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Europe Seeks Way Around a Diplomatic Clash With U.S. Over Iran

Wow, a whole page of fluff....dancing around the real subject, which is reason to wait 5 months vs leaving now. I never questioned your plan of action, only that we must wait 5 more months....FULL STOP, Period. No Biden is not coming to a deal that the real participant left.....ask me how I know, because I live here, he's not going to look like an idiot to make Iran happy....why? They don't need Iran....they don't care if you sell your oil or die economically.....it's Iran that has to care. They've been growing prosperous for 40 yrs while we just got by. There is a saying "can't see the forest for the trees". You are so closed off to other ideas my friend. This comes from too much academia and not enough real world experience. If you did have real world experience you'd know...they hold all the cards, as you can tell by EU and UN capitulating to them in the last couple of weeks.

I am not closed off to what you're saying nor have I excluded any possibility. What I have tried to get through is that your 5 month waiting period offers nothing practical to Iran but instead just takes time away from it. It is as simple as that. You do not have to agree with that assertion. Ultimately these are all conjectures as no one here speaks for Iran, officially. All one has to do is just wait and watch how the situations unfold.
- Nobody can tell you who will win this election. Numbers are not in favor of Trump but it is not impossible to change.

- What if Biden wins?
I don’t think Biden will automatically revive the deal and he may want to make modifications.

If Biden wins and wants the deal, there is no way to kill the deal before his term.

Killing the deal has no meaning.

Even if Iran test 10 nuclear missiles before November, president Biden can revive the deal if he decides to.
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If Biden wins and wants the deal, there is no way to kill the deal before his term.
That will hinge on how many Zionists infiltrated his cabinet and policy making. You can bet Obama will advise him on Iran.....so he may talk up some nice AIPAC crap before the elections but after the election there is a good chance he'll kick the homeboys to the curb.
If Biden is willing to come to back to deal, then whether Iran is in the deal or not, then it will not matter. This issue of arms embargo is not a small one. If it is not lifted it is a blatant violation of a deal, and this time not just by the US but Europeans too. Iran leaving the JCPOA will serve to pressure Trump. Moreover, the sooner Iran leaves the deal, the quicker it can expand the program and have a stronger negotiating hand in the next negotiations (assuming there will another deal). The JCPOA has many flaws, and this was made obvious by Trump, thus in the next deal , Iran can demand much more. Compare an Iran with much larger centrifuge capabilities, outside of NPT etc to the Iran that entered the JCPOA negotiation (a deal that failed). Instead you want Iran not to gain all of this but rather stay in this deal, and for what reason exactly? Do not get me wrong, I can see your point if view, but I simply do not think it put Iran in a strong enough position. If the Europeans extend the embargo, then they are the ones that have killed the deal. Lets see if they will attempt it.
aside from all the details i am wondering if the US can ever be trusted anymore ? if you going to sign a deal with president x it can easily be cancelled by the next administration. this is a bigger problem in my idea.
so this means they present iran with only one choice ; become a lapdog of the americans and lick their asses all day long for a few benefits, like what the countries in our region are doing.

iran will never choose this path, it wants complete submission of US regarding its sanction policy.
The eurotrash in their typical euro bootlick/lickspittle fashion have decided to oppose the lifting of the arms embargo while opposing snapback of sanctions......:crazy:
I suspect that they no doubt think that this supposed "compromise" is a very clever decision on their part,perhaps along the same line as :sarcastic:instex:haha:,but its basically nothing more than the eurotrash pretending to themselves and their populace that they are still independent nations with independent foreign policies,while still clearly making sure to demonstrate their loyal vassalage to uncle sam overlord.
Its about as bad a case of cognitive and political dissonance as I`ve ever seen.

Britain, France, Germany Will Not Back U.N. Iran Sanctions Snapback


The foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany said Friday they opposed lifting a UN arms embargo on Iran this year, after the UN's nuclear watchdog passed a resolution critical of Tehran.

"We believe that the planned lifting of the UN conventional arms embargo established by Resolution 2231 next October would have major implications for regional security and stability," the ministers said in a joint statement.

The statement by the three key European powers on Iran will be a blow to Tehran, which had urged a lifting of the embargo despite US pressure for it to remain in place.

