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Exclusive: Biden expected to meet with Indonesia president as soon as Monday -source

Jokowi will also give speech in George Town University

Some of Indonesian media reporting on Jokowi visit to USA

Jokowi Sentil Israel di AS Usai RS Indonesia Gaza Diserang​

Potret Jokowi Tiba di AS untuk Bertemu Joe Biden Bicara soal Gaza​

Presiden Jokowi Akan Suarakan Isu Palestina ke Joe Biden​

Palestine Representative in Indonesia comes from Fatah. That is the faction that clearly Indonesian government support. While the other faction Hamas just made repeated stupid and foolish actions all the time that makes Palestine independence movement goes to serious setback.


At least ... indonesians have backbone.

these harami pak generals sold out $ kissing kafirs did not even allow mass protests in Pak.

here we took out many protests.

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WATCH: Indonesia's President Urges Biden To Support Gaza Ceasefire During Oval Office Meeting​


WATCH LIVE: Biden holds meeting with Indonesia's President Joko Widodo​

Why is Biden meeting Widodo before he meets Xi?​


Indonesia and US set to upgrade ties as Biden meets Widodo, say Washington officials​


Nirmal Ghosh
US Bureau Chief


6 hours ago

WASHINGTON – Indonesia and the United States are set to deepen their bilateral relationship across several fronts when US President Joe Biden hosts his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo at a bilateral meeting at the White House on Monday afternoon, senior administration officials told reporters on Sunday.

“We’ll be taking our partnership to a truly new level, announcing a comprehensive strategic partnership... in many ways to build upon our deep engagement in South-east Asia and the fact that we’re doing new and consequential things with many of that region’s leaders,” said one of the two officials who briefed the media.

In September, the US and Vietnam similarly upgraded relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, they noted.

Monday’s meeting should be seen as “part of a substantial set of efforts over the years to build stronger partnerships with allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific... in which we reaffirm common approaches to shared challenges and opportunities, and deeper commitment across the board on issues of mutual interest”, one of the officials said.

The officials revealed few details, but said Indonesia and the US were in the early stages of “a future pathway towards cooperation on critical minerals”.

Indonesia, which has abundant resources in critical minerals important for the energy transition, has faced hurdles to export to the US due to the latter’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), passed by Congress in 2022. The Act gives preferential treatment to its free trade partners. Indonesia ranks first in global nickel reserves, second in tin, sixth in bauxite and seventh in copper.

Indonesia does not have a free trade agreement with the US. As a member of the newly formed Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), which promotes inclusiveness, economic growth, fairness and competitiveness, among other things, Indonesia is lobbying the US to issue it a waiver status.

The IPEF was launched in May 2022 by the Biden administration, and the 14 member countries include Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Japan.

An Indonesian deputy minister told The Straits Times that the waiver status would benefit the US and Indonesia, as more Indonesian electric vehicle (EV) battery shipments to the US would help the latter achieve a target to double EV production.

Responding to a query from The Straits Times during her Jakarta visit on Aug 10, Ms Tammy Duckworth, a member of the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, said the US will not accept an EV battery made by a Chinese company, even if it is produced in Indonesia. The majority of EV battery producers in Indonesia have a significant Chinese investor.

“IRA has buy-America and anti-China requirements... If the earth minerals are mined by a Chinese firm, they cannot qualify,” Ms Duckworth said.

The US officials who briefed the media in Washington said other areas of focus include diversification of semiconductor manufacturing in Indonesia, energy transitions, carbon capture and storage, supporting Indonesia’s electricity grid, improving air quality, and coast guard cooperation.

Substantial progress is being made towards growing the defence relationship, the officials said, citing expanded exercises, deeper training in areas like cyber-security cooperation, and combating weapons of mass destruction.

The US, “in the immediate term”, is looking at the expansion and extension of “everyday nuts and bolts” that make up the defence relationship, they said.

One official added: “The Indonesians are increasingly focused on their ability to project power, or to be able to understand and follow developments in their maritime periphery.” These include radar, patrol boats and more advanced aircraft, the officials said.

Substantial procurement decisions were looming, they added.
Additionally, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service is set to announce its first satellite programme in Jakarta, which would facilitate degree programmes for both Americans and Indonesians.

This would be the first American university that has a campus in Indonesia, which would serve as a people-to-people bridge and a way to “ensure that our policymakers in the future are increasingly aligned in their views”, one of the US officials said.

