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Eurofighter Typhoon News and updates

@Blue Marlin
1. How many meteors can EF carry on A2A mission.
2. What is wt of Meteors, G-limit and max speed.
3. What is no escape zone distance of meteors.
4. Does Meteros have on the top attack proffile.
it cant find it's g limit
here are the missiles specs
Meteor - Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) - Airforce Technology
the mbda meteor is a bvraam
I wished typhoon was just a British-German venture. It would have made things much easier.
Well the U.K and Germany are the main leaders in the Eufighter consortium with almost 70% of share/work contribution.So what they say basically goes through. So i think India would have negotiated mainly with U.K and Germany. Once these two countries agree, its basically a done deal. Italy won't be any upstacle after that. We can handle them.:D
Eurofighter takes dialogue with Indonesia to the highest levels
Press Release| Aug 6, 2015

Ambassadors and representatives of the Eurofighter founding countries (Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) met with the Indonesian Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu earlier this week and delivered a formal Letter of Support for Eurofighter which had been signed by the Defence State Secretaries and Minister of State on behalf of the Ministries of Defence of the four countries.

The Letter of Support further endorsed the information already provided by Eurofighter and underwrote the four countries’ full support of the transfer of technology elements associated with the world’s most versatile and reliable fast-jet fighter.

Britain and Spain stressed on Wednesday that the Eurofighter Typhoon jet fighter is the best choice for Indonesia to modernize its air force

Through the procurement of Eurofighter and associated technologies, Indonesia would also be able to capitalise on the successful long-term relationship which has developed between PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and the Airbus Group. This unique combination of operational and industrial capabilities could provide the basis for long-term strategic growth in the Indonesian aerospace sector.

Enhancing the science and capacity development of Indonesia

Capitalising on the theme of innovation in the maritime sector, and in support of the activities surrounding the 20th National Technology Awakening Day, more than 25 senior representatives from Indonesia’s strategic industries, research institutes, relevant ministries, the air force and Eurofighter participated in a workshop yesterday in Jakarta.
The workshop explored the innovative use of fighter jets in the maritime environment. The participants identified and discussed areas for further joint research and study in order to assist Indonesia realise its vision of becoming a maritime axis through the enhancement of its defence, surveillance and peacekeeping capabilities.
Hosted jointly by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) and Eurofighter, the workshop was attended by government officials and engineers including Advisor on Defence Technologies to the Menristekdikti, the Secretary General of the National Research Council, the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and PT DI KFX Program Chief Engineer.

A BAE EuroFighter Typhoon cutaway

The workshop was facilitated by Eurofighter Head of Future Capabilities Laurie Hilditch. “If we are to apply innovation to support the Indonesian maritime axis vision, opportunities for deeper research into a range of Indonesian specific areas could be explored,” Hilditch said.

The initiative received a warm welcome from the participants, coming on the heels of National Coordination Meeting on Science and Technology (Rakornas IPTEK) with stakeholders representing academia, the government and businesses to develop a National Science and Technology Development Roadmap (4/8).

During the Rakornas, Menristekdikti called for a strong partnership between research communities and businesses to help propel Indonesia’s economy and boost the nation’s stature – a vision shared by the Eurofighter Consortium.
“Reliable maritime protection is a fundamental requirement for this archipelagic nation. Add to that strong indigenous capabilities in the aerospace sector, and Indonesia will truly ‘take off’ as a maritime axis,” Eurofighter Head of Industrial Offset Martin Elbourne said on the sidelines of the workshop. “This is an approach supported by Eurofighter in its continuing dialogue with Indonesia.”

Eurofighter Typhoon | Eurofighter takes dialogue with Indonesia to the highest levels

@prima99 , @anas_nurhafidz ,@madokafc ,@pr1v4t33r , @Indos et al. Will be good to see this world class fighter in your airforce. Will mean the Indonesian airforce will gain air-supremacy over its region/neighbors.:cheers:

Eurofighter Typhoon – A powerful force multiplier
Press Release| Aug 22, 2015

  • Protection and Security for the Baltic States
  • Robust Backbone of Five European Air Forces
  • Future Opportunities for Polish Industrial Participation
Eurofighter Typhoon could offer Poland NATO-proven Air Power and the benefits of being an industrial partner in an indigenous European programme.

This is being highlighted at the Radom Air Show 2015 (22 to 23 August) where Eurofighter Typhoon demonstrates a strong presence. With Eurofighter aircraft joining from the Italian and German Air Forces, Eurofighter and its partner companies chose the event to promote this combat aircraft as an ideal candidate for a potential fighter replacement programme in the Polish Air Force.

