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Evidence that Assad forces launched Chemical Attack

Habibi ruined the historic sites and destroy the modern Syria, party is over.

The Evidence In Syria

September 27, 2013: UN chemical weapons inspectors in Syria found conclusive evidence that sarin nerve gas was used by Syrian forces against pro-rebel civilians on August 21st. Although the survey of the area (a Damascus neighborhood) took place several days later (August 26-29), there was still sufficient evidence to confirm the type of chemical weapon used, how it was delivered, and where from. Blood, hair, or urine samples were obtained from 52 people who survived the nerve gas attack. Over 90 percent of the samples tested positive for sarin. Samples could not be obtained from those killed because Islamic law calls for burial within 24 hours of death and exhumation is forbidden.

Many parts of the rockets used to deliver the nerve gas were found, and they were 140mm and 330mm models with special (Russian made with Russian language markings) warheads designed to disperse nerve gas. None of these rockets showed the presence of explosives, which are not used in warheads designed to disperse nerve gas. The warheads were tested and showed evidence of sarin. Many of the rockets inspected had buried themselves in soft ground as such nerve gas rockets would when they had finished dispersing sarin and completed their trajectory. Others had hit structures or hard ground and broken up. The location where many of the rockets landed, and the angle of those buried in soft ground, indicated that they came from areas currently occupied by the Syrian Army.

After this report was released Syria ceased its denials of a nerve gas attack. The Russians also stopped insisting that the rebels has carried out the attack to encourage the West to attack the Assad forces. Russia then proposed a deal where Syria would agree to surrender its chemical weapons in return for a Western guarantee that it would not intervene to help the rebels. Syria then agreed to this and asked for at least a billion dollars and a year to allow the chemical weapons to be destroyed under UN supervision. This is still being negotiated. The U.S. has gone along with the proposal, and the rebels call that a betrayal, as it would make the Americans responsible for protecting the Assad forces while the chemical weapons were inspected and destroyed. It usually takes more than a year to bring in the special equipment used to incinerate nerve gas and other chemical weapons.

The Assads believe that with enough time they can starve out the pro-rebel population and drive many of them out of the country. With continued support from Iran and China, the Assads believe their forces (including the growing number of mercenaries provided by Libya) will be able to crush the rebel factions. While the rebels dismiss this as a fantasy, they do believe that the lack of Western air support, as occurred in Libya in 2011, will result in more Syrians dying and that this is the fault of the West. Yet the rebels also admit that many of the rebel militias are Islamic terrorists or groups comfortable with post-Assad Syria becoming a religious dictatorship that supports Islamic terrorism. The rebels also admit that there is increased violence between Islamic radical and secular rebel groups and that there really is no overall rebel leadership that has any control over rebel strategy and combat operations. It’s the lack of rebel unity more than anything else that scares away the West, which seems to believe that it is more prudent to let the rebellion run its course and then deal with the winner. If the fighting results in the country being partitioned and some areas becoming terrorist sanctuaries (that host groups attacking the West) then that will be dealt with. Meanwhile, getting the Assad chemical weapons stockpiles neutralized is seen as more important.
Lol.......this is a complete lie.............the inspectors just arrived back in Syria to do a real fact finding mission.....they had NO evidence Assads forces did anything.....none whatsoever.......russian made rockets can be procurred ANYWHERE.....especially in Libya where these rockets most likely came from......Russian and Syrian government NEVER once stopped claiming the terrorists did it.....on the contrary.....at the recent UN meeting in new york, which is complete public record....The Russians via Lavrov reiterated that the Syrian government was not responsible and that they had evidence that has been presented to the un that shows it was the saudi spinsored terrorists who fired the rockets......they also stated that no one but the security council and un had the right to declare and place blame and anybody doing otherwise needed to present REAL proof.....not just some russian made rockets.....that can be purchased by ANYONE on the black market in Libya......

Nice propaganda piece though.....although it lacks any evidence and is based ourely on opinions and suppositions.....


The Evidence In Syria

September 27, 2013: UN chemical weapons inspectors in Syria found conclusive evidence that sarin nerve gas was used by Syrian forces against pro-rebel civilians on August 21st. Although the survey of the area (a Damascus neighborhood) took place several days later (August 26-29), there was still sufficient evidence to confirm the type of chemical weapon used, how it was delivered, and where from. Blood, hair, or urine samples were obtained from 52 people who survived the nerve gas attack. Over 90 percent of the samples tested positive for sarin. Samples could not be obtained from those killed because Islamic law calls for burial within 24 hours of death and exhumation is forbidden.

Many parts of the rockets used to deliver the nerve gas were found, and they were 140mm and 330mm models with special (Russian made with Russian language markings) warheads designed to disperse nerve gas. None of these rockets showed the presence of explosives, which are not used in warheads designed to disperse nerve gas. The warheads were tested and showed evidence of sarin. Many of the rockets inspected had buried themselves in soft ground as such nerve gas rockets would when they had finished dispersing sarin and completed their trajectory. Others had hit structures or hard ground and broken up. The location where many of the rockets landed, and the angle of those buried in soft ground, indicated that they came from areas currently occupied by the Syrian Army.

