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Ever wondered why food prices are going up?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom

A handful of multinational companies have managed to control the “heart” of the food we put on our table everyday: The very seed and therefore, global agricultural production. Brokers in the developed world gamble with food, raising and lowering prices, playing with the fundamental right of millions of people to food.

Meanwhile, almost a billion people on this planet are undernourished and 25,000 die of hunger each day.

Can it be that the Earth can no longer feed its population? The evidence proves otherwise! The food crisis, as it will go down in history, is occurring at a time when the planet is producing more food than ever.

“Dying in abundance” unfolds the absurdity before our eyes, the interconnections of a system in which, while there is enough food, it is so expensive that the poor cannot afford it.

Written & Directed by Yorgos Avgeropoulos

Produced by Georgia Anagnou

Food has become a commodity speculated on at the global casino, while the numbers of people suffering from hunger and lack is rising with the minute. This number is interdependent on the price movements. Now - what makes the prices move?

Polarization is the method and Polarity the framework within which all energy movements take place.
A speculator at the Grain Stock Market explains that he is not only trading existing crops, but mostly actually promises. “You can make the promise to buy at a certain price at a certain time, you can cancel that promise by selling that same contract back into the market. And that’s what happens with most contracts: they’re never actually delivered upon, they’re traded back and forth and they cancel each-other out.” He smiles at the ‘intelligence’ of this game and doesn't question the consequences for anyone or anything else but the market itself.

The law of balance is in application in this global casino, a false balance however, as it is bound to the laws of Polarity, playing out between the highs & lows determined by the Haves while the Have-Nots are merely the part of the equation that allows for profit – nothing more, nothing less.

Out of all profit made at the Chicago Grain Stock Market through buying and selling Food, only 4% is actually going to farmers. “We are transferring risk. You can buy the risk from those that don’t want it like farmers, and sell it to people like myself, speculators” that can make money out of risk if they are right about the movement of prices to a certain time.

What this shows is that an alternate dimension of the food market exists that works like a casino, where apparently weather and other influences are being controlled through contracts and locked prices to projected periods of time, when at the same time the actuality of food production, the people producing it and the people required to be fed and sustain themselves are not being considered.
In other words, a separation exists between actual and projected reality of the food market, whereby the actual physical reality is disregarded for the sake a profit, a profit that is made by abusing and exploiting the physical reality through an alternate projected reality ruled by greed and the power of money.

Nobody considers that the power of money is dependent on the existence of crops and products to trade.
Nobody wants to take responsibility for food prices. Speculators speak of food price movements as if the prices move on their own. It is however the ill will of the alternate mind reality of a profit fixated human that moves the prices to insane effects, because in a casino based on scarcity of product, for someone to win big, another must lose big.
The fact that real lives of real actual beings are at stake through this monopoly game of big spoilt brats seems to have lost its seat at the games.

Since 2006 and with the subprime and other crises, the Chicago Grain Stock Market suddenly sighted speculators of the biggest of players, who very quickly catapulted the prices to sky levels.
Agriculture no longer serves the earth, no longer serves the people – it serves money and the speculators at the global markets – the world, a giant casino, forever hungry, never satisfied, an infinite loop of evil.
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India – richest in production, poorest for its citizens: the highest hunger rate and child death from malnutrition is found here, while starvation numbers are equal to those in Ethiopia.

The WTO and the world bank pressured on India to submit and submerge its food distribution care (until 1997 the largest food trading company world-wide that took care of its population with reliability), and give in to capitalist forces because according to the law of the market, the food distribution that was provided by India for its people was considered to “harm competition and the free market” and thus found guilty. The food distribution system in India, based on which the farmers had a guaranteed market and everyone guaranteed food, had to be dismantled by orders of the world bank!!
At the same time, the WTO pressed on India to loosen the import control of the state, with the result of international brands flooding India’s markets – to the benefit of the corporations. While India was producing 90% and importing only 9%, the new world order forced India to import more, and suddenly imports rose to 47%.

When at a moment of prices rising high India decided to reduce the export of rice in order to take care of its population and contribute to stabilizing the prices again, it was accused by the WTO for harming the “free market and free trade”.


---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ----------

Monsanto controls both seeds/crops AND pesticides word wide.
Where Indian farmers had to pay zero for seeds, they now pay 40% of their production income for seeds, let alone the costs for pesticide.
The sudden debts that kept rising go back to the new BT cotton seeds Monsanto brought into India back then, which resulted to farmers having to pay more every year for seeds and pesticides, tendency rising.
Monsanto did not tell the farmers that the seeds produced by the new BT cotton trees would not be able to further produce and that the farmers would have to buy new seeds continuously.

200.000 deeply indebted farmers committed suicide between 1998 and 2007. That’s more than 20.000 a year.
Most of those 200.000 suicides were committed in the BT cotton belt.

Vandana Shiva, Pro-farmers activist says the corporations are “criminal (...) If 200.000 people were killed by a dictator, we would have called it genocide! (...) Genetically engineered crops do not produce more food. But they tell the lie to grab the markets. More trade does not feed people. It leaves people hungrier, because the globalised trade then becomes a trade controlled by five agri-business corporations who can bend the prices as they want. When they want to speculate upwards, they speculate upwards. When they want to fix the prices downwards to fix the markets, they take the prices downwards. AND AS THEIR PROFITS INCREASE, PEOPLE STARVE.”

Monsanto seeds are considered a PATENT – in other words a live organism that comes from the earth is regarded as property of a corporation and therefore Monsanto owns all rights to the genetically manipulated seeds. Since the ‘invasion’ by Monsanto, a farmer that keeps their seeds to plant next year is considered criminal and is fined 25.000 Rs. (when a farmer was making less than 900 Rs. per month).

Until 1970 no seeds were in anyone’s property. Today, more than 80% of the seeds sold are ‘owned’.

Corporations now claim patents for all crops/seeds based on the common denominators in the genetic signature of seeds. Now the food system and the prices are controlled by giants of the money-system, having one objective only: profit and exclusivity.

Pat Mooney, ETC group (against patents) says: “...They got what they wanted ... they don’t need Bio-Tech anymore .... They got the first link in the food chain. So they’ve won.”

...Yes, they’ve WON. With everyone's permission, they’ve got ONE world ‘in their hands’, a WONNESS controlled by profit and greed.

Kissinger said in 1974 that if you want to control the nations, you must control oil. And when you control food, you control the world.
this article is very poor.....it is true that the cost of food in india has increased, but the cost of foodgrains has actually went down....the increase is mainly in vegetables, pulses and milk, which is proof that the poor class are getting richer, and now they are able to afford these food items in addition to basic food grains....
this article is very poor.....it is true that the cost of food in india has increased, but the cost of foodgrains has actually went down....the increase is mainly in vegetables, pulses and milk, which is proof that the poor class are getting richer, and now they are able to afford these food items in addition to basic food grains....

Poor class is not gettign richer but the middle man is , dont u know the structuring of the system in the village side ,there is a middle man and that is making profit by only sitting in a cosy office and taking it from the poor farmers and selling it to the market at high price .

So it is that middle man plus the importer which are getting richer rather than poor farmer.
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