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Ex-US Diplomat Says India Must Block China In Sri Lanka

Has anybody ever seen Lankan Ranger makes comments or is it just cut and past and be gone looks like a Bot at work here.

Any how Americans Got more then what they Bargained for with India and they cant handle it they are used to Of giving orders and Puppets accepting there orders including in Pakistan and not questioning or thinking it through the consequences of that have been disastrous economically and otherwise for all client states and only benefited Americans.

With India that is not the case Americans have been making India strong to go against china accepts whenever they try to dictate India what to do Indians put up there thinking cap and think of the consequences and if it's not that make sense for them or doesn't benefit them they simply walk away leaving the Americans with Zilch (i love this as this will I hope transform south Asia from fighting one another to trading with each other making some states irrelevant.

So there dream of Making India be their satellite state and fight there wars while they sit back and enjoy nobody bags is not likely to come true at least with current administration in India what the future holds who knows.
Maybe we should show our middle finger to the Americans and utilize the situation for increased trade between India-China.

And if China goes evil, we are already modernizing our Navy, China won't go unhurt from the India ocean.
Two things Americans like to do best:
1.Bully statelet themselves.
2.Instigate squabble between powers.
Has anybody ever seen Lankan Ranger makes comments or is it just cut and past and be gone looks like a Bot at work here.

Any how Americans Got more then what they Bargained for with India and they cant handle it they are used to Of giving orders and Puppets accepting there orders including in Pakistan and not questioning or thinking it through the consequences of that have been disastrous economically and otherwise for all client states and only benefited Americans.

With India that is not the case Americans have been making India strong to go against china accepts whenever they try to dictate India what to do Indians put up there thinking cap and think of the consequences and if it's not that make sense for them or doesn't benefit them they simply walk away leaving the Americans with Zilch (i love this as this will I hope transform south Asia from fighting one another to trading with each other making some states irrelevant.

So there dream of Making India be their satellite state and fight there wars while they sit back and enjoy nobody bags is not likely to come true at least with current administration in India what the future holds who knows.

Each country assess its strategic int rests when makes any relation with foreign country... None denies the fact
that war mongers exist in each country and similarly these kind of people exists in India and US too...India was never a satellite state when India was weak country in 20th century...Even at that time too India was not a vassal state of USSR.
So India will talk with US in equal term as long as India's interests are served.....India never wish to fight against Chinies on behalf of US...And it will never happen...But what can happen is that India's economic interest may collide with China's aggressive
economic interests in Asia and Africa...But again that is a healthy rivalry that should happen...
Why should a peaceful country like INDIA want to have influence on its neighbour even more so
if it is democratic & believes in fair play. Or is it that the aspirations of Akhand bharat is true.:undecided:
By the time you divide $1 trillion dollars by 1 billion people, it comes down to 5 samosas and 2 veggie burgers.

Bottom line, China has no competition from India.

your math is bad. It will be $1000. and you can buy Mac laptop for 1 billion people:chilli:
A former American Diplomat says, India must prevent further Chinese involvement in Sri Lankan affairs, as the Chinese have already made its mark on the island.

Former U.S. diplomat William H. Avery said, in a book titled “China’s Nightmare, America’s Dream: India as the Next Global Power” that India must pressure Sri Lanka to kick out the Chinese and become a kind of vassal state.

In the book, extracts of which were published in the Wall Street Journal last week, Avery describes how India just stood by and watched as China moved in to build a port at Hambantota.

Avery, now a business consultant, served at the U.S. Consulate in Chennai in the 1990s, a time when India’s relations with the U.S. nosedived following New Delhi’s nuclear tests. Avery opens the book with this see-sawing policy to illustrate how, in his view, the U.S. response to India often has been short-sighted.

Avery says, India must respond to the challenge of an authoritarian China, by spending even more on defense and using economic coercion to influence its neighbors. “India must now concentrate on the Finlandization of Sri Lanka,” referring to Finland’s subjugation by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. “In the short term this will mean preventing any further non-Indian involvement in Sri Lanka’s affairs.”

Ex-US Diplomat Says India Must Block China In Sri Lanka | The Sunday Leader


What about Colombo Port?

White man's divide and conquer tactic. Their aims is to drive a wedge between the two most populous country in the world. White man's dream is for India to go to war with China and kill off most of the darkies and chinks - it leaves more room for white people and reduce the pressure on food price because Indian and Chinese are starting to eat well. Anyone who ever listened to western society talks about the rise of the Rest can hear the fear in their voices as they will now have to share room for the rest of humanity.

"Western Nightmare: the rise of India and China".

China and India should work together and not fall for these divide and conquer tactics that brought us only misery.

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