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Ex Chancellor Schröders Friendship to Putin gets our soldiers free?

Yes. Exactly. Having foreign bases with foreign troops that have forcefully been there since wwII and simply won't leave. That's an occupation. Ask the Japanese how they feel about having foreign bases on their land. It's embarrassing. It takes away their Sovereignity. Anyway, from the looks of your avatar, you're merely a child. I don't expect you to comprehend anything I'm saying. No worries.

Primitive? You mean like your irrational fear of Russia. Yeah you're thinking is pretty primitive.

I don't fear russia. I see them as a pathetic competitor who is free game.
LOOL don't say that loud. Many Japanese still think they are not a U.S puppet/colony. :partay:

On a serious note, you cant just say Germany is a colony based on NATO soldiers based there. even U.S soldiers are based in U.K and Australia as well. Its also a matter of history/close relationship these countries have. You shouldn't underestimate Germany, They are still by far the most powerful country in Europe(economically, and could be militarily if they want). Overall, i think we shouldnt take things to far my American friend.:usflag: Just like my country before,the U.S wont also stay as a superpower forever. Everything that has a beginning has an end, its just how each country manages this transition that matters. so hopefully, the U.S will be wise to keep close ties with Europe, because the world will look very different in 10 -20 years from now.:D:dirol:

I'd rationalize more with you about that topic but there are many other topics I'd like to opine on. But yes not only Germany but all of Europe is a US colony. They have no independent foreign policy. They defer to the US on everything. And you know what the US thinks about europe? **** the EU basically.

I don't fear russia. I see them as a pathetic competitor who is free game.

A pathetic competitor? Yes your thought process is very jingoistic and primitive. You fit righting in that NATO colony you call a free state.
Yes. Exactly. Having foreign bases with foreign troops that have forcefully been there since wwII and simply won't leave. That's an occupation. Ask the Japanese how they feel about having foreign bases on their land. It's embarrassing. It takes away their Sovereignity. Anyway, from the looks of your avatar, you're merely a child. I don't expect you to comprehend anything I'm saying. No worries.

Primitive? You mean like your irrational fear of Russia. Yeah you're thinking is pretty primitive.

Well Good enough , I don't need to comprehend whatever you said as this is what you believe not all . I get your point but Germany has enough clout to pack Americans back to US. Actually i think its better for Germany if Foreign troops stay. And i am sure with mentality like yours it will take ages before you understand that concept of NATO.

Peace :wave:
Well Good enough , I don't need to comprehend whatever you said as this is what you believe not all . I get your point but Germany has enough clout to pack Americans back to US. Actually i think its better for Germany if Foreign troops stay. And i am sure with mentality like yours it will take ages before you understand that concept of NATO.

Peace :wave:

Kal drogo how old are you exactly?

Can't believe I'm even taking you seriously. And no Germany can even get their sovereign gold reserves back from the US. And they even asked nicely. The FED basically told Germany to take arson check and get back to them in 10 years. You think they can get the US military to do anything if they can't even get the Federal Reserve to return their own gold. You type and think like a person who doesn't understand real politik in the slightest.

How fortunate for leaders that the people they administer don't think...........

Kal drogo how old are you exactly?

Can't believe I'm even taking you seriously. And no Germany cant even get their sovereign gold reserves back from the US. And they even asked nicely. The FED basically told Germany to take arson check and get back to them in 10 years. You think they can get the US military to do anything if they can't even get the Federal Reserve to return their own gold. You type and think like a person who doesn't understand real politik in the slightest.

How fortunate for leaders that the people they administer don't think.......
I'd rationalize more with you about that topic but there are many other topics I'd like to opine on. But yes not only Germany but all of Europe is a US colony. They have no independent foreign policy. They defer to the US on everything. And you know what the US thinks about europe? **** the EU basically.

