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Everything a foreigner needs to know to become a soldier in the Russian Armed Forces

Same goes for the rest of the French armed forces.

The President,as the chief of the armed forces,doesn't need the parliament's approval to start a war or an operation.

The government has however to inform the parliament no later than three days after the intervention started and specify its objectives. There might be a debate following but without a vote.

However after 4 months,the president needs the parliament's approval to continue it.

Well then i stand corrected.Was it like that in the past(last few decades) as well or was that introduced recently?

The remark that simply explains what you just wrote.

So at the end, you are just here trying to gain some sort of "high ground" in this conversation, despite there being none.

Thanks for explaining me what i wanted to say.I didn't know it until your answer opened my eyes.

Unlike you, I am not assuming things about the other persons background.

See what you just did there is called projection(google it)i never assumed anything about your background in fact if you go up in the comment you will see it was the other way around.

Yes I did, because that is exactly what the individuals who served, or are serving in the Legion have said.
It is nothing but relays.

Chances are still very slim of seeing combat.
Now, again I will say the same thing.

It is nobody's fault that you believe that France is always fighting somewhere.

It maybe out of the public eye, but that is what it is.

You are contradicting yourself.In first sentence you say they don't see combat in the last one that "maybe,out of the public eye" they are fighting somewhere.Which one it is,make up your mind?
Of course i don't think France always uses them to fight.They just give them salaries,food,beds and citizenship because... "political reasons".
Thanks for explaining me what i wanted to say.I didn't know it until your answer opened my eyes.

Your welcome.
Sometimes people seem to be way too passive aggressive to figure out such simple things.

See what you just did there is called projection(google it)i never assumed anything about your background in fact if you go up in the comment you will see it was the other way around.

Unfortunately, no.
I am not.
And I never assumed it. (Go re-read what I wrote regarding Background, it wasn't even remotely directed as a fact)

At this point, all I see is you trying to stand out out of this pointless debate as a winner.
Probably egoistic reasons.

You are contradicting yourself.In first sentence you say they don't see combat in the last one that "maybe,out of the public eye" they are fighting somewhere.Which one it is,make up your mind?
Of course i don't think France always uses them to fight.They just give them salaries,food,beds and citizenship because... "political reasons".

Alright, at this rate.
I believe you're just out right retarded.

Pray tell me the contradiction when I've done nothing but affirm your assertion regarding combat.
Public is never privy to most of deep-state actions.

My first point stands corrected as well, why? Look at the size of the organization.
Look at the past 20 years and then calculate your chances.
Now then...
Never said you'll never do military things when you're joining a fucking military, you nutcase.

So, I'll just say it again, no matter what military it is.
It is still military lifestyle.

It is certainly easy; case closed.

I guess all of this retardia came out of the fact that I am more inclined towards military lifestyle where you may or may not have failed.

Go back to my first reply to you, look at how far and derailed of a debate this is.
All because you kept assuming things one after another.

Thank you for continuing in this pointless discussion.
I'll allow you the victory since it may effect your ego.
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Well then i stand corrected.Was it like that in the past(last few decades) as well or was that introduced recently?

It's always been like that since the constitution was established in 1958. Constitution was modified in 2008 to give "more power" to the parliament,so after four months the French forces have been engaged,the parliament has to debate and vote to continue or not the action of our armed forces.

The parliament has anyway always voted in favor to pursue the military actions decided by the President of the Republic. There's a general consensus between all parties represented in the parliament when it comes to military operations.
Unfortunately, no.
I am not.

Yeah you kinda did,you know it.

At this point, all I see is you trying to stand out out of this pointless debate as a winner.

Not much of a debate here,"bro"just you trying to backpedal on number of inaccurate things you said and me calling you out on it.

Alright, at this rate.
I believe you're just out right retarded.

Thanks,coming from a guy like you i take that as a major compliment.

Public is never privy to most of deep-state actions.

Never said you'll never do military things when you're joining a fucking military, you nutcase.

That is not what you said smart guy,your main point was "that chances of seeing combat are slim",not whether they fight in public or in clandestine ops.Don't backpedal now again it was your main point in the imaginary "debate".(alongside with the one that life in Legion was easy :D )

I guess all of this retardia came out of the fact that I am more inclined towards military lifestyle where you may or may not have failed.

Well got me there i admit.I am jealous of an internet tough guy.

I'll allow you the victory since it may effect your ego.