The ban on selling weapons—such as battle tanks, combat aircraft, warships and missiles or missile systems—to Iran had been set to be progressively eased from October.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani earlier this month urged UN Security Council members to oppose a US "conspiracy" to extend the arms embargo.

The three powers said they plan to address the arms embargo issue "in close coordination" with UN Security Council permanent members Russia and China.

The board of governors at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had passed a resolution Friday urging Tehran to provide inspectors with access to two sites to clarify whether undeclared nuclear activity took place there in the early 2000s.

It was the first such resolution since 2012 and came against a background of tension over the Iranian nuclear program, with Iran's position causing increasing exasperation in Europe.

"Since 2019, Iran has taken nuclear measures contrary to its commitments" under the 2015 deal on its nuclear program with world powers, the ministers' statement said.

It added that Iran "has denied the access requested by the agency for many months" to the sites.

But the powers insisted they remained committed to the 2015 nuclear deal, which analysts believe has been greatly undermined by the withdrawal of the United States in 2018.

They said sanctions should not be reimposed and that they opposed the "maximum" pressure policy against Iran of the administration of US President Donald Trump.

"We firmly believe that any unilateral attempt to trigger UN sanctions snapback would have serious adverse consequences" in the UN Security Council.

"We remain committed... (to the nuclear deal) and, in order to preserve it, urge Iran to reverse all measures inconsistent with the agreement and return to full compliance without delay," said the statement.
The eurotrash in their typical euro bootlick/lickspittle fashion have decided to oppose the lifting of the arms embargo while opposing snapback of sanctions......:crazy:
I suspect that they no doubt think that this supposed "compromise" is a very clever decision on their part,perhaps along the same line as :sarcastic:instex:haha:,but its basically nothing more than the eurotrash pretending to themselves and their populace that they are still independent nations with independent foreign policies,while still clearly making sure to demonstrate their loyal vassalage to uncle sam overlord.
Its about as bad a case of cognitive and political dissonance as I`ve ever seen.

Britain, France, Germany Will Not Back U.N. Iran Sanctions Snapback


The foreign ministers of Britain, France and Germany said Friday they opposed lifting a UN arms embargo on Iran this year, after the UN's nuclear watchdog passed a resolution critical of Tehran.

"We believe that the planned lifting of the UN conventional arms embargo established by Resolution 2231 next October would have major implications for regional security and stability," the ministers said in a joint statement.

The statement by the three key European powers on Iran will be a blow to Tehran, which had urged a lifting of the embargo despite US pressure for it to remain in place.

The ban on selling weapons—such as battle tanks, combat aircraft, warships and missiles or missile systems—to Iran had been set to be progressively eased from October.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani earlier this month urged UN Security Council members to oppose a US "conspiracy" to extend the arms embargo.

The three powers said they plan to address the arms embargo issue "in close coordination" with UN Security Council permanent members Russia and China.

The board of governors at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had passed a resolution Friday urging Tehran to provide inspectors with access to two sites to clarify whether undeclared nuclear activity took place there in the early 2000s.

It was the first such resolution since 2012 and came against a background of tension over the Iranian nuclear program, with Iran's position causing increasing exasperation in Europe.

"Since 2019, Iran has taken nuclear measures contrary to its commitments" under the 2015 deal on its nuclear program with world powers, the ministers' statement said.

It added that Iran "has denied the access requested by the agency for many months" to the sites.

But the powers insisted they remained committed to the 2015 nuclear deal, which analysts believe has been greatly undermined by the withdrawal of the United States in 2018.

They said sanctions should not be reimposed and that they opposed the "maximum" pressure policy against Iran of the administration of US President Donald Trump.

"We firmly believe that any unilateral attempt to trigger UN sanctions snapback would have serious adverse consequences" in the UN Security Council.

"We remain committed... (to the nuclear deal) and, in order to preserve it, urge Iran to reverse all measures inconsistent with the agreement and return to full compliance without delay," said the statement.
You're right but still it's a big deal to come out against U.S. wants, I'm sure it has a lot to do with Trump's weakness and poll numbers being in the toilet. If he wins a second term they'll cower to his demands.
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