A pathetic competitor? Yes your thought process is very jingoistic and primitive. You fit righting in that NATO colony you call a free state.

well yes its true that to some extent the E.U follows the U.S on major world issues(though France and Germany often differ in some cases). But like i said its more to do with history and ties we had after the second world war and how the subsequent world order was written, followed by the cold war. All these made the west more united, and the U.S having come out of the war as the least affected/most powerful was well placed to reap the benefits, thus led the west. But as i said you shouldn't overlook the contribution everybody knows German scientist contributed to the U.S after the war, which helped the U.S a lot. As i said earlier, there is no denying that the U.S is the world most powerful country/sole super power AT THE MOMENT. Many countries have hold that title prior to the U.S: Egypt,China,France, Mongolia, Greece, Rome, Spain, and most of all Britain etc. Remember we were the ones who colonized you, but look at what we are today(subservient to U.S interests). Kingdom rise Kingdom falls, it all depends on how each kingdom manages its fall that will determine how things will pan out or if it will be an insignificant country thereafter or still a significant country but with less power. In this respect the U.S will need Europe more than vice versa in the coming decades.:cheers::usflag:
Kal drogo how old are you exactly?

Can't believe I'm even taking you seriously. And no Germany can even get their sovereign gold reserves back from the US. And they even asked nicely. The FED basically told Germany to take arson check and get back to them in 10 years. You think they can get the US military to do anything if they can't even get the Federal Reserve to return their own gold. You type and think like a person who doesn't understand real politik in the slightest.

How fortunate for leaders that the people they administer don't think...........

It's not just Germany but every other nation who's gold is lying in FED. And what else a noob Kal Drogo can say :D YOU ARE RIGHT & i am wrong . Good night :usflag:
well yes its true that to some extent the E.U follows the U.S on major world issues(though France and Germany often differ in some cases). But like i said its more to do with history and ties we had after the second world war and how the subsequent world order was written, followed by the cold war. All these made the west more united, and the U.S having come out of the war as the least affected/most powerful was well placed to reap the benefits, thus led the west. But as i said you shouldn't overlook the contribution everybody knows German scientist contributed to the U.S after the war, which helped the U.S a lot. As i said earlier, there is no denying that the U.S is the world most powerful country/sole super power AT THE MOMENT. Many countries have hold that title prior to the U.S: Egypt,China,France, Mongolia, Greece, Rome, Spain, and most of all Britain etc. Remember we were the ones who colonized you, but look at what we are today(subservient to U.S interests). Kingdom rise Kingdom falls, it all depends on how each kingdom manages its fall that will determine how things will pan out or if it will be an insignificant country thereafter or still a significant country but with less power. In this respect the U.S will need Europe more than vice versa in the coming decades.:cheers::usflag:

I agree with much of what you have said. But the US is a sinking ship. If we don't fix our problems we are in for a rude awakening and all our foreign lackeys are in for the ride.

It's not just Germany but every other nation who's gold is lying in FED. And what else a noob Kal Drogo can say :D YOU ARE RIGHT & i am wrong . Good night :usflag:

Sovereign nations don't keep their gold in their occupiers central banks. Russia India Iran and China don't have this problem. They also don't have foreign troops or bases occupying their territory. They are truly sovereign nations.
I agree with much of what you have said. But the US is a sinking ship. If we don't fix our problems we are in for a rude awakening and all our foreign lackeys are in for the ride.

the U.S is trying to fix its problems, it simple but its just not easy. The thing is as i said earlier, there comes a point were there must be a reason a country will fall. whatever goes up must come down. Its not that the U.S government is incompetent/unwilling or whatever, its just that there will always be things/events in the world that will happen for a powerful country to collapse/go down. Its nature. There can be no cause without effects, and there will always be causes and effects, whether we plan it/like it or not. That's life. we just have to try and manage it in such a way that we don't fall into insignificance once it happens, its either you become a Mongolia or a Britain. the choice is out there.:agree:

Sovereign nations don't keep their gold in their occupiers central banks. Russia India Iran and China don't have this problem. They also don't have foreign troops or bases occupying their territory. They are truly sovereign nations.
don't know your nationality. but i can assure you that EU questions will be directed at where germany wants them directed. those american patsies that form the "neue europa" can stick their heads into their asses and eat their own excrement instead of pooping them out on the foundation stones of the old europe. so my guess is your sentimentality stems from your racial betrayal of your slavic blood or from your american passport or worse: from your jewness.