Aww that's so sweet of you.Thank you,thank you indeed.I would give you a cookie but I am too far away from Pakistan right now.
Yeah you kinda did,you know it.

No, not really.
Do point them out and we'll see who assumed.

Not much of a debate here,"bro"just you trying to backpedal on number of inaccurate things you said and me calling you out on it.

You aren't calling me out on things, rather adding up your assumptions on top of an opinion and then making an issue out of it.
I merely called it a debate out of respect for it, but I guess it helps inflates your ego.

Thanks,coming from a guy like you i take that as a major compliment.

Your welcome, because this post you've replied with adds onto that fact.

That is not what you said smart guy,your main point was "that chances of seeing combat are slim",not whether they fight in public or in clandestine ops.Don't backpedal now again it was your main point in the imaginary "debate".(alongside with the one that life in Legion was easy :D )

Oh yeah, definitely.
I'll say it again.

Chances of combat are very slim.
As is with any other military out there.

I did affirmed you on that fact, but you seem to have taken it the completely wrong way. I guess the incompetency in your English proficiency is showing up.

Oh yeah, once again.
Life in the legion, or any other military is easy.
A highly relative statement. Of course. As I've been saying this entire time.

I never backpedal nor do I intend to.

Well got me there i admit.I am jealous of an internet tough guy.

Here is you with your assumptions again.

Aww that's so sweet of you.Thank you,thank you indeed.I would give you a cookie but I am too far away from Pakistan right now.

Oh, that sort of warm response is all I need.

Now then.
Let me know when you want to assume more things out of it.
No, not really.
Do point them out and we'll see who assumed.

Here is you making assumptions and pretending you have a clue about my background(like you do about pretty much everything else):

Someone of your background might not find it easy, maybe you find some corporate life easier.
Or some restaurant life.

And here is you not only pretending you didn't do that but also blaming it on me:

Unlike you, I am not assuming things about the other persons background.

As i said "bro",projection google it.

You aren't calling me out on things, rather adding up your assumptions on top of an opinion and then making an issue out of it.
I merely called it a debate out of respect for it, but I guess it helps inflates your ego.

And now you went from spewing bulls...it to just straight out lying(and again making assumptions,while blaming others for it).

Your welcome, because this post you've replied with adds onto that fact.

Your opinions are hardly "facts" :D

Chances of combat are very slim.
Life in the legion, or any other military is easy.

Wrong again,there is some difference between the FFL and most armies,your internet buddies from the forums should have told you that.

I never backpedal nor do I intend to.
Sure,sure...we saw that already,multiple times.

Here is you with your assumptions again.

That was based on your bragging about how easy time you would have had in the Legion,despite the fact that many real tough guys not only had a hard time there but they have also escaped(or tried to)from FFL.Again for someone who claims to read a lot about the Legion you should know those kind of things.

Let me know when you want to assume more things out of it.
Here is you making assumptions and pretending you have a clue about my background

Now then, I thought this would of been the issue.
Let me clear it for you.
I said SOMEONE OF YOUR back ground.
I did not specifically state whatever your background was.

This here is your own fault for misunderstanding that, or not understanding at all.

Wrong again,there is some difference between the FFL and most armies,your internet buddies from the forums should have told you that.

I simply stated that military life is certainly more easier than any other life style.
Mainly because of "Get told to do shit" nature.

Every job has its pros and cons, if you wish to blend them all in the same category.
It is YOUR fault, not mine.

Blame your understanding.

That was based on your bragging about how easy time you would have had in the Legion,despite the fact that many real tough guys not only had a hard time there but they have also escaped(or tried to)from FFL.Again for someone who claims to read a lot about the Legion you should know those kind of things.

I never bragged, I simply pointed out what I said before this quote.

Military lifestyle is certainly tough to a lot of people, mainly because of a constriction and fatalist nature; imposed work, etc surely causes the dissent among those who did not see it coming.
But it's certainly a lot easier despite the risks involved.

And this is where I said the background being the concluding factor in choosing the right lifestyle.
What you do now and how you live right now is and will influence your decisions in the future.
Now then, I thought this would of been the issue.
Let me clear it for you.
I said SOMEONE OF YOUR back ground.
I did not specifically state whatever your background was.

This here is your own fault for misunderstanding that, or not understanding at all.