With more than 440 aircraft delivered so far and seven customers worldwide (Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman), Eurofighter is established as a robust backbone of five European Air Forces. Thanks to its agility and manoeuvrability, the aircraft provides reliable air dominance against any potential threat. In addition to the operational capabilities of this most advanced swing-role combat aircraft, the Eurofighter Partner Companies are ready to consider key technology transfer and opportunities for bi-lateral or multi-lateral partnering. This would provide the opportunity for enhanced sovereignty through Polish industry participation.
Speaking at a Media Briefing at the Radom Air Show, Eurofighter Test Pilot Raffaele Beltrame said: “Our ongoing systems and weapons integration programmes are delivering a real ‘Paradigm Shift’ in our capabilities which we launched in our Phase 1 Enhancements programme.” The experienced Eurofighter pilot added: “Eurofighter is considered as the most modern combat aircraft available on the world market. With the ongoing enhancements of our Capability Roadmap, this truly multi-swing-role aircraft will be even more potent and capable.”

All the ongoing and future Capability Enhancements will move the Eurofighter forward to a real ‘Force Multiplier’. They are targeted to significantly increase both the air-to-air and air-to-ground capabilities of the Eurofighter. Recent examples are the integration of the Meteor air-to-air missile, the Brimstone air-to-ground missile, the Storm Shadow stand-off missile for deep strike missions and the introduction of the Captor-E AESA radar currently under development.
Raffaele Beltrame also highlighted the advantages of the Aerodynamic Modification Kit as part of a wider enhanced manoeuvrability programme. Summarizing the results, Beltrame said: “We saw angle of attack values around 45% greater than on the standard aircraft, and roll rates up to 100% higher, all leading to increased agility. The handling qualities appeared to be markedly improved, providing more manoeuvrability, agility and precision while performing tasks representative of in-service operations. And it is extremely interesting to consider the potential benefits in the air-to-surface configuration thanks to the increased variety and flexibility of stores that can be carried.”
At present, Eurofighter Typhoon is on active duty, for instance, in the three Baltic States Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania as part of NATO’s Baltic Air Patrol mission and in the Middle East. Eurofighters from Italy, Germany, Spain and the UK have all contributed to the security of the Baltics and in mid-2015 Eurofighters of the Royal Air Force and the Italian Air Force ensured the protection of these countries.

Eurofighter’s outstanding performance has been confirmed recently in a Whitehall Report published by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) based in London. The report of this independent think tank said: “The Eurofighter’s combination of high thrust-to-weight ratio, manoeuvrability at all speeds, 65,000-foot service ceiling, supercruise capability, powerful radar and large missile load ensures that it outclasses any currently operational fighter aircraft in the world with the exception of the US F-22 Raptor.”

Eurofighter Typhoon | Eurofighter Typhoon – A powerful force multiplier
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Well the U.K and Germany are the main leaders in the Eufighter consortium with almost 70% of share/work contribution.So what they say basically goes through. So i think India would have negotiated mainly with U.K and Germany. Once these two countries agree, its basically a done deal. Italy won't be any upstacle after that. We can handle them.:D

US promised India the MTCR membership as part of the of the nuclear deal but Italy still blocked India's application.

If Italy could do this to US why can't it do the same to UK-Germany tomorrow incase of Eurofighters?

Italy blocking India's entry into elite missile tech group MTCR, bargaining over marines issue: Sources - IBNLive
Seems they were operating out of RAF Lossiemouth. Unless you've really long legs, it's not the Baltics. Part of Sqd. 6's QRF.





Well we have intercepted so many Russian fighters/bomber/Early warning aircrafts etc these past years that its difficult picturing which one took place where. For example we also intercepted them several times(and keep doing so) from new NATO bases in the Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania,Latvia, (and even Romania recently) from Poland as i said earlier, since these small countries dont have any air defence systems nor credible fighters to patrol their sky, so Major European power like U.K, Germany, France have to support them in this endeavour, else they will be overwhelmed by Russia's aggression.
MoD scrambles fighter jets after 'multiple' Russian planes spotted in Baltic airspace | Daily Mail Online
NATO Fly Early Warning Missions Over Poland in Response to Ukraine Crisis | Inside-poland.com
UK troops heading to Baltic states following Russia's intervention in Syria - BT
German fighter jets start patrolling Baltic skies with full ammo — RT News
UK deploys four RAF fighter-jets to patrol Baltics airspace | Politics | The Guardian

Thinking about it, its been only the U.K and Germany who have been providing mainly help to small defenceless Baltic states against Russian aggression, What has France been doing @Gabriel92 ? :o: except there is something im not aware of?
Well we have intercepted so many Russian fighters/bomber/Early warning aircrafts etc these past years that its difficult picturing which one took place where. For example we also intercepted them several times(and keep doing so) from new NATO bases in the Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania,Latvia, (and even Romania recently) from Poland as i said earlier, since these small countries dont have any air defence systems nor credible fighters to patrol their sky, so Major European power like U.K, Germany, France have to support them in this endeavour, else they will be overwhelmed by Russia's aggression.
MoD scrambles fighter jets after 'multiple' Russian planes spotted in Baltic airspace | Daily Mail Online
NATO Fly Early Warning Missions Over Poland in Response to Ukraine Crisis | Inside-poland.com
UK troops heading to Baltic states following Russia's intervention in Syria - BT
German fighter jets start patrolling Baltic skies with full ammo — RT News
UK deploys four RAF fighter-jets to patrol Baltics airspace | Politics | The Guardian

