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EXCLUSIVE: First Official Impressions Of India's AURA UCAV

Looks like a bastardized version of Phantom ray UCAV. Btw where is the Jet engine going to come from ?
though looks cool,but why flying wing design???its very unstable during flight..why not a convensional design??? :hitwall:

but looks stealthy :smitten: ...and lets not give troll brigade a chance..

it looks like...

mig skat..




and phantom ray...


now shut up... :devil: :devil: :devil:
DRDO Y U No bring a design for which there is not any look-a-like in this world.

Such flawed logic, you can see that in any field there is going to be a common solution to a common problem as all things are constant and remain the same. So of designers of say the X-47/Neuron UCAVs want VLO, tail-less, bomb-carrying UCAVs they will encounter the same design challenges ie lift, drag, control ability, RCS etc the same challenges the DRDO face so a common solution is going to have to be found. Of course there are going to be differences here and the but the fundamentals will remain the same- of you strip any modern assault rifle down you will find a very similar firing mechanism for all similarly despite massive variances in output and power if you strip every car engine down to basics you will find a very similar internal combustion engine by design the only difference is scale and how it is applied.

It would, in fact, be more worrying if DRDO came up with a radically different design dissimilar to all other published designs as you would question the logic behind the design and why it differed from designers from other nations who had put a lot of work in to come up with an optimal design.

In short- common remit, common design.
Looks like a bastardized version of Phantom ray UCAV. Btw where is the Jet engine going to come from ?
It is going to be powered by Kaveri............It's currently is able to produce 91 kN (model K10 with SNECMA core), which doesn't fulfill IAF's current requirement but is perfect for AURA if miniaturised.............
It is confirmed that it is going to use a turbofan engine, and that Kaveri will have UCAV applications, specifically for which a succesor is being developed........
The model K10 is being developed as a fighter engine succesor , specifically for AMCA and Tejas Mk. 3. AMCA will use two of these, whereas LCA Mk.3 will use 1.The required thrust is 100+ kN , I think..........
Its exactly like Neuron....but going by records I wouldnt bet its the final design..:lol:
Here's the Dassault nEUROn.....

Dassault nEUROn


The project is being closely protected by manufacturer Dassault. Flight tests were planned for last year but were delayed to late 2012.

Status: Maiden flight planned for 2012.
Cruising Speed: Undetermined, Top speed 0.8 Mach.
Wingspan: 41 ft.
Range: Unknown.

Such flawed logic, you can see that in any field there is going to be a common solution to a common problem as all things are constant and remain the same. So of designers of say the X-47/Neuron UCAVs want VLO, tail-less, bomb-carrying UCAVs they will encounter the same design challenges ie lift, drag, control ability, RCS etc the same challenges the DRDO face so a common solution is going to have to be found. Of course there are going to be differences here and the but the fundamentals will remain the same- of you strip any modern assault rifle down you will find a very similar firing mechanism for all similarly despite massive variances in output and power if you strip every car engine down to basics you will find a very similar internal combustion engine by design the only difference is scale and how it is applied.

It would, in fact, be more worrying if DRDO came up with a radically different design dissimilar to all other published designs as you would question the logic behind the design and why it differed from designers from other nations who had put a lot of work in to come up with an optimal design.

In short- common remit, common design.
It is Just a lame excuse mate If we continue to develop things like this there would only be a single innovator(i.e. USA) and rest will just be followers( Neuron etc.)

Even chinese have come with a different (and unique) design for their future UCAV and Trust me even the AURA will be based on proved platforms chinese, would be first to materialize their anjian before We could make our AURA
Looks like a bastardized version of Phantom ray UCAV. Btw where is the Jet engine going to come from ?

A Modified version of Kaveri

The last time when we issued an RFI for UCAV's in the market,there was no country that offered us Combat UAV's.well Only United state has been successful in developing and Deploying a Combat UAV as of now.Remember Dassault offered India technical help in respect to development of AURA.
It can carry only 2 missiles thats lame

Actually that are LGBs and 2 x weapons are standard fit for all UCAV developments so far, but we are talking about 2 x 2000lb LGBs, which means smaller weapons might be carried in higher numbers.

It is going to be powered by Kaveri............It's currently is able to produce 91 kN (model K10 with SNECMA core), which doesn't fulfill IAF's current requirement but is perfect for AURA if miniaturised...

You mixed up the things a bit mate!

1) Kaveri K9 was meant to offer 81kN thrust, but turned out to offer less with more weight than planned and that's why it didn't met IAF requirements.
2) K10 is the solution for the problems with K9 and is meant to replace GE 404 IN20 in LCA MK1 during later upgrades and possibly for AMCA too. Thrust is planned around 90kN.
3) Kaveri K9 was not useful for LCA, but DRDO believes that it would be in a smaller version for AURA. If they can hold their promises needs to be seen though.

Ahh just excuses......

No he has a point, these UCAVs looks so similar, because they all are developed according to the same requirments, that's why their design or layout (engine and weaponbay placement) is the same. In fact, even the designs of the F117 and B2 are pretty similar, beacause these aircrafts don't need to be maneuverable, but to carry as much weapon and fuel, load as well as to have the lowest RCS as possible. The same requirement that even the Nazis used in WW2, to design the Horten Ho 229:


Horten Ho 229 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Btw, the Americans grapped some of these after the war and just like their nuclear, jet fighter ot missile developments, the stealth bomber developments were based at German / Nazi know how!
I want it to carry a brahmos to carry out deep hard strike into enemy territory. this will give us really an upper hand over enemy's strategic establishments, like head quarters, ammo factories, oil depots etc.
well it's another secret perk of india's MMRCA deal ,well french would definitely help us to design AURA UCAV ,

UCAVS are the best force multiplier:D
tejas take 30 to compltete
when will AURA UCAV complete

We are Planning to develop it in 60 years,Sadly your nation will be no more by then.Take this statement as a humour

Please resist from Posting same stuff in each and every LCA,AURA,AMCA Thread.Btw LCA's didn't took 30 year's,get your fact rights and understand the Position India was in while it started the development of LCA.
I want it to carry a brahmos to carry out deep hard strike into enemy territory. this will give us really an upper hand over enemy's strategic establishments, like head quarters, ammo factories, oil depots etc.

Not possible because of size restrictions, but not useful as well! Missiles or stand off weapons were developed to be used from distances to the target, to keep the launch aircraft safe. A stealth aircraft instead, will bring the weapon as close as possible to the target, because the stealth advantage let in close in way further than a normal aircraft could. Also missiles can be detected at long ranges, which gives the enemy quiet some time to counter it, or leave the target. A simple LGB instead, that will be dropped only a few Km from the target, leaves no or less time to react anymore.
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