You were saying that about me specifically,you know it and i know it,you even went further in later posts to blame my disagreements with your nonsense on it and that is fine as long as you don't pretend you never said that and backpedal like you did on almost all you have said since the start.
Btw "someone of your background" is synonymous with saying "people like you",you do know what a synonym is right?
See if you want to offend me put me down that is ok but at least have the guts to do it openly don't use "plausible deniability"so you can pretend you didn't,when you get called on it.Be a man and stand by your words.

I simply stated that military life is certainly more easier than any other life style.

Mainly because of "Get told to do shit" nature.

Every job has its pros and cons, if you wish to blend them all in the same category.
It is YOUR fault, not mine.

Blame your understanding.

My understanding has nothing to do with your arrogance and lack of knowledge on FFL.

I never bragged

Yes you did.Claiming you can go in FFL and have a "easy time" is bragging.If you ever read something about that formation(like you claim to have)you would know that.
But good to see that you are consistent on your backpedaling...Better something that nothing i guess.
You were saying that about me specifically,you know it and i know it,you even went further in later posts to blame my disagreements with your nonsense on it and that is fine as long as you don't pretend you never said that and backpedal like you did on almost all you have said since the start.
Btw "someone of your background" is synonymous with saying "people like you",you do know what a synonym is right?
See if you want to offend me put me down that is ok but at least have the guts to do it openly don't use "plausible deniability"so you can pretend you didn't,when you get called on it.Be a man and stand by your words.

You can't tip toe around that now.
If me saying that had hit your nerve, I sincerely apologize.
I guess using that as a metaphor wasn't the right choice.
And if we're going to use synonyms then everything we've said so far can be taken in different directions.

Now, we both have different ways of life, different WALKS of life, Different jobs and philosophies in way we deal things. - That was what it intended to imply.

Now, the only one intended on putting someone down here is you.
I am not here to offend you, you are merely (if) offending yourself through your own misunderstandings.

My understanding has nothing to do with your arrogance and lack of knowledge on FFL.

There is nothing lacking here.
I simply stated what it is.

It was you who somehow gotten offended by it.
I made a post about a military organization, in full mind that it is military.
Now, it was you who decided maybe it was right to bring out nitty-gritty detail and somehow compared its lifestyle to whatever you did. (And yes, I am going to assume this part because it wouldn't have been brought up otherwise)

At the end of each post out there, you haven't made a single point.
Rather than just blaming me for "projecting" or pointing out that simple "political remark" I made and compared it with... god knows what.

Yes you did.Claiming you can go in FFL and have a "easy time" is bragging.If you ever read something about that formation(like you claim to have)you would know that.
But good to see that you are consistent on your backpedaling...Better something that nothing i guess.

No, I didn't.
I merely stated that military lifestyle is easy compared to many other employments.
As stated here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/ever...sian-armed-forces.640083/page-2#post-11846361

And here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/ever...sian-armed-forces.640083/page-2#post-11846305

And here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/ever...he-russian-armed-forces.640083/#post-11846108

And here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/ever...he-russian-armed-forces.640083/#post-11846174

And I even stated in my first post: 172K Euros for following orders and doing nothing (Nothing in special) is an easy life here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/ever...he-russian-armed-forces.640083/#post-11843583

And yes, ofcourse.
I did state that the chances of combat are very slim and, I stand by that.
A whole unit consisting of roughly 10,000 soldiers isn't going to be sent to one station in Afghanistan, Or in Chad, Or in Mali.

10,000 Soldiers roughly into 10-12 units. - And you'll be in ONE of those units.
It's just simple guess work.
And even if you do get deployed, who the hell is complaining?
You joined FFL, a branch of French Military.

It's just you who thought I don't think of military as military and picked me on despite having told you this.
"Never said you'll never do military things when you're joining a fucking military, you nutcase." on this post.

I don't know what issue in particular you've had this entire time.
You can't tip toe around that now.
If me saying that had hit your nerve, I sincerely apologize.
I guess using that as a metaphor wasn't the right choice.
And if we're going to use synonyms then everything we've said so far can be taken in different directions.

Once again,opinions about me from someone who knows nothing about me do not "hit my nerve".

Now, the only one intended on putting someone down here is you.
I am not here to offend you, you are merely (if) offending yourself through your own misunderstandings.

Really?Seriously?Not that I got offended but i do remember you trying pretty hard to accomplish exactly that,not only by the thing you are now pretending you didn't say but some other compliments you have given me during the

No, I didn't.

