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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away


You want Pakistan to get bombed for the screw ups of Taliban. I am sure you gonna try to tame your own brother if hes found messing around powerful people blowing their stuff off every now and then.
He sold Pakistan whether you like it or not.
Inna Lilla hai wa Inna ellaihi rajioon

May he rest in peace and May Allah grant him Jannat UL Firdous

I don’t know many leaders from Pakistan for whom I can say that they were not corrupt.

Power hungry probably… but he did not milk the money out of poor public
A true commando fearless to the core always put his nation and army first May Allah have mercy upon his soul. Ya Allah Khair.

Going by the paakistani political history he was the only democratic leader after Jinnah with a vision . I fail to understand how come a rugged crack foji came up with the ideas of HEC, free media and empowered city govts ?

Man had he not himself pushed his Intel agencies to down size parliamentary seats to accommodate the American deal in favour of ppp and n league q league was winning hands down in Punjab especially the rural areas .

I remember our school gardener was cursing at the characters involved in destabilizing musharaf back in the 2007


He sold Pakistan whether you like it or not.

Sold it to the highest bidder and earned a fortune for his munafik nation at the expense of Talibans going wild globally. .
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He’s with his lord now who will judge him, the best of judges.

Regardless of how we feel about him, we can only pray for his soul and ask God to forgive him. This is a basic requirement of a believer.
You want Pakistan to get bombed for the screw ups of Taliban. I am sure you gonna try to tame your own brother if hes found messing around powerful people blowing their stuff off every now and then.
Why would they bomb Pakistan? Did they bomb Iran, India, China, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh or any other country who didn't provide them bases?
Some of his Legacy:

- Kargil mis-adventure, entering into enemy territory without notifying government, other corps of army, airforce & navy not onboard.

- Breaking constitution, removing elected govt like a tissue paper

- Joining War on Terror (though IMO, it was impossible to oppose US at that time, but still there could be many favorable conditions & strategy that we could have adopted. So immense loss of 80,000 lives and foreever ongoing crisis could have been averted)

- 12th May Karachi events and showing fists while people were dying.

- Inducting 1000s of ex-military in civil govts,

- NRO ( All corruption cases forgiven as if these were his personal matters)

- While with unlimited powers, Musharaf could have done something which politicians cannot do because of vote banks like creating more provinces, building Kala Bagh Dam etc. But nothing of this sort attempted by any military dictator including Musharaf.

- The economy did well during his time, probably because of lot of dollars in aid but also some better management
Hence proved even Retired Generals can die. And are supposed to appear before Allah on the day of judgement.
Not a good enough deterrent. These folks should be punished in this life and should be made to suffer before they die.

What happens to these mofos after they die is none of my business.
Fatiha na darood, Mar gaya.....🤐

he will now have to face Allah's judgement. he will also have to face the thousands he is responsible for killing, maiming, torturing and inflicting other horrors upon.

he was 2nd worst coas of pakistan's history (after yahya khan). (bajwa is 3rd worst)

I hope he is buried in Pakistan so that one day...maybe one day in future, we the people of Pakistan can have our own justice on him aswell. Maybe one day the court's verdict against him can be implemented.

Here's to you Justice Waqar Ahmed Saith 🫡
May God rest his soul!

He had talked to the Exandas team in this documentary

Check 3:07 and 5:30 (there's other PAK figures in the documentary as well)

إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون

You would've been ruled by the Taliban and Al-Q like extremists if he didn't greenlight those drone strikes.

Pakistanis are the most jahil people on Earth at a societal level, they'll become extremists and support terror groups, and when someone has no choice but to act forcefully, instead of cursing themselves they'll curse the person fixing it.

You also complain about homosexual events but so many of you are closet fàgs hence why there is many hijras on the streets and abused children in the masjids, bacha baazi. When someone forcefully acts against the above, you'll probably complain then too.

Hypocritical and jahil people, those who try to fix you are labelled evil but not you yourself.

This is why you're being given homosexual, corrupt, egotistical and disloyal leaders.

Because that's what you as a society are.
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