President Biden would also consult President Widodo on the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, they said.
The two leaders will be meeting just ahead of the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco, where Mr Biden is also due to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in what is seen as an attempt to stabilise a rocky relationship.

The South China Sea would certainly figure in the discussion with the Indonesian President, the officials said. In the past, there “perhaps had been some ambivalence” on the part of Indonesia over closer ties with the US, one official noted. But China’s more robust activities in parts of the South China Sea have certainly garnered attention in Jakarta.

“I think some of that ambivalence has faded as they’ve seen so many practical engagements of the United States with allies and partners,” the official said.
  • Additional reporting by Wahyudi Soeriaatmadja in Jakarta


Biden Strengthens Ties With Indonesia Despite Tensions Over the War in Gaza​

Indonesia’s president, Joko Widodo, visited the White House and appealed to President Biden to call for a cease-fire. Mr. Biden focused instead on their new strategic partnership.



President Biden and President Joko Widodo of Indonesia met at the White House on Monday to announce a new strategic partnership, but their differing views on the conflict in Gaza came into view when Mr. Joko asked for the United States to “do more” to stop the war.

Mr. Joko, who arrived in Washington fresh from a summit in Saudi Arabia where he condemned the war, has been vocal in criticizing Israel’s role. After Mr. Biden welcomed him to the Oval Office by celebrating a “new era of relations between the United States and Indonesia,” Mr. Joko ended his own set of remarks by calling for an end to the conflict.

“Indonesia also wishes our partnership contributes to regional and global peace and prosperity,” Mr. Joko said. “So Indonesia appeals to the U.S. to do more to stop the atrocities in Gaza. Cease-fire is a must for the sake of humanity.”

Mr. Biden, whose administration had said a cease-fire would only benefit Hamas, did not respond. On Monday, Mr. Biden and other officials called for the protection of hospitals in Gaza from attack.

Mr. Joko, whose country is home to the largest Muslim population in the world, has blamed Israel for an attack on the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City in October. American intelligence agencies say they have high confidence that the blast was caused by a Palestinian rocket. Mr. Joko is the first leader from a Muslim-majority country to visit the White House since the war began.

A senior administration official who previewed the summit for reporters on Sunday evening said that Indonesia’s view of the war was important to the White House and that Mr. Biden would “listen carefully” to Mr. Joko during their meeting. John F. Kirby, a White House spokesman, told reporters last week that the president would “make it clear that the United States stands with Israel.”

In recent weeks, tens of thousands of people have gathered in the streets of Jakarta, Indonesia, to call for a cease-fire in Gaza. Indonesia does not have formal diplomatic ties with Israel, and human rights groups had pressured Mr. Joko to ask Mr. Biden to call for a cease-fire.

Mr. Biden’s advisers are hopeful that a new strategic partnership with Indonesia can withstand tension over Gaza. The partnership bolsters the president’s efforts to draw countries in the Indo-Pacific closer to the United States as concerns grow over China’s aggression in the region.

Indonesia matters to the United States in part because of its sheer size. With around 280 million people, it is the world’s fourth most populous country. It is abundant in resources — it is the world’s biggest nickel producer — and has a fast-growing, trillion-dollar economy. Its policies on climate change and the environment affect the world, though critics have said its quest to increase nickel production comes at the cost of substantial greenhouse gas emissions.

(When Mr. Biden traveled to Indonesia for the Group of 20 summit a year ago, Mr. Joko gave both the president and reporters a tour of a mangrove farm in Bali and trumpeted their ability to clear the air and combat climate change.)

The country is also seen as pivotal in the geopolitical battle between Washington and Beijing. China has cultivated much closer ties with Indonesia under Mr. Joko.

The announcement of the partnership, which came two days before Mr. Biden is scheduled to meet with President Xi Jinping of China at a highly choreographed summit in San Francisco, places the United States on the same diplomatic footing as Beijing, which announced a comprehensive relationship with Jakarta in 2013. Mr. Biden and his advisers consider the new pact to be evidence that concern over China has made leaders in the region more interested in teaming up with the United States than they once were.

Mr. Joko likes to say he remains independent of either country’s influence. But he has shown a special affinity for Mr. Xi and has traveled to China five times throughout his time in office. China was the second-largest investor in Indonesia, after Singapore, in 2022.

In September, China’s premier, Li Qiang, pledged $21.7 billion in new Chinese investment in Indonesia to strengthen the countries’ economic and political ties. Mr. Joko, whose term ends next year, considers infrastructure a signature legacy, and he has turned to China to help him achieve his goals.

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