So you didn't say life in FFL is easy and you get paid for 5 years doing nothing,did you?Did someone hack your acc.because I kind of remember you writing exactly that.If you don't see the contradiction between that statement and you arguing that "I never said it's easy",well then i feel sorry for you.

And yes, ofcourse.
I did state that the chances of combat are very slim and, I stand by that.

Keep standing by it,it's your only point on which you haven't done a full 180 turn,pretend you were "misunterstood" or just forgot you have said(like for example "only 2 REP is in Africa" "French don't spill their blood in Africa",2 REP is inexperienced...)

It's just you who thought I don't think of military as military and picked me on despite having told you this.

And now we go back to lying again.I never said you "don't think of military as military"(whatever that means)i just said you don't know much about life in FFL which is true,if you read you few first and few last posts you may realize for yourself.

Really?Seriously?Not that I got offended but i do remember you trying pretty hard to accomplish exactly that,not only by the thing you are now pretending you didn't say but some other compliments you have given me during the

Those compliments came in light of you going around in circles in hopes to nothing but to gain some sort of superiority.
Secondly, as for that pretending remark of yours. How am I pretending? More assumptions?

So you didn't say life in FFL is easy and you get paid for 5 years doing nothing,did you?Did someone hack your acc.because I kind of remember you writing exactly that.If you don't see the contradiction between that statement and you arguing that "I never said it's easy",well then i feel sorry for you.

Again, you're going around in the same circle regarding that.
How many times do you want me to link you to that "military life is easy" replies in many posts so far?
No matter how many times I've replied to this, you keep going on and on.

Aren't you lacking in the comprehension department now?

Keep standing by it,it's your only point on which you haven't done a full 180 turn,pretend you were "misunterstood" or just forgot you have said(like for example "only 2 REP is in Africa" "French don't spill their blood in Africa",2 REP is inexperienced...)

It's like, you're trying to hold someone down hostage to the last number to scrap out whatever you can.
Blaming me for "pretending, or blaming/lying" while you lack the comprehension.

If the particular of Mali operations was what you wanted to point out, why didn't you do so from the very beginning instead of dragging things around in circles?
I did say 2REP had the most experience followed by the others, which is true according to the FFL themselves.

As for what I said about French, It might seem harsh but...
When you have such a specialized legion. You have more options to do so instead of bringing in the French.
But of course, the details may vary depending on the politics of the region or situation.

Plus the legion also has french officers with actual combat experience.
It was a rather "opinionated question" at that time but you seem to have taken it the completely wrong way.

And now we go back to lying again.I never said you "don't think of military as military"(whatever that means)i just said you don't know much about life in FFL which is true,if you read you few first and few last posts you may realise for yourself.

What is a lie?
A military is military across the board.

Now, if you want to argue about the specifics and details.
They vary in details, but they were never the point of contention due to the fact, that military life is universal across the board.

All in all.
I think you're mad about something after misunderstanding it this entire time.
Yes, I say that.
Sure call it backtrack or whatever, but seriously.
At this rate, I don't think you have the proper understanding.

Either that, or you're a troll. lol
Those compliments came in light of you going around in circles in hopes to nothing but to gain some sort of superiority.
Secondly, as for that pretending remark of yours. How am I pretending? More assumptions?

Pointing to someone who doesn't have a clue what he talks about in not "gaining superiority".
Pretending is when for example you call someone names and then whining that he "picks on you",presenting yourself as a victim.

Again, you're going around in the same circle regarding that.
How many times do you want me to link you to that "military life is easy" replies in many posts so far?
No matter how many times I've replied to this, you keep going on and on.

Aren't you lacking in the comprehension department now?

Nope,no circles here,just still waiting for you to finally decide whether it's easy or not?Not "yeah i said it's easy but that is relatively speaking".Easy or no?

What is a lie?

You don't know?
It's just you who thought I don't think of military as military

Perfect example of a lie.So far we had "pretending","lying","projection"...do you need me to keep explaining to you what those and other words mean or will you just stop pretending to be less smart than you actually are?
Now, if you want to argue about the specifics and details.
They vary in details, but they were never the point of contention due to the fact, that military life is universal across the board.

Nice way of avoiding the entire subject after you were wrong on everything and try to claim,your point was entirely different the entire time.

At this rate, I don't think you have the proper understanding.

