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Everyone in India is a Hindu, says RSS chief


Mar 3, 2009
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Everyone in India is a Hindu, says RSS chief

Protests against Muslims and Christians are not part of Hindutva, which is non-violent,:rolleyes: said Mohan Bhagwat, chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) while delivering the concluding lecture of a two-day seminar on 'Hindutva in the present context' organised by the Bharatiya Vichar Manch at the Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration, on Thursday.
This was his second visit to Ahmedabad within a month. Dr Pravin Togadiya, international general-secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP); former union minister Subramaniyam Swami; Ahmedabad mayor Kanaji Thakor; state BJP unit president Purshottam Rupala; and ministers of state Nitin Patel, Pradeepsinh Jadeja and Devang Nanavati were present at the event.

"There is no need to define Hindutva as it can be described in different ways. The exact definition may lead to confusion. In the same way, the word 'Hindu' can have many workable definitions. While it is a way of life, it is also a religion. Indians have not coined the word 'Hindu'. There are no references to it in the scriptures. People identified us as 'Hindus' and now the word has become our identity," Bhagwat said.

The RSS chief said that the word 'Hindu' referred to anyone born in India. "So, whether Muslim or Christian, we are all Hindus. Their ancestors were Hindu, their blood is Hindu. They are all our brothers and we are calling them to join us," he said.

Regarding the definition of Hindutva, Bhagwat said, "Hindutva cannot be classified as Swami Vivekananda's Hindutva, RSS's Hindutva, VHP's Hindutva. It is one and it is not anybody's brand or monopoly. The continuous discovery of the truth is known as Hindutva."

He also emphasized the need for Hindus to become strong and powerful. "The world respects the powerful and for that, Hindus will have to become strong and powerful," he said. "Many people have a problem with the word 'Hindu' and they often asked us to give up it. The word 'Hindu' is attacked. But we cannot give up this word as it describes all that which cannot be described by any other word," Bhagwat said.

Bhagwat further said that spoke about the role of women in India. "We worship women as goddesses in temples and in our scriptures. But, in our families, the condition of women is not impressive. Keeping politics aside, we need to correct our social structure, as politics is only a part of society. We should focus on the family, which is a unit of society.

Hindu families have values, traditions and ethics that are still intact. When we make a family strong with values, society will automatically become strong," he said.
The RSS chief said that the word 'Hindu' referred to anyone born in India. "So, whether Muslim or Christian, we are all Hindus. Their ancestors were Hindu, their blood is Hindu. They are all our brothers and we are calling them to join us," he said.

LOL, what about the ancestors of the ancestors who invented Hinduism. Those ancestors must be evolved from a hindu creature too, which is monkeys and single cell organisms.

these idots are a shame for India.
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The RSS chief said that the word 'Hindu' referred to anyone born in India. "So, whether Muslim or Christian, we are all Hindus. Their ancestors were Hindu, their blood is Hindu. They are all our brothers and we are calling them to join us," he said.

Well....these guys need treatment that too on a urgent basis.
My knowledge says those who are born in India, are referred as Indian. Atleast my passport says so.:woot:
BTW, I do not know what a "Hindu Blood" is. What is the colour of this. And if we are considering ancestery, I think we all are animals. Only point is, some of us are unfortunately not evolved.:rofl::rofl:
Why can't they just say that everyone in India is an INDIAN, how hard is that to understand?
The RSS chief said that the word 'Hindu' referred to anyone born in India. "So, whether Muslim or Christian, we are all Hindus. Their ancestors were Hindu, their blood is Hindu. They are all our brothers and we are calling them to join us," he said.

Ya. Its true that our ancestors are Hindus and we are converted Muslim or Christian what ever we are.
But now we are only Indian.:hitwall:
These are some of the nut cases who do not realise even after being treaed with the hard stick....

These are people who take freedom of expression in the wrong way.
So I guess the Muslims and Christians are the Hindus that rejected Hinduism? :D
RSS is stupid fellas in our society. We just regrest for having them in our country. They just see this country with religion eyes.
Shame on them
RSS is stupid fellas in our society. We just regrest for having them in our country. They just see this country with religion eyes.
Shame on them

Maybe you regret them having in your country, but there's still millions of people in your country who support RSS.

Take a look at this video and read the comments too on this video, there seems to be a lot of rss supporters on youtube also.

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No. This is not true.we Indians have never rejected Hinduism. The muslims of Pakistan are surprised to know Hindus go to Haji Ali and Muslims go to Mahalakshmi and shidhiwinayak for worship.

I have been to Haji Ali dargah and Ajmer sharif dargah.........:yahoo:
So I guess the Muslims and Christians are the Hindus that rejected Hinduism? :D

Sub-standard religiously inflammatory one liner by a world champion ---> at what ..... flaming and fundamentalism? Smiley notwithstanding. (let me also put one to make my statement more "acceptable" :angel:)

Cheers, Doc
Maybe you regret them having in your country, but there's still millions of people in your country who support RSS.

Take a look at this video and read the comments too on this video, there seems to be a lot of rss supporters on youtube also.

YWIJ8tXH0I4[/media] - Nuclear Nationalism - India

Yaa thats true!! Actualy In india we have given freedom of speech and freedom to choos religion irrespective of from which religion you belong. Basicly RSS is religious organisation like many other in india and in every part of the world. We have parties from Muslims and from chirstinans also. But here problem is like having a population of more then billions it is not easy to keep tab on each and every ones prefrence .RSS said what they belive but we simply don't buy there words and thats why RSS(BJP is not in government from last 2 terms) I personaly belive having a organisations like RSS or Muslim legues are ok until and unless they are not poking their nose into each others affairs. As far as followers are concern you can find followers of good or bad in every country no body can control them actualy. Hope I was able to make you understand that a voice of RSS like this is not voice of 1 billion.We are simply INDIANS and we proud of that. Like you proude to be a Pakistani. Cheers.
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That is an old line the fundamentalist Hindu organisations have been using for centuries to give some solace to their injured ego :)

This is a flawed line. You can call everyone in India as Indian but not as Hinuds.

Above all their statement that because most of the people of other faith are converts and their ancestors were Hindu so they are hindus, well OK for a minute lets accept their notion but then the problem is can these fundamentalist Hindu organisations explain which cast catogary these Christian, Muslim Hindus fall ?

Are they low cast hindus or high cast hindus ????/
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