After this report was released Syria ceased its denials of a nerve gas attack. The Russians also stopped insisting that the rebels has carried out the attack to encourage the West to attack the Assad forces. Russia then proposed a deal where Syria would agree to surrender its chemical weapons in return for a Western guarantee that it would not intervene to help the rebels. Syria then agreed to this and asked for at least a billion dollars and a year to allow the chemical weapons to be destroyed under UN supervision. This is still being negotiated. The U.S. has gone along with the proposal, and the rebels call that a betrayal, as it would make the Americans responsible for protecting the Assad forces while the chemical weapons were inspected and destroyed. It usually takes more than a year to bring in the special equipment used to incinerate nerve gas and other chemical weapons.

The Assads believe that with enough time they can starve out the pro-rebel population and drive many of them out of the country. With continued support from Iran and China, the Assads believe their forces (including the growing number of mercenaries provided by Libya) will be able to crush the rebel factions. While the rebels dismiss this as a fantasy, they do believe that the lack of Western air support, as occurred in Libya in 2011, will result in more Syrians dying and that this is the fault of the West. Yet the rebels also admit that many of the rebel militias are Islamic terrorists or groups comfortable with post-Assad Syria becoming a religious dictatorship that supports Islamic terrorism. The rebels also admit that there is increased violence between Islamic radical and secular rebel groups and that there really is no overall rebel leadership that has any control over rebel strategy and combat operations. It’s the lack of rebel unity more than anything else that scares away the West, which seems to believe that it is more prudent to let the rebellion run its course and then deal with the winner. If the fighting results in the country being partitioned and some areas becoming terrorist sanctuaries (that host groups attacking the West) then that will be dealt with. Meanwhile, getting the Assad chemical weapons stockpiles neutralized is seen as more important.
...they had NO evidence Assads forces did anything.....none whatsoever.......russian made rockets can be procurred ANYWHERE...
Appendix 5 of the U.N. report (see previous page for link) describes the munitions. Chemical munitions are quite unique in that they contain no high explosive. Russian markings are on the munitions. (I think the calibres used are also exclusively Russian manufacture, but I'm not sure.)

The Russians via Lavrov reiterated that the Syrian government was not responsible and that they had evidence that has been presented to the un that shows it was the saudi spinsored terrorists who fired the rockets -
Libya's WMD stockpile is currently being destroyed, slowly and carefully. After the 2011 Revolution the stockpile is said to have remained secure: link. The Russians could, of course, supply the records of their chemical weapons sales to the Security Council if they so chose, yet they don't do so.

More on what appears to be the Russian disinformation campaign here: link
Unfortunately, as an American, I will held responsible by the members of this Forum for what my President does. I did not vote for Obama. He is a terrible President. He is a narcissist. This action against Syria, if it occurs, is 100% about him. He shot off his mouth about a "red line". Assad crossed it. So now Obama has to fire off several hundred million dollars worth of cruse missiles to save his own face. Any dead innocent Syrians that result are Obama's responsibility. If any occur, Obama is guilty of war crimes just a much as Assad may be. Assad is a Syrian problem. Assad's actions are the responsibility of the Syrian nation and people. The USA should not intervene in Syrian affairs. Period.

Ahh finally someone shared mutual thoughts ;)
Suposition and conjecture dont equate to evidence.....I think that is obvious to any intelligent individual......plus there is more than enough evidence pointing to it being the terrorists spinsored by sowdi arabia......i will repeat......there is NO evidence whatsoever that the Syrian Army did this....

Also.....if you want to get technical.....did you read the report on the chemical signatures? It was an X gas....not a V gas which is what the Russians use......also.....and this is very important.....those shells that you are referencing are from the 1960's.....obsolete by all modern standards.....while Syria uses much more modern munitions.....this is a fact that wasnt sited in the un report....that shoukd have been.......but dont worry shlomo....the un team is back and this report will be much more thorough.....they wil also examine all 7 reported incidents.....trust me....the more they dig....the more your propaganda will wall to the way side......the gas had us-uk signatures and the munitions are munitions that the sowdi terrorists could easily have gotten from Libya, Saudi, or Turkey.....its easy to purchase these munitions if you are lets say......sowdi secret service.....

All the propaganda in the world wont save chemical Bandar.....:-)

Appendix 5 of the U.N. report (see previous page for link) describes the munitions. Chemical munitions are quite unique in that they contain no high explosive. Russian markings are on the munitions. (I think the calibres used are also exclusively Russian manufacture, but I'm not sure.)

Libya's WMD stockpile is currently being destroyed, slowly and carefully. After the 2011 Revolution the stockpile is said to have remained secure: link. The Russians could, of course, supply the records of their chemical weapons sales to the Security Council if they so chose, yet they don't do so.

More on what appears to be the Russian disinformation campaign here: link
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