret to enemy,

Pakistan don't have to invest as India have to, because we have ally called China which is way ahead then India and their long term strategic interest lies in Pakistan so don't worry IN and IAF will not be able to do misadventure in future that easily.

You don't have a idea how naval warfare is conducted,do yourself a favor & exit this thread
Yep you are right I don't have any knowledge but you do have, and your knowledge is about the UCAVS, UAVs,

Your this comment was enough to tell me about your knowledge about navy and everything.
So you are telling me that you will use cruise missiles from land to strike IN ships on sea.
And if a country would have been able to protect its shores from naval blockade buy only UAV and UCAVS then I think america wouldn't have been such a big country or for tha matter small countries like(Vietnam) wouldn't have been giving fill up to their navy with SV. So much for being a navy expert lol I wasted my time with you.
Don't worry PN can stop a blockade, I am aware of that heck they even can blockade Mumbai. I am with you
And when did Pakistan had UCAVS?
Oh so you are referring to ch3, a real combat drone is like a US reaper, not a drone which is fitted with one or two missiles and let's just call a UCAV, and you want to deny naval blockade by these weapons. Then I can only salute your knowledge kid.
Simply awesome.
And yes I am a fanboy because I don't want you to tell me who am I because I know who am i (a fanboy or a knowleadgeable) person but do you have any idea or knowledge so that you can name other fanboys.

Your post shows how out dated you are in knowledge. PN can strike at standoff ranges from land, surface, subsurface & air. PAF is not even included in it.

How about
INS-Nehru,INS-Rajiv Gandhi ,INS-Buddhu

You don't have a idea how naval warfare is conducted,do yourself a favor & exit this thread

Yeah professor when you Indians cannot impose your opinion on others that is your typical way.

Best of luck with your Kochi Koo. :)
weapons purchase which is kept secret to enemy, so it can not develop strategy to fight it in their war plans.

Pakistan don't have to invest as India have to, because we have ally called China which is way ahead then India and their long term strategic interest lies in Pakistan so don't worry IN and IAF will not be able to do misadventure in future that easily.

i think such claims are very easy.... as you pulled option "secret"... so you don't need to provide proofs or anything. ... IN got CBG.... your claim: we got secret weapons which will surprise you at right time. ... IN got new stealth destroyer.... your claim: we have secret weapon to counter... I don't know..... how can you call it secret when you are able to get info being a civilian...

Your post shows how out dated you are in knowledge. PN can strike at standoff ranges from land, surface, subsurface & air. PAF is not even included in it.

Yeah professor when you Indians cannot impose your opinion on others that is your typical way.

Best of luck with your Kochi Koo. :)
as if you have knowledge??? all you are doing making some random statement. .. nothing else. ...
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