Thinking about it, its been only the U.K and Germany that have ben mainly involved in helping Baltic states against Russian aggression, What has France been doing @Gabriel92 ? :o:

We participe sometimes in the protection of the airspace of the baltic states. Our troops are very busy at home and overseas,so our contribution is verry little,we may send some troops during exercices,but we look at other things. :D
Eastern Europe isn't seen as a priority.
We participe sometimes in the protection of the airspace of the baltic states. Our troops are very busy at home and overseas,so our contribution is verry little,we may send some troops during exercices,but we look at other things. :D
Eastern Europe isn't seen as a priority.

Hmmmm.............l'exception Francaise yet again i suppose? :whistle: lol

Well, tha's not really European spirit, we should protect our Europen brethrens first. Afterall, we also have even more troops deployed around the globe than France, but that doesn't stops us from sending more troops/fighters to help our baltic states brothers against the Russian bear bully. seems France has other interests? :azn: :P
nice to see the you changed your avatar.
this happens all of the time.

Why you keep teasing my French brother about that? Not good at all.:D

Britain's RAF 6 Squadron Eurofighter Typhoons on Exercise Bersama Lima 11 in Malaysia

Royal airforce Typhoons

A Saudi Typhoon over Malta

File:Royal Air Force Typhoon F2 jet fighter is silhouetted against the sky as it

A Royal Air force Typhoon taking off.

sky is the limit.

London 2012 Olympics: RAF launch nine-day Exercise Olympic Guardian security test with Typhoon jets

A female RAF pilot has become the first woman to fly a Typhoon fighter jet on a combat mission after taking part in enforcing the no-fly-zone in place over Libya.

Well done girl.:kiss3:

The most powerful and reliable swing-role fighter

Powering off.

Typhoon showing its versatility.

Suzi Perry in Typhoon simulator

Multi swing role aircraft.

Eurofighter Typhoon joins the New Danish Combat Aircraft Competition targeted at safeguarding Denmark's national air defence.
BAE Systems wins £100m stg radar contract extension for Typhoon
Press Release| Oct 10, 2015

BAE Systems has been awarded a contract extension worth £100m by Eurofighter GmbH to support Typhoon’s® Radar and Defensive Aids Sub System (RDSS), which forms the backbone of Typhoon’s advanced situational awareness and target identification capability.

The contract, which runs to July 2016, will be discharged by BAE Systems’ Military Air and Information with support from Finmeccanica - Selex ES (UK), as lead contractor for Euroradar and EuroDASS.

Captor E-Scan radar system installed aboard BAE's IPA5 development aircraft (Photo: BAE Systems)

The RDSS Support Service provides an on-base RDSS equipment repair capability for the Typhoon fleets of the air forces of the UK, Germany and Spain. It also includes a Design Authority Support element, which provides engineering support and identification of improvements to enhance the reliability and availability of equipment for customers in the UK, Spain, Germany and Italy.

BAE Systems apprentice Joanna Potter at work in the Typhoon final assembly facility at BAE Systems........:smitten:

Jeff Cheetham, BAE Systems Support Delivery Director for Typhoon,said: “The Radar and Defensive Aids Sub Systems are both critical to the Typhoon’s operational effectiveness and maintaining them is a key requirement for customers. Delivering on this contract is vital to the ability of the aircraft to carry out its mission, now and in the future.”
The Captor M-Scan Radar allows the pilot to track long and short range air-to-air and air-to-surface targets in a number of modes, including fixed, moving and multiple target tracking. Meanwhile, Typhoon’s Defensive Aids Sub System detects and responds to outside threats to protect the aircraft. This includes Electronic Counter Measures pods, missile warners and a chaff and flare dispenser.

BAE Systems - Eurofighter Typhoon Captor E-Scan AESA Radar Simulation

Andrew Cowdery, Chairman of Euroradar and EuroDASS, said: “The RDSS Support Service has delivered major benefits for our customers over the period of operations and has achieved year on year cost savings as part of a continuous improvement methodology built into the contract. We are proud to have been involved with the RDSS Support Service and look forward to the extension.”

BAE workers Typhoon export prospects snapshot

Alongside BAE Systems and Selex ES, work is also being discharged by consortium partners Indra (Spain), Airbus Defence Electronics (Germany), Elettronica (Italy) and Selex ES (Italy).

The contract extension was signed by the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA), on behalf of the four Eurofighter partner nations, and Eurofighter GmbH, on behalf of the industrial partners.
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