Either that, or you're a troll. lol

"Bro"trust me with the mental gymnastics you are doing in each post I seriously doubt even you understand what are you saying or what did you intend to say.
P.S.I like how you just completely ignored my pointing out all the things you were wrong about in the previous post,as if you didn't see that,instead of saying you were "misunderstood" or some other bull..hit excuse like the many you used before.Maybe there is some hope for you after all.
That's interesting. But Russia has a large population though a very low population density. But why is Russia doing so? Do they have declining population. I remember UK took the similar initiative a year or so back.

Russian pop. is currently at 146M whereas Pakistan in above 180M.

Russian pop. is also predicted to go below 130M by 2080. So it needs soldiers/contractors for such a large landmass and foreign wars.
Nope,no circles here,just still waiting for you to finally decide whether it's easy or not?Not "yeah i said it's easy but that is relatively speaking".Easy or no?

Oh really?
Despite all this time me rambling the same thing you seem to have an issue about that?

Is this not a circle or what?
What is so hard to understand here?

Nice way of avoiding the entire subject after you were wrong on everything and try to claim,your point was entirely different the entire time.

Avoiding what?
It was never about the nitty-gritty details which you somehow took an issue with and brought this subject to its entirety towards it.

What exactly is your problem here?
Lets say I admit I was writing things about the French in spite of ignorance and foreign view.

Perfect example of a lie.So far we had "pretending","lying","projection"...do you need me to keep explaining to you what those and other words mean or will you just stop pretending to be less smart than you actually are?

Whatever is your problem now?
zJust because you pointed out one thing doesn't mean that the other person is doing mental gymnastics trying to tell you that it was never about the nitty gritty detailed.
and only rambled about what I had said in the beginning and to the end.

I was never here for a chest-thumping contest that you somehow are claiming me to be having.
I was never here to act like a tough-guy which you somehow assumed I was according to your posts?

Oh wait, Yeah, those are mental gymnastics! Damn.
all the pretends and lies.

The only issue here is that you have an issue with what I had said.
You never pointed out anything in detail either except for the potshots you call pointing out.
Surely, I am the victim yes.

Nice way of avoiding the entire subject after you were wrong on everything and try to claim,your point was entirely different the entire time.

Right then, what is the subject here?

"Bro"trust me with the mental gymnastics you are doing in each post I seriously doubt even you understand what are you saying or what did you intend to say.
P.S.I like how you just completely ignored my pointing out all the things you were wrong about in the previous post,as if you didn't see that,instead of saying you were "misunderstood" or some other bull..hit excuse like the many you used before.Maybe there is some hope for you after all.

Or maybe it just didn't hit you yet.
Because they aren't excuses.

It's all because you wanted to have an issue.
Or simply that you misunderstood.

Perfect example of a lie.So far we had "pretending","lying","projection"...do you need me to keep explaining to you what those and other words mean or will you just stop pretending to be less smart than you actually are?

Same can be said about these assumptions you have been having since the very beginning.
I think its time you quit trying to pretend to be some sort of a psychologist over a text based thread.
Oh really?
Despite all this time me rambling the same thing you seem to have an issue about that?

Is this not a circle or what?
What is so hard to understand here?

Is it easy or not?Stop beating around the bush and give a answer.
Avoiding what?
It was never about the nitty-gritty details which you somehow took an issue with and brought this subject to its entirety towards it.

What exactly is your problem here?
Lets say I admit I was writing things about the French in spite of ignorance and foreign view.

No problems,but it's unfortunate it took you so long to admit you were wrong.

I was never here for a chest-thumping contest that you somehow are claiming me to be having.
I was never here to act like a tough-guy which you somehow assumed I was according to your posts?

Oh wait, Yeah, those are mental gymnastics! Damn.
all the pretends and lies.

Nice way of spinning the entire thread from your bull..it ramblings to again pretending to be the victim.It still doesn't change the fact that you were pretending to be tougher than most guys in the Legion are.

Right then, what is the subject here?

Right now the issue is that you did a full 180 on most thing in the thread and somehow are trying to convince me that you didn't,but you were "misunderstood".

Because they aren't excuses.
:D :D :D.
Same can be said about these assumptions you have
been having since the very beginning.
I think its time you quit trying to pretend to be some sort of a psychologist over a text based thread.

Really? I'am the one assuming pretending to be the psychologist here now?Says the guy who assumed my background and analysed my "ego"despite the fact he knows nothing about either of those things.Projecting much "bro"...again?
The fact that you are liar(pathological one at that) and wannabe tough guy,has nothing to do with psychology or assumptions.It's a well established fact that you confirmed multiple times...and continue to do so.
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