Then EU will break. Germany might have run the show 1 year ago...not so now, not after Crimea. It's back to USA as the pivot in Europe

Don't like it? Tough luck, "old Europe" can go suck on a sock if they can't lead. And I'm neither Slav, nor American or Jew
Kal drogo how old are you exactly?

Can't believe I'm even taking you seriously. And no Germany can even get their sovereign gold reserves back from the US. And they even asked nicely. The FED basically told Germany to take arson check and get back to them in 10 years. You think they can get the US military to do anything if they can't even get the Federal Reserve to return their own gold. You type and think like a person who doesn't understand real politik in the slightest.

How fortunate for leaders that the people they administer don't think...........

well what you dont understand is, that your soldiers are our food for the cannons. Better 10 of yours than one of ours. Your country does raise incredible high numbers of underpriviliged people whose only chance for a better life is your army. Our economic power swims on the blood of your people and i think thats worth it. Having a powerful economy and highest living standards payed with your blood. Is it worth it? Definitly yes.
well what you dont understand is, that your soldiers are our food for the cannons. Better 10 of yours than one of ours. Your country does raise incredible high numbers of underpriviliged people whose only chance for a better life is your army. Our economic power swims on the blood of your people and i think thats worth it. Having a powerful economy and highest living standards payed with your blood. Is it worth it? Definitly yes.

You sound like a delusional teenager. America owns Europe. Deal with it
You sound like a delusional teenager. America owns Europe. Deal with it

How did you like your soldiers being shot and mauled from german weapons in iraq? Your soldiers go in and die in the thousands and we get the billion $ contracts there :D. When i visited USA i also found it amazing how low living standards are for many there. You are owned from our corporations, well and your corporations. It is funny how our biggest Bank Deutsche Bank played casino with american savings and then ordered Obama not to start investigations about it. The good thing is that your leaders are corrupted to the core. You can buy them and momey is something we have in abundance.
How did you like your soldiers being shot and mauled from german weapons in iraq? Your soldiers go in and die in the thousands and we get the billion $ contracts there :D. When i visited USA i also found it amazing how low living standards are for many there. You are owned from our corporations, well and your corporations. It is funny how our biggest Bank Deutsche Bank played casino with american savings and then ordered Obama not to start investigations about it. The good thing is that your leaders are corrupted to the core. You can buy them and momey is something we have in abundance.

Lol. Right. Spare me. American has thousands of tons of German gold. All your reserves. And we're keeping it. And Merkel can't do anything about it.

Like I said you're a delusional teenager. Playing casino, WTF. You've descended into gibbering. Glad to know you're mad little boy. And to think just three posts ago you were saying you considered the USA your home. Now you're having menstrual cramps over my country owning yours. Deal with it
Lol. Right. Spare me. American has thousands of tons of German gold. All your reserves. And we're keeping it. And Merkel can't do anything about it.

Like I said you're a delusional teenager. Playing casino, WTF. You've descended into gibbering. Glad to know you're mad little boy. And to think just three posts ago you were saying you considered the USA your home. Now you're having menstrual cramps over my country owning yours. Deal with it

Hey Markus !! Don't worry about this guy 'jacksback'. He's been here on PDF LESS THAN ONE DAY and he's already been exposed as a bullshit artist. He claims to be American, but if you read his posts and the way he forms his sentences you can see clearly that he's full of shit. He won't tell his REAL flags and what his screen name used to be. He thought he had everything figured out and would never get caught. YEAH, RIGHT !! Less than a DAY !! What a dickhead.

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